
Prison Visit

Biên tập viên: Atlas Studios

"Stop it? Not only are there many netizens watching, the Lu Family, the Mu Family, and even the Huo Family are involved," Wei Ming said in a deep voice. Then, he said firmly, "Go and turn yourself in now and confess everything."

Wei Ming spoke to the secretary beside him. "Remove Wei Yang's position in the Corporation first, lest those netizens get angry and attack Wei Yang because of Wei Chuan."

Wei Ming's concerns were quickly verified. Many netizens were furious when they found out that Wei Chuan, as the principal of two schools, had actually sent his students out for favors and to pave the way for his daughter.

There were even many people who questioned the morals of the current school educators. Even when the Education Bureau were scolded by the netizens for appointing such a principal to manage the students.

For a moment, the Internet was filled with hostility.

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