

Many days have passed after the party, Alexander has been different, he no longer hurts Laura. Although he doesn't accept the fact that he is in love with the girl his actions say it all. As they say, actions speak better than words.

"Aunty where is my dad? I haven't seen him since this morning" Kimberly asked

"Your dad is busy love, he had an urgent matter to take care of but don't worry he will be back soon." Kimberly nodded her head.

Alexander has been very good to Laura lately, and his feeling for her is growing wider. He has been taking her out on dates, parties, and events, and news about that has been flying like wildfire.

Sitting inside her room on her comfy bed holding a newspaper with a firm grip was Sandra. She was fuming with rage, she thought Laura's life will be a living hell since she was with Alexander, but what she is reading in the newspaper is not what she imagined.

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