
Intrusion in the Cave

With utmost caution, they advanced towards the hidden lair of the subterranean cult. Their footfalls, gentle as whispers, betrayed no hint of their presence as they glided past the vigilant sentinels stationed along the periphery.

Halting momentarily amidst the concealing embrace of the dense foliage, they observed five guards stationed at the entrance to the cavern. Kain surreptitiously signaled Eran to lead the way, and he proceeded with the stealth of a shadow, his movements soundless as he traversed the grassy terrain. Upon nearing their adversaries, Eran sprang forth with celerity, vanishing into obscurity with nary a sound.

Without delay, Eran beat the five guards, swiftly and undetected. Then the three of them moved their bodies in the grass, ensuring that their presence remained imperceptible to any prying eyes.

They infiltrated the cave's entrance, resembling a colossal maw in the rocky visage, and embarked upon a descent into the abyssal, lightless passage. The walls, composed of ancient stone, afforded sufficient space for a quintet of individuals to traverse in a single file. Guards punctuated every juncture of the passage, yet this posed no insurmountable obstacle for the indomitable triumvirate. As they ventured deeper, the numbers of their adversaries swelled, but none possessed the capacity to deter Kain, Taneaya, and Eran.

Kain raised a hand, signaling their abrupt halt.

"Behold, the principal chamber," Kain declared, gesturing towards the fore. There sprawled before them a vast, semi-circular hall, replete with towering ceilings. An assembly of troops congregated therein, their narrowed eyes fixated upon each corner of the chamber. Within that domain, a heart-rending tableau unfurled - along the hall's periphery, numerous women languished, ensnared, and terror-stricken at the hands of the cultists. Taneaya, witnessing this grim spectacle, seethed with indignation.

"Damn you!!!" Taneaya growled.

"They're not a cult, that's just a cover, they're more like a group of bandits who traffic women throughout Anthares," Kain explained.

"Do you know who the buyers are? When we investigated, no one came?" asked Eran.

"They're not the collectors, they're just in charge of kidnapping young girls and holding them here, after which they'll take them to a warehouse," Kain explained.

"A warehouse! They treat such lowly women like goods," growled Taneaya unhappily.

"Warehouse? Where is it?" asked Eran.

"I don't know for sure, but according to last night's information, what they call a warehouse is a city, but I don't know the name of the city," Kain replied.

"Ask them after we've slaughtered them without a trace!" said Taneaya irritably.

"Can you handle their numbers?" asked Kain.

There was a deadly aura about Taneaya, her eyes glared fiercely and her breathing sounded very strong.

"You already know the answer, don't you? It doesn't even seem like there are more than a hundred of them," Eran exclaimed.

"Then let's go!"

After that, they darted forward into the hall, and the cult guards began to notice the intrusion. They immediately gathered their forces and prepared to face the unexpected attack from Kain, Eran, and Taneaya. In the vast hall space, the trio was filled with rage, ready to face anything that would come their way. 

Taneaya ran to the right while pulling out her two thin swords, the girl circled slashing at each cultist, not caring how many were in front of her.

"You people deserve to die!" Taneaya shouted.

Eran infiltrated the center area with his speed. As usual, Eran attacked the deadly points, the neck, the heart, and the head. He broke through the center of the crowd with his two favorite daggers. The guards circled Eran to give him some distance.

"Attack!" one of the soldiers shouted and simultaneously attacked Eran. However, before they all got close Eran advanced towards them and made a mess, because of Eran's movements several guards attacked their horde.

"Damn! He's like a snake!" screeched one of the guards seeing Eran's unpredictable and invisible movements.

"We can't follow him!" said another guard.

Meanwhile, on the left side of the hall, Kain was pounding away at his opponent using the war hammers in both hands. It was a small hammer that had two eyes, a blunt side like a normal hammer, and behind it sticking out with a pointed eye. The small man laughed horribly in contrast to his personality, which was known to be calm and wise. The guards looked terrified as they heard the sound of a blunt object hitting another member's head, loud and echoing a little.

"Where are you!" cursed Kain as he saw the guards begin to move away from him. 

"Why are you afraid? Let's attack me!" added the little man. Kain began to chase after the running guards, brutally throwing his hammer in all directions.

The battle became one-sided due to the ferocity of the three Band de Sun members. Their numbers were noticeably reduced, making the hall look very spacious. Casualties were heavy, sweat and blood flowed on the battlefield, but the three heroes did not back down. 

Taneaya was seen approaching Eran and standing behind Eran's body. They looked back at each other, the guards from the left inevitably joined the group of guards in the center and began to surround the two of them.

"Eran." said little Taneaya. 

"Yep princess," Eran replied.

"Are you able to take care of all this?" asked Taneaya.

"Gladly, princess," Eran replied, and then Taneaya elbowed Eran's waist from behind. Eran let out a small scream.

"Don't call me that!" Taneaya was annoyed.

"Ah...I'm sorry princess," Eran replied with a chuckle.

 "You! Take care of the rest, I'll save the captive girls," said Taneaya, then she ran towards the guards in front of her and cut down three people at once, when the guard who was cut down began to fall, Taneaya used it for a foothold and jumped up, then she ran on the head of the horde of guards. 

After escaping Taneaya attacked several guards from behind, circling the circle that surrounded Eran. Then ran towards the side of the hall where many prisons were lined up.

Taneaya could see the girls begging to be saved.

"Wait a minute, stay away," Taneaya said as she took a stance and slashed at the prison's gemsbok with both of her swords.


The swords bounced, and she saw the padlock crack slightly. Taneaya tried again and finally, the padlock was thrown off.

"Thank you, Miss," said the freed girl.

"Wait here, I will release you and you will go out together, don't split up," Taneaya shouted around the prison.

Not far away, at the end of the hall were two people who had been observing this battle.

"How is Mr. Barpus, it looks like these gnats are helpless against those three little rats."

"Gyro you take care of that bitch," Barpus said as he pointed at Taneaya.

"That's what I've been waiting for." Gyro walked away with a look of pleasure.

"I'll take care of those two rats," Barpus said as he prepared to stretch his fat body. Then he dragged a long chain that ended in a sharp knife with two eyes.


Taneaya was startled when she heard the boom and turned to see the source of the sound. Gyro was standing with his huge mace that he had just smashed into the iron cell.


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