
Triggered Michel!

A shadow was cast over Michel's face as he glared at the mage who just attacked him with the tier two <Aura blast>.

Thanks to the mana barrier cast by pate, he wasn't hurt!

Strangely enough, even though he wasn't hurt, Michel seemed oddly angered at something.

His face was distorted and the red glint in his left eye had intensified!

He looked ferocious and terrifying, like a devil that has descent from hell!

The mage who looked at Michel had a chill run down his spine!! Gulping down with extreme fear, he looked at his companies as if asking for their help.

The skeletons stopped attacking and backed away as if they were respecting the descent of the Devil!

everything came standstill for a movement and the men who witnessed the sudden change were also confused about what was happening!

They thought about rushing to Michel since he was all alone at the movement, but something told them not to, they felt like they would die if they attack him now.

"You know...I have this very bad habit!"

But before they could decide on something, Michel started to speak in a low-pitched voice!

"If someone interrupts me when I am having fun with something..."

His words sounded threatening to the listeners as if the words alone were stabbing a dagger through their souls!

"I would get triggered!"

Michel continued speaking while his head became slightly crocked to the left!

It was a habit that he developed unknowingly from childhood, whenever he was irritated his head would get slightly became crooked to the left, and the smile that he always had on his face would disappear.

"And...you shouldn't have triggered me! you are in real, real danger now"

They heard Michel's words but failed to notice his figure that darted towards the Mage who was frozen stiff in fear!

And by the time they noticed that something was wrong, the mage who attacked Michel had disappeared!!

The men instantly panicked, turning all around themselves, searching for the mage and Michel who had disappeared.

And they did see both of them not long after.

But what they saw made them regret ever looking for them!

Their eyes denied what they were seeing, an extreme disgust flowed through their heads at once!

Above the open space, atop all their heads, sat the young man with feisty red eyes seemly on the air itself.

But one could see a blue transparent shield if they see intently, above which Michel sat, putting the mage on his thighs!

He looked at his sharp fingers and at the mage on his thighs back and forth.

And not long after did the black gaseous energy start to ooze out from both his hands as they formed the shape of five vicious claws.

The Black claws that rose above his fingers were like the claws of the greatest Demonic creature in the depths of hell, Memphis.

and to the horror of the onlookers, Michel dug through the mage's stomach with his sharp claws!


The horror-filled cries of the mage who just got his stomach ripped apart as a doll, resounded through the open space!

But his cries didn't stop Michel, he ripped apart his stomach and started to disembowel his organs.

He squashed his stomach as the blood splashed all over his body.

He pulled out his intestines, donning them around his neck!

His liver was crushed and his gallbladder was lost in that mess!

The men who were seeing the scene threw up being unable to process the scene.

Blood covered Michel's thighs and eventually, his whole body became dyed red with blood.

But the more horrifying thing for the men was the distorted smile on Michel's face, it was as if he was enjoying the feeling of ripping him apart!

The cries of the man slowly started to fade away and the silence ensured!

The mage had lost his life but his eyes still contained absolute terror them, as if he regretted the very fact that he ever met with this young man.

With the stop of his cries, Michel's eye started to drift!


The sound of metal hitting the ground!

One of the men dropped his weapon down to the ground with blank eyes!

He kneeled and the tears started to fall out of his eyes like a river!

If it was due to fear or despair, he himself didn't know it!

Fifteen to twenty skeletons were surrounding them from all sides and adding them was a midget skeleton and a flying skull, and as if that much was not enough, there was this young man who looked like a reincarnation of the devil himself!!

Their survival looked bleak and despair gradually loomed over them!

All of them had only one thought in their mind at this movement!

'We shouldn't have messed with him!'


If there are any proff readers or editors here, let's hope there are some...

Please contact me through discord! I am I need of an editor!!

Thank you.

Twilight_Lordcreators' thoughts
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