
79- Ultimate Move (2)

I did it! I made a pat-reon. pat-reon.com/Kerolos_Hanna. or just look up Kerolos_Hanna. We are at chapter 95 on Pat-reon, so go on and read a head.


All 20 students moved to the training facility, where they used the changing room to put on their gym uniform.

Once they were all dressed, they moved to the main part of the facility, the training area. It's a massive room 200 hundred meter in length and 150 meter in width.

As the students made their way to the massive training area, they saw Ectoplasm, Midnight, and Mr. Aizawa there.

A moment later Cementoss came into the room.

"So what kind of terrain do you want me to make?" - Cementoss

"I think columns would be best. We will split them and send Ectoplasm's clones to help each one of them individually" - Ms. Midnight

"Alright" - Cementoss nodded before he walked to the center of the room. He placed his hands on the ground and the ground started moving like it was water. All of the sudden the ground shot up in the air forming 80 different columns, all of them with varying sizes. Some big enough for multiple people to stand on, while others are small that it would only fit one person's foot on it.

"Alright, I will be at training facility 4, Class 1B needs me to set their terrain. I will circle back around at some point, but if you need me you can go there, if I'm not with them then I will be at the teachers lounge" - Cementoss

The three other teachers nodded. They watched as Cementoss made his way out of the facility, they turned to the students.

"Listen up. Pick a column for you to train on. Once everyone is in place a clone of Ectoplasm will come to assist you. Midnight and myself will be here in case you have any questions or need a third opinion. Also, Aska, and Todoroki don't go just yet" - Mr. Aizawa

""Right"" All the students said in unison before they moved on and picked columns to train on.

All the students had dispersed, except for Aska and Todoroki.

"The two of you have the widest reach with your abilities. I don't want you to shoot fire, ice, or lightning indiscriminately. Be careful with your abilities. Last thing I want is to write an accident report" - Mr. Aizawa


"I understand"

Aska and Todoroki answered before they turned around and left to find somewhere to train.

Aska picked the column furthest away from the rest.

'I'm sure that the provisional license exam is coming up. I can't put too much power into my attacks. So far I have fought with villains. I have many ways to pass this test. My power is so far above the rest that any of my casual move can end a regular human. I think I should focus on advancing my observation haki. I need a partner...NO! I need many partners'

Aska looked at his classmates, he can see the concentration on their faces. Each and every one of them was thinking hard about how to bring out the most of their quirks.

'No, almost none of them can attack me at a fast pace. They don't pose a threat to me, there is no way they will aid me in advancing my observation'

Just as Aska had finished his thought, Ectoplasm had landed next to him.

"Sorry Mr. Ectoplasm. I want to talk with the principal about something" - Aska

"Is something the matter?" - Ectoplasm

"I just want to train in a special way. I want to discuss it with principal Nezu" - Aska

"I can't give you permission since I'm not your homeroom teacher. You have to as Aizawa for that" - Ectoplasm

Aska nodded before he jumped down and went to the front of the facility, where Aizawa was.

"Mr. Aizawa can I please go to the principal's office? I want to have a special type of training, so I wanted to see if he can help me with that" - Aska

Aizawa looked at Aska for a moment. He knew that there is no way that Aska will be able to develop anything in this cramped space. He still remembers how he flattened a mountain not too long ago. Not to mention his performance in the sports festival. Aska's attacks are big, powerful, fast and accurate. Unlike Bakugo, Aska has self control and calmness of mind, and unlike Todoroki, Aska has no mental trauma that's holding his performance back. Aska was the only student Aizawa was not worried about failing the license exam.

"You can go" - Mr. Aizawa said

Aska left the training facility with a hall pass from Mr. Aizawa. Aska made his way back to the main building and then went to the top floor. After walking past some other offices, Aska had made his way to the principal's office

*Knock Knock*

"Come in" - Aska heard from behind the door

Aska opened the door and walked in. He saw a big office. There was a desk in one side of the office, there was a massive TV on the opposite wall from the desk. In the other side of the office there were two couches with a table in the middle. Principal Nezu was sitting on one of those couches.

"Aska, what brings you here? You should be at class right now" - Nezu

Aska didn't answer, he just lifted his hand up and waved the hall pass that he had in his hand.

"Aizawa let you skip class? It must be something important. Have a seat" - Nezu pointed at the other couch

Aska walked and sat down.

"So what do you need me for?" - Nezu

"My class is working on our ultimate move. I don't want to train any fancy moves, I want to train something else" - Aska

"Oh? What would you like to train?" - Aska

"If you have a projectile dodging training room, or even an obstacle course. Some thing difficult" - Aska

"You want to train your reaction speed? I can arrange something for you" - Nezu


*Undisclosed Location*

"We just got a response back from our spy master" - Dr. Garaki

"What did they say?" - AFO

"They said that they are focusing on making their ultimate move, whatever that means, so they will be training on campus from now on. The issue is the boy had started training in a different room than the rest." - Dr. Garaki

"Nezu, he might have already figured out what our plan is…No, it could just be a coincidence. What to do I wonder" - AFO tapped the table with his finger

"In that case let's attack him off campus" - Dr. Garaki

"That might be a trap. All Might is too good to use his students as bait, but the government are not that naïve. I threaten their high and mighty positions, so they will do anything, even using a student as bait, to get rid of me. I can ignore all of that and send someone to attack him anyway, but even then, the chances of success are zero. There are very few people on the planet who can injure that boy. I had counted on the spy sneakily injuring him" - AFO

"So what should we do master" - Dr. Garaki

"Hurting that boy will be a little tricky. When is the next time when he will be far from the school" - AFO

"According to past years. There is one time when the students might be far from school. The year-end exam for students is a practical one. There is a chance that this year they will send the students to an island or a remote city to work as heroes. After two weeks, the school would survey the residents of the area and grade the students based on that." - Dr. Garaki

"I see. It's a bit further than what I would like, but its still fine. Tell the spy to take a chance if he gets one, if not we will send someone to get that blood sample during their finals" - AFO

(A/N: I want to explain something real quick. I looked up the Two Heroes Rising movie timeline. Apparently it's somewhere between the Midterm Exams and the Forest Training Camp arcs. That made no sense to me. Why would you send students to work as heroes with almost no supervision before they at least get their Provisional Hero Licenses. So I decided to move that arc to be the final exam arc.)


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