
Chapter 35:  By The Light Of The Silvery Moon

Hollow Woods, The Outskirts Of Temperance, South Dakota....

By the time Brick had reached the diner, he had barely managed to rally his crew to their bikes and out toward an area known only as The Hollows, a woodland district far from the inner aspect of Temperance's town where their shifting wouldn't be much of a problem for them to do business in town. Brick could feel the inevitable tugging sensation of his flesh and wolfish spirit going to war within him as he managed to park his bike and race off into the darkened forest, his packmates not that far behind him as they each began to shift beneath the bright glow of the moon's light. Brick had a much more difficult time of it as he was more or less missing being around Layla whom he'd come to like hanging around but his shifting presented a problem for her and the other humans that inhabited Temperance, South Dakota.

A labored growl saw to Brick collapsing onto the floor just as he finished getting out of his attire in a bid to keep from shredding it and tossed it aside as he crumpled to the ground, the scent of musk from the forest floor, wet soil and soggy leaves filled his nostrils as they flared and his nose elongated into that of a dog like snout. He let out a series of whimpers and snarls that signaled his shifting mindset into that of an unhinged beast. His muscles ripped and his body contorted growing longer and shedding the fleshy sack and giving way to the dark fur that covered much of his body. His teeth became longer and he drooled something awful as his fingernails became full on claws as he endured the agony of the continued transformation.

A low howl filled the night sky putting an icy chill down the collective spines of any and all animals that would fall prey to the beast that was rapidly emerging from the confines of it's fleshy prison. Another blood curdling howl filled the night as Brick sprouted a tail and his bones grew and continued to shift in arrangement as he continued to dig now razor sharp claws into the soggy soil below him while feeling every ounce of agony rip through his mortal form.

The white hot glow of the moon's light was welcome against his fur covered flesh as Brick Kenneally's now monstrous form had been present for the world to see. He howled once more before he took off running driven to near on madness via the open freedom and the scent that had gotten his full attention as he barreled through the trees at record speeds toward the source.

Blood was on the wind as Brick crushed leaves, twigs, and mounds of dirt beneath his massive heavy paws as more howling filled his keen and recently perked ears giving him the exact location of his packmates whom had been indulging in something of a hunt without him as the moon had apparently brought out a lot of their collectively more wild impulses. Brick had been more of the same, aside from being the most wild of the bunch and locked onto the scent of blood that filled the air as well as the dying screams of the creature whom had been the unfortunate means of sport for the pack of crazed werewolves.

The creature had been a black bear, far from it's den and out in the open. The pack had been excited to give chase as the enormous creature attempted to contend with the snarling werewolves but their superior speed and strength began to overwhelm it. Brick leapt from a fallen set of trees and quickly latched onto the bear's back biting through it's thick fur and fat to get to it's vein causing the creature to roar and slash at the air in a bid to get the enormous humanoid wolf off it's back. It was to no avail as the rest of the pack attacked simultaneously snarling and clawing at the wounded beast before their collective efforts brought it down and they began tearing into it's plump body while it screamed in agony. Brick seemed to delight in the slow kill his heart pumping wildly within the confines of his massive muscle covered chest.

He let out a howl as he ripped into the now dead bear's rib cage going for the heart as it was something he sought when hunting any animal even when in his mortal form. He snapped the ribs of the bear via his sharp teeth crunching them as if they had been boiled chicken bones and lapped at the blood and marrow as he tore at the fatty fur covered flesh of the dead creature while his packmates joined him getting their fair share following his feasting on the soft heart before he lazily lounged on his back watching them eat and play tug of war with scraps of flesh and muscle while running about and wrestling with each other. Taz and Goldie were taking turns licking the left over blood from their respective faces. Rooster casually chewed on a rib bone and the pack seemed to be quite fond of lounging in the moonlight after such a successful hunt. The wolves whom had roamed the wilderness had attempted to pick off some scraps from the bear only to be driven away via the menacing growls of the werewolves whom had acquired the prey and howled deep into the night.

Brick had not been content to run amuck with his packmates as he found himself pulled into another direction that bid him to take off at top speed cutting through the trees and past the winding road. He had not known where he was going per say, but his wildly beating heart and keen nose had known the way. The light of the moon seemed to intensify the pull as the scent he'd been chasing got stronger and stronger lulling him to a specific location where he found himself coming across a clearing of trees where a lone yellow house had been.

The last thing he recalled was the scent that had made him feel as if he'd been at home, despite being a stranger in a strange town. A scent that had belonged to the one his senses were screaming at him to return to Layla Quinn, whom had been sleeping when he last left her home in his mortal form. Brick had been running for what seemed like hours as night gave way to the crisp cool hours of daybreak and the hold the moon had on his most recent physical transformation, had ceased to be causing him to collapse onto the ground as his body shifted back into his conventional mortal form.

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