
Always remember your position

Zedros throws a number of rocks surrounded by curses towards Rovette but he jumps in the air and dodges.

Zedros : Nice dodge .

Rovette : Now dodge mine.

Rovette sends a yellow beam towards Zedros.Zedros tries to dodge by jumping in the air but the magical beam catches him by his leg and throws him into the ground snacking him .

Zedros : You have done really well .

Rovette suddenly looks towards Zedros and says: Now save yourself from this.

Saying this Rovette sends a large number stone like objects towards Zedros but he manages to dodge it easily.

Zedros : This is really good .

Rovette moves in a quick speed and slashes Zedros's body cutting it into two halves.

Zedros recovers his own body very soon.

Rovette looked a liitle surprised .

Zedros : Well , Iam a trouble aren't I ?

Rovette : No , not that much .But you would be if I hadn't faced bigger problems before in my life .

Zedros : Listen here is a deal . I will spare your life for the Ultimate warrior's location.

Rovette : Iam unaware about his location.

Zedros : Well then the stone you want for The location.

Rovette : I already told you once i don't know his location . You know if i get the stone my first target will be you .

Zedros :Don't worry about that. You will understand my point after I kill you and destroy the stone and ultimate warrior . I am here to avenge my brother .

Rovette : You sound like a kid with no knowledge about the Ultimate warrior. I trained under his guidance once. I know. Your brother knows too.

And what were you doing for so many years ?

Zedros : I don't know but i was living in peace in complete solitude.It's absolute beauty. Even in grief of my brother's death i was feeling relaxed . Iam here to share those beautiful experiences with all the people .My brother came to do the same .

After our leader suddenly summoned us to share happiness to all people i thought it would be a good idea to take the revenge too .

Rovette : Oh so sad you won't ever feel the happiness again .

Zedros suddenly sends a black plane towards Rovette. Rovette destroys the plane with his hands .

Zedros then sends a black cloud towards Rovette .The cloud suddenly turned monster shaped whuch looked it was about to engulf Rovette but Rovette with shining light aura in his hands disuntegrates it completely .

Zedros : Wow impressive. Nobody was able to survive that one . Any person who tries to touch it got engulfed by it .

A little girl just got engulfed yesterday .

Rovette : You never met strong people .

You are about to get mixed into nothingness .

Zedros throws an arrow shaped curse at Rovette but he dodged it again.

Zedros now created a huge curse ball of destruction and throws at Rovette .The area suddenly turned into a mess with an explosion.

A portal opened and Rovette came from it .

Zedros ran towards Rovette and shoved his sharp claws at Rovette's stomach.

Rovette fell on the ground and was coughing blood.

Zedros was really happy .

Zedros : Goodbye brother .

Suddenly he was sent flying off with a punch on his head from behind.

It was Rovette .

Rovette : You are happy killing a clone. So pathetic.

Suddenly ten clones surrounded Zedros and when Zedros was looking towards them .

They suddenly started attacking him in a quick succesion. Just when he was about to catch one clone one another one punched him .

He became angry and relaesed curses from his body.

Soon all the clones disappeared.

Zedros saw Rovette was relaxing at a distance .

Zedros released a very huge cursed ball of destruction along with releasing curses in his surroundings in large amount and threw at Rovette .

Zedros : Now You can't hide anywhere .

A huge explosion took place with place turning into hell .

Suddenly Zedros became tired and his eyes started blinking quickly .

Zedros thinking : What's happening ?

Rovette suddenly appeared before him again.

Zedros : Well you are really smart.

He fired laser beam with his eyes.

Rovette disappeared and appeared behind Zedros.

Zedros : Well ok here take a taste of your own medicine .

Zedros sends his own clones towards Rovette.

Rovette with blue light coming out of his eyes looks at those clones .

The clones started turning back and before zedros could even realize his clones started attacking him .

Zedros was confused and with an attack he vanished all his clones.

Suddenly Zedros's eyes opened and he was in the same location where he and Rovette were before the place changed .

He couldn't move and was really injured and he was feeling uncomfortable .

Rovette who was standing infront of him : Well here is a mystery reveal for you. The fight you fought was inside of you.Your consciousness was fighting inside you and you wasted your curses inside your own damaging you. I just sent a part of my consciousness inside your cinsciousness which is a risky deal for many as you are not a normal human being .

But as i told I have been with Ultimate warrior.Not many people know me and my location. You should have not underestimated me .

I controlled a dangerous being's consciousness .

Zedros : You will die .

Rovette : No, you will.

I was dodging most of the attacks inside you because my consciousness was testing its defence ability .

It wasn't even my real fightback and yet your attacks were countered. When the risk was real at the last moment i called it back and sent it back after its effect was over .I haven't used this in a long time .Thanks to you I got my practice .

Iam not as skilled as The ultimate warrior to control soul and consciousness effectively so i played safe .

Well not me you destroyed yourself. I was just playing a game and your attacks couldn't even hurt my little part but instead got hurt because of it. I guess yoh now understand what kind of person i am ?

Zedros eyes were closing .

Rovette chopped his neck with his hand and Zedros head started falling .

Rivette kicked Zedros's head and sends it inside a portal .

Rovette : Good relief .

Well I still have much left in me. If i get those stones i wonder how powerful i will become.

Maybe i will become the next ultimate warrior.

And most importantly to survive i need those.

I think I must take on the island curse myself

Afterall it was directed towards me. Only few people can eliminate those curses .A strong exorcsim expert or I will take on it myself.It's enough now .

He started laughing loudly .

Rovette : But if what those two told about scorpogons are true it may be a bit of trouble .

Jis Tuk Mith along with Marine's team in the forest.

They were eating the.fruits .

Jis : Wow the fruits are really tasty and ut also fills my stomach.It also feels my energy ks increasing due to these fruits .

Marine : Yes . These fruits seem to be like magical fruits .

Tuk : Yes looks like it .

- To be continued

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