
Homesteading XI

"Did you see anything else?" I ask trying to gather more clues.

"A man perhaps? A bearded man. I did not recognize him. The flashes were very fast and confusing." Inigo says trying to remember everything in his vision.

"Did you by chance recognize the cabin? It wasn't near High Hrothgar was it?" I ask taking a guess at the location.

"No, but something about the landscape was familiar. I wish I could remember where I have seen it before." Inigo says, agonizing over not remembering.

"You said something, 'It is under the rug.' Any idea what you were talking about?" I ask recalling what he shouted earlier.

"Yes, something small and shiny. A coin? A ring? No. I cannot remember. I think my brain is broken." Inigo says, rubbing his forehead.

"I hope it doesn't happen again, are you good to go with us in a couple of days?" I ask him.

"I should be okay. But, if it does happen again and my brain tries to escape through my nose, push it back in please." Inigo jokes despite his pale face.

"Do not worry, kitty. I will be on the lookout for your brain." Lydia says with a serious nod as she stares intently at Inigo's nose, causing us all to laugh and the mood to considerably lighten.

"I think it is best if I go lay down, good night my friends." Inigo says letting Lydia support him to their tent.

"Good night, Inigo." Me and Lokir bid him a good night as we're left by the campfire, enjoy the silence before I decide to break it.

"Brother, things have been hectic lately, how have you been? Especially with the whole being Dragonborn thing?" I ask as we stare at the stars by the fire.

"Honestly, I've been ignorin' it. It's been good to focus on work here at camp, but… Eventually, the building at camp will be finished and I'll either need to find a new project or head out adventuring. I'm not going to lie, I've been feelin' restless lately, but whenever I start to feel that way, I think of my girls and I realize stayin' here ain't so bad." Lokir says, contently staring at the kids laughing and playing around their campfire with Kasia's supervision.

"I'm glad you're enjoying your little vacation." I joke, playfully punching his shoulder.

"Vacation?! I've been workin' my ass off to build ya little horde a home and this is the thanks I get?" Lokir fake pouts in indignation before we both laugh.

"Thanks, brother, for everything, you've got no idea how much I appreciate it. How are your girls doing, by the way, have you had much time with them because of your workload?" I ask with slight concern, not wanting to burn out such a useful member of the family.

"Yeah, I take breaks often enough to play with them and relax. I've had to get on Britte for bullying Sissel, but they've been gettin' along better recently with the help of Lucia, actin' as their mediator. Sissel's been enjoyin' her classes with Falion and Jouane, she's learnin' quite a bit from the two of em'. And I've noticed she's taken an interest in how Vladimar trains and I think it might be good to bring that Marcurio fellow over to start teachin' combat magic." Lokir suggests going into his daily life as we talk for another hour before he yawns and heads to bed, the kids already long asleep in their own tent

Maybe it's the night air or maybe a bit of that status ailment has subsided, but I feel energized and notice Sinding and Atris patrolling around camp, deciding to speak with them before heading to bed.

"Atris! Sinding! How are you doing?" I shout over to them, drawing their attention causing them to rush over to me.

"You called, Chainbreaker?" Atris asks.

"I just wanted to check in with you two and see how you've been settling in. Any issues?" I ask, curious as to how they've been.

"All is well, Chainbreaker, we have been working hard to assist in building the mine for stone." Atris explains.

"Yeah, this place has been good for me. I think I've got a handle on the beast within with the help of some support from Atris and Lokir. I can't thank you enough for taking that accursed ring." Sinding tells me with gratitude.

"Good, I want you guys ready to head out in a few weeks' time for the Great Assembly that is to be called in Whiterun." I tell them.

"Why?" Sinding asks with curiosity.

"I want to show off my pack and I think it's important that we establish good ties with the Companions." I tell him.

"Oh, that makes sense. Anything else you need, boss?" Sinding asks, eager to be of use.

"No that should be it. Good night you two." I tell them as I head my tent, finding a contently sleeping M'rissi sprawled out on my cot, burying her face into my blankets.

"What am I going to do with you?" I say with a sigh before smiling at her, kissing her forehead and gently shifting her around to make room for me.

Though as I try to move her, she rolls over and buries her face into my chest.

"Fluffy… Warm…" M'rissi mumbles while half asleep pulling me into her embrace.

I smile and wrap my arms around her as we drift off to sleep, though I notice a slight pudge to her stomach which I poke while thinking how cute it is, making M'rissi squirm a little before giggling in her sleep.

I have a dreamless sleep, waking up to the sound of birds chirping and the smell of roast goat filling the area.

I open my eyes to see M'rissi curling into herself with her back to my side.

I gently wrap my arms around her before nuzzling her neck, causing her to purr as she slowly opens her eyes slightly confused from just waking up.

Everyone! Thank Hasarian for this extra chapter, for correctly guessing the source for our version of the Orc language. I love interacting with all my readers when I get the chance, so keep your guesses and theories coming! It really inspires me to keep writing.

Lemon_Squarecreators' thoughts
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