
Hecate's Realization

Rael was confused, all of his wives along with him ran at their fastest speed possible. None of them dared to look behind, except, of course, the silver-haired man whose guts heaven herself hated.

"RUN FASTER! The balloon guy is right behind us!"

Hecate's eyes widened as she nodded, she had not expected much from Jalear. There was no way he could hold back against Johgrub the Maggot Lord despite being one of the most famous figures across the omniverse.

Aria was confused as everyone ran, "I'm sorry I do not understand. Why are we running? And why is this maggoty smelly entity after us?"

Alizejh nodded in understanding, "You need to explain Miss Hecate, the person was after you."

Hecate simply ignored the two, her face like usual, blank and monotone without much emotion. Lucifer shook her head as she interrupted,

"I believe I know the reason. Bounty Hunting. Hecate is in the top 10 List of Most Wanted Across the Omniverses."

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