
Chapter 90: When The Bow Breaks

 The Quinn Residence, The Backwoods, Temperance, South Dakota...

 Layla Quinn had been numb from the moment her father told her he had not been her real father and left her in tears pondering why he'd said such a thing, she'd been silent ever since the boys and Chauncy took off for town, and Brick elected to stay behind and see to her welfare in case Jarrett came back, Layla knew all too well that he wouldn't but Brick didn't need anyone else knowing about their relationship, not when it had all become so much more complicated than her just being young and him reckless. The silence had been heavy as she moved rather aimlessly straightening up the house as she often did needing to do something anything aside from cry about the strange turn of events that led to her true identity being revealed and by Brick no less. She'd been known as Layla Quinn for so long, Jarrett had been the only father she had and now he had up and left her. 

She supposed everyone would have attributed her lingering affection for the man who had done such a cruel disservice to her and her real parents but she knew no other way to feel, he'd been her world ever since that night he'd taken her from the carnival and even more so after it had only been the two of them and the dog living in the very same house she now stood unable to fathom the time spent in with a now known stranger. 

Brick had been silently mulling over what transpired and the revelation that the missing girl he'd been searching for all those months had been his Layla all along. The shocking aspect of it all seemed to still linger as he took a moment to toss his biker cut into a nearby chair as Layla went about cleaning the place seemingly on autopilot for whatever it had been worth. 

There had been a few beers left in the fridge and Brick helped himself to one of them popping the top and getting Layla's attention for the first time since everyone else had left for town. 

She didn't say a word as she aimlessly made her way over toward him, the half-naked biker man standing in her kitchen seemed to be the only person in the world she could lean on as the anguish of what had become of her former life had begun to get the better of her. Brick put down his beer and caught her just as she reached him nearly falling over as he pulled her to his chest and she sobbed as much as she had when she was that same lost little girl whose parents had not come for her after she'd exited the porta-potty. 

"Let it out," Brick calmly instructed her. "Lord knows you've been keepin' all this in for years and just didn't know it."

Layla continued to sob as Brick held her close to him, her cheek pressed against his bare chest as he wrapped his powerful muscle-ripped arms around her, tattoos and all. 

Brick didn't know why, but Layla's pain felt like a dagger through his own heart and he bit back the urge to howl in response recalling that she hadn't been privy to his own brand of a life-altering secret of having been a werewolf. He didn't feel the need to unnecessarily dump it all on her while she'd still been reeling from what her no-good kidnapper had done to her and adding to her burden wasn't what he had in mind. 

Layla seemed to need him a bit more than usual as she suddenly stepped back, wiping the tears from her cheeks, and took Brick by the hand as she led him back toward her bedroom. It was abundantly clear to Brick that she'd been looking for a distraction, any sort of distraction from the pain she'd experienced and he wasn't much of the mind to tell her otherwise. 


Layla's Bedroom, The Quinn Residence, The Backwoods, Temperance, South Dakota...

The heavy sound of the metal door knob being crushed into the nearby bedroom wall had echoed through the house but Layla Quinn, who'd leaped into her half-naked biker boyfriend's arms had been in no mood to care about the damage done as they traded a series of sloppy kisses in the wake of her looking to distract herself from the seemingly unyielding pain left behind by the revelation that her life had not ever truly been her own. Sixteen years living as Jarrett Quinn's daughter only to find out that she wasn't his daughter at all, but a child he'd kidnapped and murdered her real parents just to claim her as his own. 

Brick carried Layla toward her rather neat bed and slowly laid her down among her pristine sheets and pillows. His eyes had not left hers as she seemed to stare into the very soul of him, the lust burning with a mix of pain and need as the older man slowly began to discard her constricting attire, beginning with her jeans as he pulled them down her shapely hips and tossed them onto the floor. He could smell how aroused she'd been, his nostrils flaring as he captured her waiting mouth with a heated kiss before fumbling about her shapely thighs to rid her of the last layer of constricting fabric as far as her lower half had been concerned. 

Layla's soft moans had only contributed to his need for her and as a result, he felt his thick cocks stiffen due to being constrained by his jeans as he slowly kneeled between her thighs once her panties had been discarded and lapped at the warm slickness as he prepared her for when he'd indeed have his way with her. Despite her eagerness and need for a distraction of sorts to get her mind off her past and present situation, Brick had been much larger than she could take naturally and knew to ensure to prepare her indefinitely before having his way with her. 

Layla gasped feeling Brick's long wet tongue lap at her folds the sensation of lustful pleasure had been what she'd been craving for quite some time since their initial separation while he'd been on assignment, and now her desperation when it came to wanting a distraction from her newfound pain had been what brought the handsome biker back to her bed. She ran her fingers through Brick's messy brown locks gripping him and moaning for him as he continued to please her with his rather talented tongue. 

He seemed to be the only thing in her life that had truly been hers when it all came down to it. Her need for him in more ways than one seemed to increase tenfold once the truth had been out. She'd lost herself or rather what she believed to have been herself in the wake of the reveal but Brick and her love for him remained no matter how she felt about her shattered identity. 

A low hiss escaped her pursed lips as Brick continued to please her orally and she decided to give in to it leaving the world behind as her rapid-fire release moved throughout her young body and she coated his tongue profusely. He felt good. Better than good. Better than anyone she'd ever known as his larger body towered above her making her feel safe and wanted all at the same time. It had occurred to her in that moment that meeting him at the diner had been the first time she had ever truly felt safe with anyone even with Jarrett Quinn pretending to be her father, and now she knew why. 

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