
A Day With New Friends 1/2

"I get that a lot, it's fine. Just please don't make a habit of it. That would be weird." Senji joked

"Oh ok. I'll stop" Itama nodded, and Senji returned one with a small smile. The group then descended into a comfortable silence for a few seconds. But as if the silence was killing her, Azama spoke up.

"I'm hungry! Let's go get something to eat!" without waiting for the other's opinions, she jumped up on the nearest tree branch and made her way out of the hidden area.

"Azy wait up!" Kazama called out as she chased after her.

"Catch me if you can!" Azama provoked before speeding up, leaving the previous tree branch she was on broken. She quickly disappeared into the trees, leaving only the thud of the falling branch in her wake.

"Haaah, I guess we should follow her." Atama sighed before taking off after his sister.

"Last one to the market has to pay." Aitomi called before leaving

"I refuse!" Otomi screamed with a serious face before taking off faster than his brother.

"Let's go Tatama. Aitomi is paying today." Senji joked before standing in front of the girl and bending down. The girl nodded before climbing on his back.

"Go!" she told once she was secure on his back.

Not wasting any time, Senji took off, leaving only a gust of wind in his wake.

'What the hell just happened?' Itama asked himself. He couldn't understand how the group had gone from introduction to racing to get something to eat in a matter of seconds. But Itama pulled himself from his thought as he remembered there was still one person left.

"Huh, I guess it's just me and you Ona…ma?" Itama trailed off when he looked to his side and didn't see the silent boy at all. He looked around, but still didn't see a trace of him. "Well, I guess it's just me, huh."

"Well, I don't have money to pay." he shrugged, "I guess I better win." he quickly made the hare seal and vanished from his place in the hidden training ground.


Unlike the others, Itama did not choose to jump through the trees, instead opting for the ground. He also decided to not go on the main path to the market. He followed the forest ground the whole way until he came up to the entrance of the Market. Itama chose to go this way because he didn't yet feel comfortable showing his speed release in public yet. So like a good Shinobi, he chose to hide within the trees. That way nobody would see him, and even those that did wouldn't think it was him.

Itama zoomed through the trees, dodging and jumping over any obstacles in his way. This was the first time he had used his Speed Release in the open like this, and he just now realized that even while moving at incredible speeds, his mind was able to easily keep up with everything he was doing. He felt that he was in more control in this form than even when he is walking. There was no obstacle that he couldn't easily dodge, no trees that he didn't see coming from a few feet away.

If a path happened to be cut off or blocked, it took him no effort to change directions and avoid it. Even the few times he did need to jump over something, he felt that the height he reached was much higher than he could before.

On the very first jump that he took, Itama felt that he was too high to safely land. He quickly looked around for a branch to fall on, but he didn't notice anything. The closest tree was around six feet away from him. Not wanting to break a leg from the fall, Itama's mind went back to a common mechanic in video games from his old world. He didn't have much time to debate over if it would work or not, so he just tried to do it.

With a bit of effort, Itama aimed himself at the closest tree and pushed his legs like he was jumping toward it. Not expecting anything to happen, Itama was quite surprised when he found himself heading directly for the tree. He quickly repositioned himself in the air and safely landed on the tree. Itama laughed to himself at the discovery of the new ability before quickly climbing down the tree.

Over the next few jumps, Itama made sure to control the power he used, to not have another scare like before. After the first incident, Itama didn't have any more problems and quickly made his way to the Market Entrance.


Itama deactivated his speed release before walking out of the woods and waiting near the entrance. He expected to be either the second or third person to arrive since he had gotten sidetracked, but he was surprised to see that no one was there. He waited a few seconds until he heard some shouting coming from the road connecting to the training ground in the distance.

When he looked over, he could see the others turning the corner of the road leading to the training ground, getting on the main road, and running in his direction as fast as they could. Azama is still in the lead, but he noticed that Senji and Tatama had somehow caught up and are only a few steps behind. The others are only a few steps behind Senji.

'I knew I was going fast, but I didn't think it was this fast' Itama thought to himself while he watches the group run. 'I think my speed has increased. I should probably ask Sensei if we can do some tests tomorrow. I need to know just how fast I'm going at full speed.' Itama made plans in his mind as the others closed in on him.

He could see the shock appearing in Azama and the other's eyes as they saw him. Itama waved at the others with a nonchalant smile.

"It took you guys a while" Itama joked as the others stopped in front of him.

"How!" Azama grabbed his shoulders and shook him.

Itama was shaken back and forth like a rag doll a few times before Atama finally stepped up.

"Idiot, he won't be able to tell you how if you keep shaking him like that." He reprimanded his older sister.

"Oh, sorry" realizing her mistake, she let go of him and took a step back.

"Now, How did you beat all of us here? I didn't even see you pass me." she immediately asked after Itama readjusted.

The others gathered around wanting to hear his method. But they were bound to be disappointed.

"I'm just fast" Itama shrugged. The group looked skeptical, but before they could ask any more questions, Itama redirected their attention,

"Aitomi was last, so he has to pay! I was first, so I get to choose!" Itama pointed out before racing into the market and looking for a place to eat.

"Dammit, I thought nobody would notice." Aitomi complained

"You put your foot in your mouth again, Aitomi" Totama said, causing all the others to nod their head. Even though some of them weren't there to hear the bet, they all had a good idea about what happened. It was a common occurrence to them.

"Sucks to be you Aitomi, I hope you brought a lot of money. I'm starving." Azama rubbed her stomach and giggled before running after Itama "Itama wait up!"

The other looked at him with pity before running too. Only Otomi stayed. He and Aitomi hugged each other as tears ran down their face. They were given a combination allowance from their grandparents. So the money Aitomi was going to lose is coming out of both their pockets.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Sloth_Incarnatecreators' thoughts
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