
Chapter 3: Hunter

##Chapter 3: Hunter

I rise to my feet and shoot Mason another dark look before grabbing the phone from him. Instead of taking the call in the living room so he can hear what's being said, I stalk into my bedroom and slam the door shut behind me.

Without my football scholarship, I wouldn't have the money to attend college. We live on a shoestring budget and are barely scrimping by as it is. Even with Mason busting his ass, sometimes working sixty hours a week, there's no way he could afford to pay for tuition on top of everything else. The money Claremont is giving me has been a blessing.

Trust me, I'm grateful for everything my brother has done so I can play ball. I can't imagine where I'd be without him. I probably wouldn't have gotten recruited by a top Division I school with almost a full ride and a real shot at making it to the pros.

So, yeah...I have a lot of love for my brother. But I fucking hate the way he treats Skye. The funny thing is that it wasn't always this way. There used to be a time when Skye, Mason, whatever girl he was seeing, and I would go out on double dates. He'd joke around with her like she was a little sister, and we had fun together. All that changed a couple of years ago.

Mason changed.

He became bitter.

He's dropped plenty of comments about me being too focused on her when I should be concentrating all my energies on football. Does he really think I don't understand that making it to the NFL is what will finally give us our financial freedom?

I'm doing everything in my power to make it happen. I realize the sacrifices he's made and I'm working as hard as I can to do my fair share around here. The guy needs to chill out. Skye hasn't gotten in the way of anything. She makes me more determined to achieve everything I possibly can.

Once alone in my bedroom, I place the phone to my ear. "Hey, Coach. How you doing?"

A gravelly voice rumbles over the line. The guy sounds like he's smoked Marb Reds his entire life. "I'm good. Looking forward to getting you boys here for training camp."

I nod, torn between wanting to go and being away from Skye for so long. "Looking forward to getting there."

"I think we're going to have a competitive team this year. Should be a good season."

"I hope so. I'd love to get a Championship ring my freshman year."

"I think it's possible with the talent on the roster and plenty of hard work." There's a pause. "I just wanted to let you know that I was able to scrounge up a little more money. It should be enough to cover your books for both semesters."

Wow. Even though tuition along with room and board will be paid for by my scholarship, I was still concerned about how I would pay for the rest. Five or six hundred dollars a semester isn't a big deal for most families, but it is for us. It's one less expense to worry about.

"Thanks, Coach. I wasn't expecting that."

"I know how difficult everything's been with your parents gone." He clears his throat. "It was a real shame when Mason stopped playing ball. The guy had so much heart when it came to the game. I'll do whatever I can to help lighten his load."

It's been two years since Mom and Dad died in a boating accident. Their deaths wreaked havoc throughout our lives, altering everything. There was a small insurance policy that helped bury them, but it wasn't nearly enough to live off. Even though Mason was supposed to start his junior year at Claremont, he ended up dropping out and getting a job. He's been busting his ass to keep our heads above water ever since.

Thick emotion swells inside my chest as I turn and stare out the small window that faces the tiny scrap of backyard. "Thanks, Coach. We both appreciate it."

"No problem, son. See you in a week."

"Yup. See you then."

After disconnecting, I clench the phone tightly in my hand. If there'd been any lingering doubts filling my mind that I didn't make the right choice for college, Coach Andrews has laid them all to rest. I haven't even stepped foot on campus and he's already taking care of me.

I know that has everything to do with Mason and the soft spot he has for him. Every so often, they get together to shoot the shit. Coach has been trying to convince him to sign on as part of his staff. Since Mason makes good money at the garage, he always declines the offer.

It's yet another sacrifice my brother has made for me. The guy loves football and would enjoy the opportunity to coach. Instead, he's stuck in a garage, fixing cars ten hours a day. He doesn't hate it, but it's not how he saw his future unfolding.

It takes a few seconds to shake myself out of the thorny thoughts I've become tangled in. Even though I was pissed at Mason when I stalked into my bedroom, thinking about everything he's given up is enough to have my anger draining away. He'll be relieved to know that Coach has ponied up more money.

As I return to the main living area, I realize my brother has settled in the recliner across from Skye. He's leaning forward with his elbows propped up on his knees and his hands clasped tightly in front of him. There's a serious expression filling his face. Her gaze flickers to me before nervously darting away.

What the fuck?

That's all it takes for my anger to roar back to life.

Why the hell can't he just leave her alone?

This girl makes me happy, and for some reason, he's set on ruining it.

Mason's attention fastens on me as he shoots to his feet. "What did Coach want?"

Instead of telling him the good news, I snap, "Nothing."

He narrows his eyes and cocks his head. "Are you telling me he didn't have anything to say?"

"That's right." Dismissing him, I stare at my girlfriend. The way she refuses to meet my gaze pisses me off even more. "Come on, Skye. Let's get out of here."

She springs up from the couch before beelining to the front door without another glance in Mason's direction. It's like she can't get away from him fast enough.

My hands clench at my sides. I swear to fucking god, if he said or did anything to upset her, I'll rip him a new one.

See if I don't.

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