
Chapter 2 - "Welcome To The Pratt Mansion!"

"Master what's wrong?" Dusk was following Miyuki as he silently marched through the corridors to the room where Evelyn was residing in."I just need to see Evelyn." He stopped. "Wait, Dusk, I don't think I've introduced you to Princess Evelyn." He reached down and picked her up, and held her in his arms. He continued a little faster, down the hallway, when he was disrupted by Oliver, peaking from out of the room.

"Hey Miyuki, have you had a chance to see Evelyn yet? My brother Francis said that he's having progress with her. She really could wake within the week." He then signaled with one hand to come in. "Come see the princess."

Miyuki placed Dusk back onto the ground, and the two strolled into the room.

As always, she looked angelic. Miyuki quickly rushed over to see how she was doing. She was still comatose, but her breathing seemed to be prominent, as if she's truly alive. "I can't believe it. She is getting better." He embraced Francis, with a bear bug. "Thank you. She's really healing." He began to sob into Fracis' arms. "It's okay man, it's my responsibility to care for the princess. It's my greatest honor."

"I'm glad you're happy Miyuki. Seeing you beat yourself up over her is kind of depressing." Oliver tugged on his collar. "You are a hero, to everyone in Valis man. Don't tell yourself otherwise." Miyuki left his hug with Francis and went to shake Oliver's hand. "I'm truly grateful. Truly."

"Just give us the week, and she'll be awake." Oliver stared at Miyuki, a little longer than one should look at someone. "I uh, have to go talk with Avery in a bit, so I'll come back to feed her later." Miyuki turned to face Evelyn. "She's so perfect. I will tell her how I feel when she awakes. Of course not right when she wakes, cause it'll he overwhelming for her probably." Miyuki said his goodbyes and left the room.

Oliver stood there as Francis continued to heal Evelyn. "You know, Francis, it'll be a shame that we have to... get it over with. We can't continue to have such big threats in the election. Miyuki has already killed our second biggest threat, which is a good." Oliver put his right hand on his brother's left shoulder. "You won't betray me, won't you, brother?"

Francis glanced up, staring through the blonde strands of hair that were in his eyes' way. "N-No Oliver. I won't."


Miyuki was outside, in the front yard, near a sidewalk that led to the front gate. It was quite hot outside, so Miyuki wished he had wore more appropriate clothes. But Miyuki was here for a reason, he was with Avery for something 'buisness' related, according to Sakuta.

"Mr. Azagawa, Mr. Eloise had ordered me to help you learn sword-fighting techniques. He wants me to train you for your eventual fight with Mimic." Avery stood there, with a sword of their own. "First question, are you a guy or girl, like what do you want me to call you." Miyuki gripped his sword's hilt as he asked the personal question.

Her fox ears twitched for a moment. "Just refer to me however, just not by guy-like pronouns. Personally I would want to be refered to as a female. But what matters at the moment, is that you're prepared for your battle. Mimic isn't to be taken lightly, Miyuki." She then wielded her sword with both hands. "I'll keep that in mind." Miyuki stated as he wiped sweat from off his forehead. "First Miyuki, you have to grip the hilt with both hands, for you have a longsword, and the hilt is longer than usual swords." He unsheathed his sword and put his gaze upon the hilt.

"Yeah, you're right, it is really long." He held it with both hands. Now it felt more balanced. "Now, I'll go easy on you, since we're just learning, but as training goes on, I'll be a little more rough on you." She got into a readied stance, grasping the hilt tightly. "Nah, how about, for this one time, go all out. I wanna see how I am compared to someone who's basically a master like you." He then copied her stance, as he got into his own.

"Miyuki, I'm not a master, and are you sure you want me to go 'all out' on you?" She had a slight worried look on her face. "You have my permission Avery." He got ready. The two stared eachother down, slowly stepping to eachother's right. Miyuki didn't know if he should strike first, or to stay on defense. He was then abruptly put into a defensive position as Avery swiftly struck his blade. The force and strength she put into her attack, nearly knocked Miyuki to his knees. He could barely hold himself against her.

"God, holy fuck, you're strong." Miyuki was struggling. He tried to push her back, but she wouldn't budge from her position. She realized what he was trying to do, and jumped back, but quickly stepped forward with a strike upwards. He was knocked back, as he wasn't expecting an uppercut-like attack, so his guard fell.

She quickly jumped towards Miyuki with her sword. On the ground, he barely caught her with his blade. Strike after strike, she axed into his blade with her own. His arms began to give out, he was about to call for a yield, but then he started to shake. His vision started getting blurry.

"You're pathetic, peasant." Isaiah continued to taunt him. "You're too weak to do anything to help yourself, let alone Evelyn." Miyuki began hallucinate the man he hated most in the position of Avery. He started hyperventilating, sweating profusely. "I-Isaish...I thought I... killed you." Miyuki was shaking violently.

Avery lessened her strength on Miyuki as she realized something was wrong. "Are you okay? Is something wrong?" She then stopped and got off of him. Miyuki continued to shiver and sweat on the ground. He began to tear up. "Isaiah.... what do you want from me? You should be fucking dead!" He quickly lashed out, swinging his sword. Avery jumped back, as she didn't want to be harmed.

Panting and sweating, he stopped swinging, and laid there looking at Avery. "Miyuki, it's okay, I'm not him. It's okay, try to calm down. It's okay." She got down and held him. "It's okay, it's okay." Miyuki's panting lessened and became slightly relaxed. Her embrace, made him feel safe. The way she held him, made him feel loved and cared for. "I-I'm sorry I just... I'm sorry. I didn't mean to freak out. I'm sorry." Tears ran down his cheek.

"It's okay Miyuki, I am the one who should apologize. I shouldn't have used my super-strength against you. I should have known you were traumatized by, the couple fights you've had before. I sincerely apologize."

She got up and held out her hand to grab Miyuki's to help him to his feet. "Miyuki, what happened to your wrist? It seems to have been injured a while ago. What happened? Did Francis check it for you?" She asked as she brushed off his pants and put his sword back into his sheath. "Oh no, its nothing. Uh, thank you. Again I'm sorry, I didn't think I would freak out." Miyuki looked away in shame, he felt so weak in that moment.

"No need to be, it's my fault, I should have thought about how you would react." She brushed dirt from off his shoulders. "Though Avery, you're incredible. Truly. I'm kinda jealous." He said as she looked him down, checking for any more dirtied spots. "You can become as good as me, with enough training. Maybe you could be better." She smirked at him and put her hand on his left shoulder.

He held his hand on her's, sighing with relief. "Thank you for calming me down." He smiled back at her. "No, it's okay, no need to thank me. Do you want to continue training for today or try again tomorrow?"

He looked into her eyes. He was slightly reluctant at first, but he came to a decision. "No it's okay, I'm ready for more training. I think at least I am."


Miyuki scooped some of the mashed potatoes onto his fork. He carefully placed it into Evelyn's mouth, and he helped her chew. While helping, he realized, she was the one chewing. He really is healing. He began to tear up. "Evelyn. I miss you. I can't wait to hear your voice again."


Miyuki lied on his bed. "Master? Did something happen today?" Dusk rubbed herself on him, and he petted her back. "I was training with Avery earlier, which she identifies as anything you wanna call her, or him. Besides that, at first while training, I freaked out and had some panic attack like-thing. She assumes it's because I might be traumatized from fighting... you know who."

"Isaiah?" Dusk asked worryingly. "Yes, please don't say his name, I just, don't like hearing it." He teared up. "Evelyn, please get well." He whispered to himself. Dusk, silently purring, crawled onto him and curled up into a ball.

He gave her one last pet and he relaxed himself in the bed.

"Goodnight Dusk."

"Goodnight, Master."

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