
Plan to climb the Tower.

"So...What should we do now?"

Asked a green-haired lady sitting in front of two oversized men in an inn, it would rather be right to call them giants rather than humans at this point.

"I think we should take his offer, for those like us, it will be best to follow someone in power, besides, he was a man with incredible potential, if everything goes well, he will become a ranker not long after, you too saw how strong he was, right?"

Sura who was sitting with a serious expression on his face said explaining his opinion to others.

They were all discussing what to do no since they have entered the Tower, fortunately, they exchanged their climber kit numbers before entering the Tower, with whose help they all gathered in one place on the first floor.

The climber's kit was a specialized device that will help the climbers to communicate with one another, not only communication, it also provided the climbers with some extra functions like inventory, news broadcast, and floor store, which is directly under the management of the floor administrator.

Of course, one can only access to climbed kit when they are not engaged in combat. It is also disabled when entering the dungeon or in some special areas.

But that wasn't the important matter now, they were all gathered together to think about their next move about what are they going to do now that they have entered the Tower.

Including Linda, Sura, and Murkhan, there were other 22 men, among which 21 were those who were following Murkhan and another man named, Simon, who was apparently the one who showed the path to the beginner dungeon to Michel. All others except them decided to go on their own way since they didn't believe they could clear up to the 10th floor in one year.

"Let's be practical, The only one who has the potential to reach the 10th floor before one year here is Murkhan, It's a shame to say it myself, but I think it would be hard for me too"

Said Linda looking at Murkhan.

"Then are you saying we should give up on his Idea and should just walk on our way?"

Sura too knew it himself, even though he was comparably strong that average climbers who entered the Tower and may be able to become a ranker if given time, but that was the matter if he tried for his whole life not something achievable in a short time.

"No, we will not, I have a proposition, If you would like to hear it?", Linda said looking at them.

"Go on"

"I am listening"

Both gave their sign for her to continue while anticipating her 'proposition'.

"The first few floors would be easy to clear so we will rush through them individually until the fifth floor and then after the fifth floor is cleared we will regroup on the sixth floor and pick out members who would feel difficult to clear the next floor and make them challenge the next floor first, it's all good if they clear it but if they can't we will make a group out of them"

Murkhan's ear perked up listening to her advice and as he became more attentive...

"The ones who are confident will move on to clear the next floors individually but those who can't who were grouped separately will challenge the grouped trials, and complete the trial as a group! we will move up the floor like that while once again waiting on the next floors for everyone"

she finished her explanation and looked at them as if asking for their opinions!

"What if a group fails to clear the floor?", Murkhan asked her in response.

Lind made a serious face at his question, "If a group fails to clear the floor by one month, we will move on further leaving them....like this we will definitely reach 10th floor by a year, even if we consider the waiting time into consideration, it won't take more than 12 months to clear all ten floors and if no one has any issues, we can move forward right now"

As soon as she finished Murkhan's face hardened and he stood up from his seat, "I don't like...."

But before he could say anything, the 21 men sitting throughout the inn shouted in unison "We have no problems"

Murkhan was momentarily shocked by their shout as he turned towards them with a questioning gaze.

Those who followed Murkhan knew that he wouldn't leave behind his brothers no matter what, but they didn't want to become a thorn in his path.

They would be no more than dead weights if they still stuck with Murkhan.

"You guys...."

Murkhan who understood the meaning of their shout said with a troubled expression.

"What *Nayak? You don't have any belief in your brothers?"

They asked Murkhan smiling from ear to ear.

All of them may not be blood-related but their relationship was much stronger than that. They knew Murkhan was fated to achieve something great, they don't want him to rot while sticking to dead weights like them. so they themselves came forward to push him out.

'You have carried us on your shoulders for long enough! It's our turn to push you forward.'

They knew for certain that Murkhan would join the group trial with them if anyone among them fell behind without even hesitating, but they didn't want that!

It would be wise for him to challenge individual trials, so instead of wasting his talents while challenging group trials they wanted him to climb as high as he could individually, only then can he fully utilize his potential.

Linda smiled seeing them, "It's decided then, we are going to climb till the tenth floor without rest from tomorrow"

Sura joined her seeing that Murkhan was too emotional to say anything, "And while we are at it let's all give it our best shot!"


*Nayak - A word similar to LEADER.

Hii guys!

Since we are already nearing 30 chapters let's some weekly goals for the novel ^_^

Let me be modest for the first week. The power stone goals are:

50 PS - 1 bonus chapter

100 PS - 2 bonus chapter

200 PS - 3 bonus chapter.

For every 10 golden tickets and gifts above 500 coins there will be extra bonus chapter.

And depending upon the views and collection increase, there will be extra chapters under the even Surprise sunday!! I will explain more about it in next chapter!

Note: All the bonous chapters will be releases at the end of the week.

Twilight_Lordcreators' thoughts
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