
Training Session

The next morning.

Trewy was still asleep, she was even more exhausted than Nemu. So she was still lying in the tent and snorted quietly. Yes, Dryads can snore. Yesterday Nemu thought that Dryads were elegant whatever they do. But that's probably the only exception. Even if it was kind of cute and not annoying.

Today, Nemu decided to start with some training! He almost forgot about his new skills and one of them was Hydraulic Propulsion, the skill he used when Guide gave him the idea to swallow a large amount of water to try and propel himself out and onto dry land by discharging it like a water jet. Oh, and he decided to rename the skill to Water Jet, because it sounds cooler. After filling a percentage of his Absorption stom... dimensional space, Nemu ejected the water all at once, acquiring the skill and flying out of the water. So he started some experiments. At first, he tried to use it offensively, but that didn't work out well. It was a skill and not just an ability, so it always pushed his body back, the impact of the water on a target was close to nothing. After he gave up on that, he tried to move over the water. And... it was incredibly fun. He did this for a while but decided to stop before Trewy woke up. Next, he tried to propel himself into the air. And that worked really well. Almost too well as he fell pretty hard to the ground. Fortunately, he doesn't have any bones or that would have ended up really bad. But with his slime body it wasn't too dangerous. After that happened, he had an idea. He propelled himself into the air, then used the water jet in the other direction and before he hit the ground he used his Hardening skill!


The impact formed a huge crater on the shaking ground. However, the accuracy was really bad but it could work on large monsters. But there was a bad side effect. The shaking ground broke the tent that was supposed to hold back monster attacks and summoned a really angry Dryad. Well, that was today's training session.

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