

[A/N:I am going to take a huge break from this fanfic.]

Aegon made the pact with North and he was okay with all their demands because none of it was too much. The rules were simple one of them were Aegon nor the future rulers could just take their land or order their men around as they desire.

Aegon agreed,also seeing everything went smoothly. Eragon decided to give Aegon an advice "From what I understand you are going after Dorne after this."

Aegon was confused, but nodded as Eragon continued"I would advise you to reign in the Kingdoms you conquered now and then go after Dorne, since I am sure Dorne knows more about how you fight with Dragons and has probably come up with a battle plan against you."

Aegon studied Eragon and asked"Are you sure?'

Eragon nodded and replied"Yes, both Gandalf and I used to be close to the Martells,but our relationship with the now Queen Meria is strained a lot. Meria is really crafty,also Dragon while powerful is still only 3. The people of Dorne are really passionate even if you capture them, they would rebel against, you sooner or later and if you appoint someone to run the place instead of Martell's again a rebellion would start."

Visenya took the advice to heart, while Aegon was doubtful. Rhaenys was curious asked, "What did she do?"

Eragon waved it off, Meria was arrogant and she had a habit of talking behind everyone's back. Most of the time right in front of them too, she called Gandalf just an old man, who thinks he is wise and that Queen Nymeria made a mistake with him. She even made fun of the Dwarves and Elves.

Eragon recognize she was bitter about Elves having immortality since she was around eighty years old, fat, blind, and almost bald. The Lords mostly called her the Yellow Toad of Dorne.

Also, Eragon was sure if not for her son Nymor,who with his silver tongue makes sure to calm the angry Lords. Queen Meria would have many troubles with many of her people.

After reeling in the Kingdoms he was now under his reign,Targaryen's returned to Dorne with their dragons only taking a small part of their army to test the water. Just like they thought the Dornish refused to meet the Targaryens in the field, instead resorting to guerrilla tactics. They learned from the Field of Fire and Harrenhal that there was no resisting the Targaryen dragons in open battle or by hiding in their castles. Therefore, fleeing when the dragons approached and then launched ambushes as soon as they flew away.

But this was noticed by Visenya, who used Eragon's gift of communication mirrors to tell Aegon and Rhaenys the location where the Dornish were running to hide. The three Dragons coordinated the next attack, making the Dornish army not quick enough to retreat, Balerion unleashing his flames, and it wasn't long as Rhaenys and her dragon, Meraxes would fly overhead, still blowing flames in a line all the way across Dornish army,who would scream and fall and die in the inferno

So half of the army was burnt to death the casualties Dornish had that time was huge.But this wasn't the end, Meria decided to take things further, she asked Ser Joffrey Dayne to invad the Reach and led an army to Oldtown,

Ser Joffrey marched an army from Starfall to Oldtown. Unable to breach the city's walls, Joffrey had the fields, farms, and villages burned for twenty leagues around the city.

This angered by this Aegon responded with Queen Visenya Targaryen and her dragon, Vhagar, burning Starfall to the ground. Nymor pleaded with his mother" Mother please, you know the Starks are going to ally with the Targeryen's soon."

But that went from one ear and through another. The conflict continued Rhaenys and her dragon, Meraxes, almost died in one of the conflicts, where Meraxes was shot by a scorpion bolt,but being slightly more aware of such weapons from Eragon, who warned them. Eragon didn't care about Meria calling him petty. So Rhaenys was able to steer clear from them without any problems.

Nymor after his mother's death would quickly tried to make a truce with Aegon I, who remembered Eragon's advice and agreed to let Dorne remain independent at least for now, ending the Wars of Conquest.

Aegon went back to the site of his army's first landing at the mouth of the Blackwater River and begins construction of a brand new capital city for his unified realm: King's Landing.He would then build the infamous iron throne forged by Belrion from the swords of the people he defeated

Aegon I has three children: his elder son Aenys and a ripple in fate caused Rhaenys to have a daughter Lena with his sister-wife Rhaenys, and his younger son Maegor with his sister-wife Visenya.

Lena would go on to marry the youngest son of Torrhen Stark, Eldric Stark.

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