
[8.1] MASSACRE!!!

"I don't think this is an invitation, is it."

The captain named Josh gulped nervously, but as a captain he still had his sense of duty.

"Yes! The family head has ordered me to bring you this instant, the use of force has been permitted. So it would be great if you could tell me the whereabouts of Abaddon Nomed. We could pay you more than he did." The captain knew Abaddon, his body was skinny and he only gave the aura of friendliness. 

And the man in front of him was all but Abaddon Nomed. 


[Every potential threat to the host has left the city, please confirm if you want to set the barriers.]



"Do it."

"I am sorry what, I did not clearly hear what you said just now." Captain Josh asked the bulky man to repeat himself. 


[Sound Barrier Set.]

[Illusion Barrier Set.]

[Concealment Barrier Set.]

[Physical Barrier Set.]

[Spiritual Barrier Set.]

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