
Day 5-6: The Grinding begins

-Day 5-

Another morning to start my day and this time I was met with creepiness, but couldn't help myself and chuckled a bit as the first thing I saw in the morning was Complexia looking at me sleep with her expressionless face.

Sitting up I notice that besides her there is a plate with properly cooked meat and some berries on the side. That aside, there was a small animal horn laying on the other side next to her.

"Good Morning, Master. Your breakfast is ready. I apologize for serving you something this heavy in the morning, but I, unfortunately, couldn't find any better." She greeted me before presenting me with the food and apologizing.

"Hahaha! You don't have to be sorry when you do such a great job. But you shouldn't forget yourself, it's not good if you don't keep yourself in full health." I respond and begin headpating her.

She smiled lightly before answering. "I've already eaten, and I didn't want master to have to worry about something as minor as preparing breakfast, so I did it myself. It was an easy task."

Grabbing ahold of my breakfast, I start eating and it's really good! Did she season this? How?! Before I knew it, I had finished my meal, and it definitely deserves a chef's kiss.

"This was sooo good, you're an excellent cook. what did you even use to make it taste like that?" I couldn't help but ask.

"I found some ingredients in the wild and tested them until I got the right flavor." She answered.

"You found salt?" I questioned seeing it as a future opportunity since we'll eventually be dealing with humans, something like salt would be a great resource to profit, though I already plan to take over the Orc mine and make lots of that.

"Unfortunately not, though it might be possible for salt rock to exist somewhere in this area. I'll look gladly look into it for you, Master." She replied.

"Please do, it will be great if you find something. Though you still haven't answered, how did you salt the food?" I insisted.

"It's a woman's secret." She said with a perverted smile and a blushing face. It didn't take a specialist to figure out what was going on here, any anime fan would recognize a moment like this one.

She yandered me and used her body fluid to cook my food... Didn't she? Honestly, I have no idea about how to feel, a part of me is bothered while the other couldn't care less, since it did no real harm, but in the end, it's best if I address this sort of thing now, when the iron's still hot.

"Complexia, while I personally don't really care what ingredients you use to make the food as long as it's not harmful and it tastes good. I hope you know that I won't take it kindly if you just start taking the initiative of making bigger decisions without consulting me. I'm easily ticked off by that kind of behavior and believe me, the results of that won't be pretty for anyone. Do we have an understanding?" While I might have jumped ahead of ad myself trying to tackle an issue that wasn't there with this one, I still believe it's best to make things clear this early on, so that later I don't have to repeat myself, I'll simply act.

"Yes, I understand and I similarly hope that you never forget that, I'm first and foremost your servant and was literally created to serve you. I might have this persona now, but my core has not changed, and so long as give me an order, I'll execute it." She responded.

"I know, but exactly because I gave you the chance to have your persona, I've decided to treat you like your own person. I could've just as you said, ordered you to do things my way, but that's both boring and pointless. If I wanted a robot, I wouldn't have you be, and now that I did, you are you. Don't forget that, you're not just a servant, you're my first partner. If you don't wish you have the persona just tell me and we can stop this." I expressed my thoughts on the matter.

"No, I'm happy this way... Thank you. Also, we should get going Master, we can't leave Goburia waiting." She made her decision and changed the subject. I felt that some things about this were still to be said, but it wasn't me who had to bring this forth. Whenever she wants to, we'll finish this discussion.

From then we went to the cave's entrance where we found Goburia waiting.

"Look who decided to show up? I was starting to think I got stood up." She commented as soon as we got there.

"It was my fault, I got distracted and lost track of time." I explained.

"Just don't pull this off again and we're fine." She retorted.

"Ok, with that off. I think we need to decide who will chase the horned rabbits. As the fastest, you might just be the best option." I suggested.

"No, no, no. That's not happening, I want to be doing the killing, plus can't I say the same about you since you're the most durable of all of us? Who better to get close to the horned rabbits?" Goburia argued.

"True, but horned rabbits aren't that aggressive or precise, so as long as you don't just stand there doing nothing they shouldn't get the best of you." I insist.

Before Goburia could say anything, Complexia jumped into the conversation and said. "Why don't we go for turns? Each of us gets to kill one and chase one and then we rotate again." she proposed.

We both looked at her blankly. I got caught up in trying to slow down Goburia's progress and ended up not even considering such a simple solution.

"That works for me." I accepted.

"Fine, but don't you dare cheat me of my turn." Goburia warned.

Once we had all that decided we finally went into the forest and after searching for a while, we found a horned rabbit.

"I'll be the first to chase. You two be ready." I announce while observing our target.

"Don't die." Goburia exclaimed while Complexia simply nodded her head.

Not wasting time I got to it and began chasing the horned rabbit. Seeing me come at it with the small animal horn I got yesterday, it began running and it was too fast for me to catch up to, but I could still redirect it by moving smartly. It took some zigzagging but I was able to take it to the ambush spot, where it was immediately one shot by Complexia. Because I agreed to give Goburia the first spoils of battle, she got the body of the rabbit and ate it on the spot.

When she did so, I could see the change in her expression as she most likely received some skills. She then took the small horn as a weapon, and now everyone in the party had one. It seems Complexia got hers while she was searching for ingredients to make my breakfast, though I'm not exactly sure how she caught a horned rabbit on her own.

Moving on we searched and found more horned rabbits but there were two instead of one. So there was a compromise, I would be allowed to kill these two now and not get to kill any on the next rotation.

They each went after one of the rabbits and complexia was able to easily direct it to me, so I took it and stabbed the horned rabbit with my small horn.

[You have reached level 2] A notification of the system appeared before me. Which made me think of something.

(Complexia, add notifications for when I kill something.) This would make it easier for me to know if my foes are actually dead.

(Yes, Master.) She immediately replied.

It was not long before Goburia came back running after the other horned rabbit, and just like with the last one, I stab it to death.

[You have killed a Horned Rabbit(Rank F)]

After that, we continued to hunt and only found horned rabbits. We decided to not go much further and call it a day for now. I killed two other horned rabbits and reached level 3, while Complexia killed more two and Goburia a total of three.

Once we got back to the cave, we continued our daily training, and I began winning almost half of all my sparring matches with Goburia, while Complexia was slowly eclipsing both of us. At the end of it all, I went to sleep with Complexia, and my 5th day in this world ended.

-Day 6-

Just like yesterday, I was met with a smiling Complexia as I woke up and she had my breakfast ready. I also noticed that many of the goblins from our generation were beginning to develop jealousy toward our party, as they watched me eat clearly dissatisfied. I plan to deal with them once I'm well adjusted with Complexia and Goburia, though I'll mess them up if they try to sneak me how it went in the canon. Which I believe is unlikely here, since they usually watch our sparring matches and should know I'm out of their league. Well, if they are stupid enough not still try, they'll suffer the consequences. That aside, Complexia informed me that she made some progress when it comes to finding a reliable source of salt. It seems there might be a salt rock cave deeper into this one.

Being done eating I and Complexia head to the entrance to meet up with Goburia, and this time we found unexpected guests, Gobumi from the canon. She was Rou's first girl in the story, but I didn't expect her to approach us, and she's not even alone, besides there was a rough-faced female goblin that I don't remember... Though her face reminds me of Kichi, which considering the world I am in, is a big possibility.

Apparently, what happened is that the two talked to Goburia from the beginning and were actually her planned party before I can into the picture, and now she wants to bring them in, to work with us. I smiled seeing that despite being the current leader of the party, Goburia is slowly giving me all the authority. It might be a result of my combat improvements.

"I see no problem in them coming with us." I respond. How nice, they just came to me without me having to worry about it.

"Good! You two better pay attention or you'll die!" She warned the two new members of the party.

While Complexia grabbed onto me and glared at all of them with what I assume is an air of superiority, and I mean she's not exactly wrong. She's the first partner and the harem manager, if any of these girls come under me, they'll be under her.

We then proceeded to discuss the situation and how we would approach hunting now that we had two new members, and in the end, we decided that they will act as chasers for now and once they get better training we'll let them kill. So all they will get for now is food, which for your typical goblin is more than enough.

Our hunt went even better than yesterday. As we were now able to go for bigger groups of horned rabbits we had avoided before.

When I killed one of the horned rabbits with a sneak attack, a new notification appeared.

[You have killed a Horned Rabbit(Rank F)]

[You have unlocked the Job: Assassin]

Finally, I acquired my first job.

The hunt continued and by the end of it, I had killed a total of 9 and reached level 4 and Assassin level 4. Complexia killed 10 of them and Goburia 11. Unfortunately, I couldn't kill more because I had to stop to save the newbies. They better be at least as strong as in the canon or I'll be disappointed.

That was when we called it a day and went back to the cave to continue training and I won 9/10 fights with Goburia. While Complexia was mostly at a stalemate with her and I had a hard time even hitting her. If Goburia was annoying because of her speed, then Complexia was annoying because of her ability to counter basically anything you throw at her. The two new recruits were vastly lagging behind and couldn't really keep up at all, and before we knew it they fainted from exhaustion.

"Gobumo, can't we all just sleep in the same area? It's not like it will make any difference." Goburia proposed.

"Of course, you can. Let's go." As soon as I answered, Complexia looked at me and I simply smiled innocently and played the clueless.

She sighed and we carried the two fainted to the location and all went to sleep. That was the end of my 6th day in this world.

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