
Andal Invasion arrived

The Andals were a tall, fair-haired race whose original homeland was located across the Narrow Sea on the western coast of the continent of Essos, in a region known as Andalos. According to Andal legend, the God of Seven revealed itself to them in the Hills of Andalos, and from this they developed a new religion, the Faith of the Seven. Not long afterward, spurred on by the zeal of their new faith, the Andals set sail across the Narrow Sea to conquer Westeros. Many Andal warriors displayed their devotion by carving the symbol of their faith, the Seven-Pointed Star, into their foreheads.

The Andals first came ashore in the Fingers, in what would later be known as the Vale of Arryn. The Andals defeated the First Men throughout the South.

From their initial landing in the Vale, the Andal migrations spread out in waves across Westeros, in a process lasting many centuries.During the time North with help of Middle Earth was able to progress in there own way,the methods of battling changed to use horses in battle.

At the time of the Andal Invasion, Westeros was just a patchwork of hundreds of small kingdoms of the First Men.Therefore, they did not as united front of resistance against the Andals, easing their conquest.

The North was able prepare for this having warned by Eragon and even Ulmo,they took the warning seriously atleast some did.

The fight raged on between the Andal's and Westros,it was bloodiest along the eastern coasts of Westeros, in the Vale, the Riverlands, and the Stormlands.

These overland migration waves only reached the western side of the continent generations later,but by that point they were clearly inevitable. Therefore, the rulers of the Westerlands and the Reach peacefully intermarried with chosen Andal groups, inviting them in and uniting with them to fight off the other Andal kingdoms in eastern Westeros.

It was very a smarts choice,but then came Andals' attempts to invade the North through the forest of North.

The issue was North new ally the Army of middle earth,which completely destroyed their fleets and even when they tried to fight through the ground.

The rain has been pouring for days and the Andal Amy march through it.They were getting through the forest,but no battle or sighting of the Northern Army has been sighted.The scouts reports came in that the few Northern Camps were quickly emptied,which at was taken as the good sight

The days past as they walked through the forest. The rain had finally slightly let up.Everyone was surprised that the Andal army stops moving.In the front of the army, the vanguard was marching carefully through the forest. The path was narrow only allowing two lines of men to form up. They passed a large tree only to see Stark Army in front of them with Eragon and Leader of the North Horrik,who was now King of North.

The lead Andal commander shouted as he draws out his sword and yelled"Attack."

At that moment Elves popped up from behind trees and shouted their battle cry as arrows flew down upon the army.

The Andal army and their Sellswords fell as quickly as the arrows were fired upon them.Some raised shields or hid behind trees, but it proved to be ineffective as the arrows were coming from all sides.

This was the archery of Elves,whose eye sight and aim are unmatched.

Then out of the forest came Eragon and Horrik's army attacked,the Andal army tried to regroup,but North army is already upon them, cutting them down with ruthless precision. Every time his elvish blade flashes through the air another Andal falls, and Eragon didn't stop, keeps sweeping through them, his face painted with Andal blood.

Olwe,Fingolfin and Glorefindel with their group are fighting beside their leader now, and the Andals are no match for them in combat.

The area belongs to the people of the North and Elves who were more intune with nature.

The second battle was also failure because the North's natural defenses,which was Moat Cailin controls the Causeway, the only safe land route through the swamps of The Neck to The North. It is an ancient stronghold, but still capable of being manned effectively versus invaders. All armies wishing to go north must pass through Moat Cailin. This makes the castle a very defensible position from which a small garrison can hold back a much larger army trying to move north.

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