
Unfinished Business IV

As the sun starts to dip below the horizon Skjor gives Kodlak a look, but Kodlak completely disregards his gaze and stares at Vilkas' shrouded body.

Eventually, Skjor just sighs before shaking his head and turning to address the crowd.

"Friends, Shield Brothers, and Sisters! We are gathered to mourn the untimely loss of a dear companion, mentor, and brother. But take heart! For he died a warrior's death and his blood will be welcomed with the blood of our foes! Now, let us begin the farewell rites." Skjor says to the crowd before beginning a more solemn call and response.

"Before the ancient flame…" Skjor calls as Farkus lowers his torch onto the prepared pyre.

"We grieve." Everyone calls back.

"At this loss…" Eorland takes up the call.

"We weep." Everyone calls back.

"For the fallen…" Farkas continues.

"We shout." Everyone calls back.

"And for ourselves…" Aela finishes solemnly.

"We take our leave." Everyone calls back before the common members of the Companions start walking back to Jorvaskr to begin drinking along with Kodlak. As the other members of the Inner Circle stand around the burning forge.

I'm left up at the Skyforge with my company, Balgruuf, and Proventus, at which point I turn to my followers, "Kasia, please walk the children back. Everyone else, you may mourn with the Companions. I would like to speak with the Jarl. Have a good night everyone."

I bend down to the kids and give them a big hug before saying, "Sweet dreams my little brunsumz. Papa has to take care of some business, but I promise I'll be home in the morning to cook you all a good breakfast." I ruffle their hair as they smile and agree to go back to the tower.

As I watch them skip away and wave at me without a worry on their minds, I sigh.

"Evening, Silvantus. I'm sorry for the loss of your shield brother." Balgruuf says giving me a nod.

"Thank you, Balgruuf. Your condolences honor Vilkas' sacrifice." I say returning his nod.

"How have you been? I see that your mercenary company has grown in number. I also noticed that you've taken in some children. I did not figure you to be the fathering type." Balgruuf says with mild shock.

"Yeah, have gotten a few new recruits and plan to standardize some combat training soon to take on bigger jobs. As for the kids… I'm a man of great depth. A ferocious warrior and a caring father is but a couple of the many faces I wear." I tell him with a smirk.

"I'm starting to see that…" Balgruuf nods sagely. "I have heard that you have recently acquired the thaneships of Hjaalmarch and Falkreath. Quite… Ambitious. Is this the end to your ambitions, or has it only just begun I wonder?" He asks caressing his beard.

"My ambitions are boundless, I'm afraid. But I always help those who have proven to be my friends. Especially those in power who've done nothing but show their friendship." I say giving him a knowing look as I lean against a rock and stare into the burning pyre.

"Yes, but how much will this friendship cost me? And what am I losing?" Balgruuf says returning my look with a pointed one of his own as he leans beside me looking over his city

"Ha! You make it sound so dirty and malicious!" I laugh as I turn around and wrap my arm around his shoulder, much to the shock of Proventus who starts to complain but is immediately silenced by Balgruuf who holds up his hand in a stopping motion.

"You're a brave thane to be this informal to your Jarl, Silvantus." Balgruuf says leaving my hand be.

"I see us as equals… If not of current position, then in some not-so-distant time in the future. But, not just equals. I see us as potential friends, allies even in this messy civil war the land finds itself in." I tell him as darkness falls over Whiterun, with torches and braziers lighting the streets and the patrols of the guards.

"Hmph, and which side are you wanting to sway me towards, the Thalmor appeasing Imperials who treat us as belligerent war dogs, or Ulfric's senseless uprising that proves the imperials right?" Balgruuf says in exasperation.

"Neither." I say smugly, causing him to raise his eye.

"Then what is it you suggest?" Balgruuf asks turning towards me with interest as my arm falls from his shoulder.

"You know both sides are waiting for you to make your stance known before the next wave of the war begins. The imperials wish to station troops with you and will lie however they please to make it so. While Ulfric knows you won't give up Whiterun to his stormcloaks without a harsh fight. A fight the imperials will be quick to remind you, you lack the soldiers to win." I explain to him.

"I'm between a rock and a hard place. What is it you suggest I do in that case?" Balgruuf asks.

"Well… I am building an army… An independent army. One to rival either side of this conflict. An elite force capable of taking charge and sorting this mess. And then… Taking the fight to those Thalmor bastards." I say with determination.

Balgruuf strokes his chin for a moment before looking back over his city and asking me, "And what will be the price of this army? I know the imperials want my subservience… What would you ask of me?"

"I only want two simple things in payment for offering my aid when the time demands it." I tell him.

"Oh? Only two? This will be good, don't leave me in suspense." Balgruuf says with a chuckle.

I hold up my index finger and say, "First, I'd like Riverwood."

"Oh, is that all?" Balgruuf asks incredulously before sighing. "Fine, if you can really keep me independent… I'll let you take the village, but you'll have to protect it on your own during the war. And the other thing you want?"


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