
Fake love

" Where?" Yu Lingyun asked as he looked at his friend and boss, a bad premonition rising in his heart, as he followed his gaze to where Zhai Tianyu was pointing. This...This was this not just next to him? Was it not? 

" Here, right next to you——" Zhai Tianyu did not even get a chance to finish what he was saying when he saw Yu Lingyun jump in the air so hard that he sent the chair behind him flying, seeing him jump like this surprised both Zhai Tianyu and Zhai Heng, both of them looked at Yu Lingyun who was looking at the spot next to him with a terrified expression. 

They were not the only ones who were startled even Zhai Chenguang who has been standing next to Yu Lingyun was also startled, she jumped in the air as well and let out an ' EEP', before cupping her face as she looked at Yu Lingyun, her expression matching Yu Lingyun. She despite being a ghost was just as scared as Yu Lingyun! 

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