
chapter 29

Safia tour the royal guest through the kingdoms hall of art, where master art collections and sculptures reside, then to the heroes hall, where all the fallen heroes great achievements are kept, along with a brief history of their sacrifices, then to the mine, where all the precious stones are mined, then to the fabric fusions, where quality fabrics are made and also held the best designers to make the best of the fabrics.

 Then to the farming center, where great quality products are being produced, and then to the barter, where all these precious stones, art, food products, fabrics and clothes, are being distributed (traded) to the other kingdoms.

 She took them to many other important places like the royal forgery, the infirmary and many more, the only place they didn't visit is the military center, where all the weapons and war craft are kept. King Travis wasn't just going to reveal his kingdom's level of defense and offense to his frenemies.⊂( ̄(エ) ̄)⊃

And finally they pass through the green house, where the beautiful flowers are being taken care of for trade, they've wandered all over the kingdom for the whole day, and everywhere they go the people welcome them with open arms and appreciations along with many delicious delicacies, while they respond with gratitude and equal enthusiasm.

And now, as the sun was getting ready to set, they rest in a small flower vendor in the kingdom's bezaar, also known as the people's market, its at the center of the kingdom, shops and vendors all owned by the citizens of black moon.

The young royals were all excitedly discussing among themselves, except for one jealous prince.

 *ugh! Why are these bugs disturbing me, shoo shoo* prince habib complained, smiling safia reply *oh these are not bugs my prince they're butterflies, and it seems like they like you* prince Habib whine * whatever just make them go away* with a little giggle safia reply *I can't my prince, this is their home* she gestures with her hands, the flower vendor.

 Prince Habib demands * well then let's go* and this time susan reply to him *why should we?, this place is nice and our tea hasn't arrived yet, I want to taste blackmoons tea* with an annoyed hump, prince habib turned his head away from them, facing the other side.

Safia knew if prince habib complain to her father, then she'll surely be in trouble again, so standing up, safia spoke to the still angry prince habib * my prince, I know a place where I'm sure you'll like, and it doesn't have butterflies no..erm..bugs, as you call them* intrigued he ask * really? And where is that?* safia answer * please, follow me I'll take you there* He stood to follow her as she excuses them.

 Turning a corner safia lead the prince into a place called lilly willy, its a small cozy looking place, with beads for curtains, soft music and soft laughter echoing, white fragrant smoke circling the floor one can not spot their feet, and big cushions neatly place on specific places.

 Safia lead him into a colorfully lit room where a woman sat on a huge comfy couch, she wore a big dress that has different colors on it, bead earrings and necklaces, several bangles and rings adorn her hands, and her white hair tied into one lose french braid.

 Upon seeing safia walks in, she quickly stood and cutesy *welcome to lilly willy my princess  its a good surprise to see you * safia cutesty and answer * thank you miss Lilly, I want you to meet prince Habib, he is quiet bored today, so I'm going to leave him here with you, please, entertain him*

 With a smile miss lilly spoke *no worries my princess, please, have a sit your highness, my girls will take very good care of you* she lead him to sit on the couch as he spoke * nice idea princess safia, we have this kind of place in fango too, but since you work so hard I'll be kind enough and stay for a bit, you can go have your tea now, don't wait for me, I know my way back to the palace* 

 safia smiles and reply * of course my prince, I shall leave you to it, and miss Lilly, the palace will cover everything after* * thank you my princess, you are ever so kind, but this one is on the house, a treat for the royal guest* safia nods *as you wish, my greatest appreciation* with a final cutesy safia head out towards the exit.


     when safia went back to the others, the tea has already arrived, and Susan was doing a good job keeping Safia's tea worm, that's because prince Adi is the one holding it, safia took the tea and thank him as she sat beside him, he whispers to her * may I talk to you.. in private*  she nodded and then they stood and went a little further, away from the flower vendor where everyone was chatting and drinking their tea.

    Adi spoke * I um.. need to tell you something* safia replied * sure go on, I'm listening* Adi took a deep breath and continue * ...I really really don't want you to chose me as your fiance, " safia was about to say something but he continues" its not like I don't like you or anything, no you're actually amazing and i feel in fact very comfortable around you, but I like you as a sister, and I'm really not ready to get married now...* He said all that with his eyes closed.

    safia just smiles and replied * oh adi, you can open your eyes now, I actually did thought about choosing you but I was not going to, for some reason of mine, and hearing you say that just confirms my decision not to chose you, so please, you can relax now, we're good* 

    he took another deep breath and smiles in relief, he said * thank you so much* safia nods and ask * Why'd you think I'll choose you anyway, was I that obvious?* Adi replied * well its ..you.. smile at me a lot and ..treat me different from the other princes...so I just ...thought maybe..* 

 Safia kindly cuts him off seeing how red his face has turn, * its okay Adi, no worries here,* he smiles again, relieved,  she added * you should go finish your tea before it gets cold* he nodded and left to do that.

Left alone, safia let out a sigh and whispers * and there goes my little plan* safia did think about choosing prince adidaya as her temporary fiance, but when she thought more about it, she came down to two theories why its probably not a good idea.

1.if he agrees, its more likely he'll get too nervous and fail to break the engagement in the king's presence.

2.if he agrees, what if he refuses to break the engagement because he likes her.

But its most likely going to be theory one, considering his adorable nervous character, and witnessing what he just said and how he said it confirms theory 1.

 * hey what's wrong, are you alright? You seem worried* susan's concern voice taped safia out of her thoughts * sorry...no its nothing, I'm fine* she replied, susan smiles and spoke *I get it, you don't want to tell anyone but i've already figured it out*

Now worried, safia ask *figured what out susan?* susan whispers *that you don't want to get married* quickly safia shushes her by placing her palm over her mouth, but then hastily removed it and apologize for doing so

Susan reply *its okay safia, I'm a princess too so i understand your situation, and to be honest, you were pretty obvious * safia sighs and decided to share *I guess I was, and you are right, I don't want to marry but its not like I have any other choice, susan I'm ...stuck*

Reaching out susan held safia's hands and whispers *if I was you, I'd look for the weakest  among the princes, marry him and make him my puppet, or I'll chose a princess instead* safia whispers back * I did think about choosing the weak prince and making him my puppet, but it'd be too unfair to him, and to choose a girl? I can't do that*

 With a little shrug, susan simply reply * and why can't you do that, I say its a good plan, find a princess, tell your father if not her then its no one, and if he refuses, threaten to go public and announce to everyone that you're bend (gay), then he'll have no other choice but to listen*

Chuckling safia spoke * if I was any other princess, then this plan would work no problem, but its my father we're talking about here, trust me he will shut me up one way or the other* susan nod and spoke *well then, if you need anything, anything at all, just let me know, princess need to look out for each other*

Safia spoke * thank you susan...but this gets me wondering, what is your situation that aid you to understand my situation?* with a short soft laugh susan reply *it is as big as yours alright, just like you want to change a certain rule its same as me, for me ruling is not a problem, girls are allowed to lead in talan, but its one dumb rule that not just talan, but all the other kingdoms have*

 Safia let out *a dumb rule huh, honestly if you ask me, almost half of royal rules are dumb, but which do you wish to change?* susan reply * that a princess must marry a prince only, I just don't get it, a prince can marry whoever he wants and however he wants, but princess can't, now if we don't call this dumb what should we*


    safia replied * we can only change it, or try to at least, oh and let me guess, you only want to change this rule because...you're in love with a forger and not a prince* 

Shocked susan stammer * what..how...you* laughing, safia spoke * oh susan, its pretty obvious, you are a straightforward princess who hates formal stuff, you love the blades, you don't want to marry a prince and wish to change the rule that said so, so of course its only right you fell for a forger, isn't that right*

 Completely amazed susan spoke * wow safi a, that was impressive, you're right on point....his father is the royal forger, he's the one who forged literally every single weapon a royal talan has ever used, he's been there for generations, now that's he's retiring, his son will take up his place, he's my...you know...he's names quinn.

 You've easily figured out my secret that not even Alex knows, I'm sure you'll find the solution for your dilemma soon* safia spoke * I hope so, I wish you and quinn all the best, and if you need anything, I'm here for you*

Susan smiles, then noticing a weapon vender she points * look there, come let's go* seeing them the vendors owner drop the dagger he was polishing and bowed in greeting to the two princess, they reply with a cutesy, then susan picked the dagger and tested

*hmm weight is okay* she stabs the dagger a few times in the air * agile and seems strong...* and like that, she started testing the dagger in style, noticing the princess cool moves people started gathering to watch.


 A wagon filled with wood pull to a stop at a wood sellers shop, from under the wagon two kids slide down and quietly crawl away till they hid behind a fountain, crunching down jasper whispers * finally we've made it, let's quickly find the princess now....cas?* not getting a reply, jasper turned and saw casteel completely lost.

he unblinkingly stared at a young girl that stood next to a flower vendor distributing flower crowns to small small girls. Jasper slapped cas on the shoulder, snapping him back to reality, he whispers * what are you doing? You know we can't stay here for long * cas answers in a whisper * yes i know but look, she's the one, the one in my dreams*

He points at the girl he was staring at, she looks around their age, dressed in a green dress that has white stripes, black hair in two messy braids tied with pink flower ribbons, she has a bit of a round face, brown doll like eyes ( round and beautiful) pink little lips and chubby cheeks.

Before jasper could say anything cas has already dragged him out from behind the fountain and into the line among the small small girls collecting the flower crowns,

 Handing the last flower crown to a small girl, she looked towards them with a criticizing gaze and ask * and what are you doing here?* casa quickly reply * we want flower crowns too* she reply, still looking at them suspiciously * its only for small girls, no boys allowed here* crunching down cas spoke in a tiny voice * I'm a little girl too, see *

Giggling she reply * well you're a funny one, anyway...since you're here I'll give you flower crowns but only if you help me with something* standing up straight cas agreed * yes of course anything*

 *you'll help me pick out more royal flowers to make more flower crowns* she state, cas looks at the direction of the castle, she shook her head * not at the palace, but at the local garden just around the corner* Then she hands them each a small basket and asks to follow her.

 Jasper whispers to cas * no cas we can't, its too dangerous..* cas assures him * relax jasper no one will notice anything, we're just going to pick out flowers, come on* rounding the corner they entered the local garden.

 Beautiful flowers of all color blooms, in rows and columns the flowers grew beautiful and fragrant, crunching near yellow flowers she starts picking them out and gesture for the boys to do the same, but soon she yell for them to stop *no no no what are you doing, you're ruining the flowers, you need to plunk them out carefully like this, here let me show you*

 As she starts to demonstrate she spoke * I'm Vivian by the way, what are your names?* cas reply * I'm cas and that's jasper* she added * you're not from around here?* cas stammers * uhhh we..yeah we..* Vivian cuts * Are you with the royal guest? Who did you came with among them?*  before cas can think of what to say she added * Are you here with prince Alexander and princess susana?* 

 Not knowing what to say, casteel nods, and Vivian started *oh my, then you must be good with the blades, you know cas, I've always wanted to learn how to use the blade but girls here are not allowed to, but do you want to know a secret...my sister is a maid at the palace and she told me she saw the princess practicing with a sword, even a bow with real arrows, but of course she's allowed to break the rules she's the princess after all, and she also need to learn how to defend herself since she's the princess.

 Oh i just wish I can do the same, it would be so amazing to hold a sword, swords are my favorite, my father is a forger so trust me, I see a lot of impressive weapons,but I'm not allowed to even help at the forgery, only my brother is and I am much older than him, me and my sister are only allowed to help our mom at the flower vendor, anyway...what weapon do you use?*

  All this time as vivian was talking, cas was busy staring at her beautiful face, mesmerizing it, leaving jasper to pick out the flowers, when she asked him the question, it took him a few seconds to realize she wants an answer this time, he let out * er..a sword*     


    Vivian squeals in excitement, and ask * oh my gosh, can I see it? Can I hold it? oh please teach me how to use a sword? pleesssse* cas stammers * um I ..um..left it..there ...left it* she said * oh, well thats sad, anyway, have I told you how beautiful the palace weapon room is, my sister says its absolutely magnificent..* 

And on she went talking, but suddenly a voice spoke from behind them * Hello kids, what are you doing?* they stood and face the man in a military attire, cas and jasper gulps as vivian reply * good day sir Anthony, we were just picking out more flowers to make flower crowns* nodding Anthony looked at the boys and spoke * have I seen you too before...* Vivian reply * most likely not. They came with prince Alexander and princess susana*

 Anthony knew none of the royals came with kids, who are these two then, he eyed them suspiciously when someone suddenly called him from behind, he turns to reply, taking their chance cas quickly whispers to vivian * we have to go now but we'll come back tomorrow * and they ran out of the garden just as Anthony turned back around, he cursed out and ran after them.

 Vivian sighs happily and spoke out loud * he's such a good listener, oh and so helpful with the flowers too* she picked the other basket that was almost filled with flowers, plunk out by jasper.

 Cas and jasper round the corner, Anthony hot on their tail, noticing a small crowd the two teenagers slips in, in an attempt to lose Anthony, but cas bump into someone, rising his head he let out * princess safia!!* safia answers * Yes, and who might you be little one?* jasper yelled out * cas come on!*

 Safia caught on *cas?! As in hunters' little brother?* cas ask, shocked *you know hunter?* safia reply * yes of course* cas stammers *but...how..* jasper yelled again * cas we need to go!!* noticing Anthony coming closer cas quickly spoke * sorry princess gotta go....* and he dashed away.

Quickly safia stood In Anthony's way, pretending not to know he's chasing them, * excuse me princess safia I need to pass* safia ask* Why are you chasing those kids?* in a hurry Anthony reply * I think they are thieves, I need to pass * safia defended * no they're not, they are good kids and look nothing like thieves*  Anthony sharply reply * and what do you know? Thieves don't exactly have a look princess* He side stepped her and ran after the direction he last saw them.

Safia whispers * I'm sure they've gone far now, you won't find them..but...cas?..* 

*princess safia?* someone called from behind, turning safia sees prince liam, he continue *I'd like to speak to you?* lips in a thin line safia wanted to refuse him, but for the sake of not getting in trouble with her father she nods her head.

Liam started * I'm aware you're not exactly fond of me, but what I'm about to say will surely change your opinion of me to a brighter one*. 

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