
Chapter 144 - Sacrifices

No one said anything, but I could clearly see their shock and fear looking at me. While most of those looks came from the grounders, even Octavia and Bellamy looked at me as if I was someone else, a stranger to them, and to be honest, as of lately I found myself wilder when fighting against multiple foes. However unlike how I thought she would react, Gaia walked forward, stopping just a meter away from me, despite her mother's insistence to stay behind, the flamekeeper glanced at the bodies for a second before she looked me dead in the eyes.

"I should have known that some people wouldn't accept the result whatever that would be, and would try to get the bunker for themselves before we could reach it. As the only flamekeeper, I want to thank you for what you have done Leon of the Skykru. Not only did you risk your life for us, but you also stood here waiting for us to reach the bunker, not letting anyone other than the winner take the prize."

Every single grounder that followed Gaia here looked at her then at me, still shaken, but this time thought these people seemed more welcome of the idea that I did what I have done to save them. Then again they weren't wrong, since I came here to keep Jaha alive as well as be sure that Clarke's dream of saving the grounders can accomplish otherwise, all of the sacrifices we had done would all be in vain.

"While you aren't completely wrong, I didn't kill those poor souls for the good of the clans."

My words earned me a few shocked looks before the murmuring started. Nevertheless, I choose to continue rather than letting those grounders create some strange reasons as to why I attacked the thieves.

"I did it because one of my people was inside, but I won't deny that I came here to keep the bunker safe for whoever wins the enclave."

Just as Gaia was about to speak, one of the clan leaders yells at me, surprising me, after all this was the last thing I expected to happen, especially after they saw the result of me fighting with a sword and a shotgun.

"Your champion won the enclave! And now your being here is just a pretext to keep us away from the sanctuary! "

"Do you think we would step so low to deprive your people of surviving the death wave when we already have a place to hide from it? If it were for me, I wouldn't have ever been here in the first place, yet I don't regret sacrificing everything I could to give you people a chance. We might have been enemies countless of times in the past, but let's be fair, when hadn't the clans fought amongst themselves? Besides I'm more than sure that now that Octavia had won this stupid fight, she would have the clans share the bunker, ensuring that every single clan has a chance of starting anew once the death wave passes."

Once again the crowd stared in disbelief at me and for the first time since she walked into the room at Octavia. Seeing that the grounders were looking at her, she decided that this was the time to speak her mind and tell them her plan.

"As Leon just said, Skykru has no need for this bunker and because of that we want to save as many grounders as we can. Sadly, while the bunker is big enough to hold 1200 people, everyone would be able to survive the Praimfaya. "

"Does that mean that only a hundred of each clan would get a chance to survive?"

"Unfortunately that's the only number we can be sure that the clans could survive for five years inside the bunker."

"Five years?"

Not knowing what to say, Octavia turns towards me for a second, but as soon as she saw me signaling her to look at Clarke, Octavia let our princess explain why the grounders would have to hide underground for so many years.

"The radiation would be deadly for the first five years and because of that, we would have to stay underground for those years, both inside this bunker as well as our bunker. While I know that many of you are scared that you will not survive, Skykru would send a group of fifty people down here as well in exchange for fifty people from the clans. Our people would be responsible for training your people and maintaining the facilities inside the bunker so that everyone would survive. "

"What about those fifty people, who will choose them?"

"You all will choose who will come with us today. The death wave is coming and is coming fast. We don't have any time to waste, and because of that our people are already in the city and would get down in the bunker as soon as we clear the room. Skykru also prepared enough rations made of meat to last you for a year. Despite the enormous amount of rations that we sent here, we will do anything to make sure that the clans survive alongside us because we are the last humans."

The grounders didn't waste any more time and as soon as Clarke ended her speech, they all left, going over to their clans to pick the ones that would be sent to the bunkers. Meanwhile, Gaia, Octavia, Clarke, Bellamy, and Kane remained with me in the room. Gaia and Octavia spoke with Clarke and Kane for a few minutes before the duo alongside Kane left, seemingly in a hurry for some reason unknown to me.

"So this is it huh?"

"Yeah, Kane will leave for Mount Weather once the grounders pick the fifty that would follow him while Octavia, Jaha, and the forty-eight volunteers would remain here to help with the second dawn bunker."

"How come you are all right with this decision Bellamy?"

"I'm not, but at the same time, I can't do anything about this whole thing. I can't force O to abandon these people after she became their savior and I can't stay behind to help her either."

"What about us, Clarke? Where are we going?"

"We are going after our friends on the island. I won't leave Murphy, Emori, and Raven behind. I know that I kept you from going after her and even force you to abandon your chance of seeing her, but now I'm here to apologize to you and even risk my life to get you there."

"Damn, princess, who are you and what have you done to our friend?"

Clarke and Bellamy smiled at me before, her expression turned grim.

"I forgot to mention this earlier, but Octavia wasn't the only survivor."

This wasn't the result I was expecting, but at the same time, it wasn't the worst scenario either.

"So who's the lucky survivor?"

"Roan. He's badly wounded and might not make it to Mount Weather, but I promise to save him right b before he passed out and I'm going to have Kane force my mom to save him if needs be."

"Then what are we waiting for? Let's get moving, of course, if Bellamy talking with Octavia for the last time."

"O and I talked as soon as she left the arena, besides, don't we have radios? We can always talk between ourselves using the satellites."

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Special thanks to my Tier 4 patrons :

Fallout Armagedon

And to my Tier 6 patrons :

Aaron H

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