

Alexander woke up on Sunday morning with the girls waking up earlier than him.

They were in their tempting undergarments and smiling at him but he didn't have time to enjoy the sight as he noticed their smiles seem to be smirks.

The camera was directed towards him and it didn't take much time to deduce that there should be something written on his face.

He let them have their fun and fill up the remaining shots of the camera.

It was only when he faced his reflection in the bathroom that he saw the devil impersonation they gave him through a red marker.

After getting rid of the face graffiti, he went on with his morning routine.

The girls also had some time to exercise on their own. Monica had a fitness regimen from being a model and Jennifer just played along.

Sunday didn't have many surprises. Only Old Sullivan's enthusiasm to have many people in the house.

The old man's enthusiasm surged further when Alexander's plans to have a secretary were revealed.

Monica, who was still awkward from the car seduction, can only grimace as the old Creed educated her on the ways of managing work and Alexander.

Jennifer listened along because she was adamant to replace the Italian as soon as she makes a huge mistake.

Alexander just lounged in the living room and turned on the seldom-used television. While being laid back on the sofa, he scoured the channels for potential gains and animation competitors.

When he reached the unpopular Fox channel, he lamented at his loss as they had already slotted the sensational Simpsons.


All the while on television, 'The Man without Gravity' was earning its presence in the theaters. From a pitiful 900, it grew along with the notable growth trend in ticket sales.

Alexander happens to find a reclusive program that studies and takes notes of films in the theater. The radio or the paper would have been economical but maybe it is the perfect time filler for the unexciting timeslot.

The original Italian film was warm and touching but had flaws in its cinematography and expression.

As usual, Alexander, with the help of the director and his co-producer, has made up for the flaws and tried their best to come up with a better option.

If he were to stick with copying original works from frame to frame, he didn't have the superior memory to do it and it was also stupid to do so.

Why stick to the original when you can try to improve on it?

Although the film had a particular Italian blend to it, the English language it used was enough to compensate for it.

It was better than all the foreign language films that would either have subtitles or translated dubbing.

The Creeds are also attuning to the taste of the masses, so the film had much more pull than the original that lurked in the corner of Netflix.

It earned a sizable 3.3 million dollars among the competition for the considerable 3 days of its release, which isn't too bad when taking into account that it is bound to grow when the other markets are opened.

On another note, Nicole Kidman's true debut film was also released on the same date but Alexander hadn't had the interest to check up on it further.

April is a low month and being sandwiched in a lot of films is a norm. The only thing worth appreciating is that 'It Follows' had an edge over the competitors.


While Alexander was somewhat recuperating on his own, Sullivan and the girls were on with their lessons while having chitchats on matters that the old man is curious about.

"How is Alexander by the way?" Sullivan directly asked his insider, Jennifer, to which she replied. "Same as usual. Only that he has gotten a bit weary from the work and of course... the extra girl."

Sullivan sighed with a shake of his head. "He is way too different from me, his dad, and his grandfather. Has the loss desensitized him from making meaningful connections with a girl and being loyal?"

"I may not be moral or included enough to say this but..." Monica was not used to this weird situation but she still chimed in with her comment. "Shouldn't you be reprimanding him and setting him straight, Mr. Creed? I'm way too old for him and he is way too young to be doing such things."

Sullivan hummed. "What such things have you done exactly? It better not be what I think it is."

"I-I... we don't do... tu che cosa." Monica blushed and stuttered while Jennifer rolled her eyes at the new girl being tricked. She was way too used to the Creeds being scheming and calculative. "He already knows and he's just kidding with you."

Monica was in between flustered and being fed up with the girl so she bit back. "Also, aren't you too lax on the boy? Shouldn't you be devastated and all that? Having a young boyfriend is hard enough, him cheating on you in your face must be harder."

Jennifer just harrumphed at her. "While you took your time in the bath, Alexander already did his coaxing and I'm all good and fine."

"What happened to you? Are you alright in the head?" This was all that Monica could respond to the little girl who is clearly sincere in what she said. Even with her open-minded ways to get ahead, she wouldn't be as pure and open-minded as this girl.

Even Sullivan was somewhat curious about why this silly girl is as lenient on his grandson as he is.

"It is a couple's secret." Jennifer didn't expound much and kept to herself. She was now looking forward to when this Italian would be as brainwashed as her under Alexander's grasp.

Monica Bellucci was still baited and blinded by the established assistant salary and Hollywood industry benefits to see the warning signs.

The job briefing went on with that brief interlude. Sullivan has gotten a preliminary assessment of the girls and judged that his grandson is not to be reckoned with.

A brainwashed girlfriend and a netted secretary on the way to being just as enamored probably wouldn't be the end of it.

Whatever the case, the chances of Creed extinction have been decreased.

This is just going to be plain horrendous, silly, and more disgusting than my main trashy work.

You've been warned!

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