
Finding a way once again

Jis Tuk Mith and Marine's team were inside the jungle. Today they put their camp near a stream .

They all completed their 7 days complete medidation training under the stream .

Tuk : Finally the training is over. It feels like Iam getting more control over my body and powers with these meditation techniques . But iam so hungry now .

Jis : You are always same Tuk .

Tuk angrily says ," Hmm" but then calmly says

"yeah you are right. Can't argue on that."

Tuk : The fruits here looks much more tastier than our previous area .

Tuk in a sarcastic emotional voice says " When you are surviving on fruits for so many days , you need to have some good fruits . Iam right, aren' t I Mith ?

Mith : Well can't disagree with you this time .

Marine shouts in joy, Oi guys look what have i got ? A fish from the river .

Tuk cries in joy . He runs towards Marine and hugs him .

Tuk cries ," Marine my friend you have caught a fish for me . You are really the best ."

Marine smiles and says to Tuk," Leave me now Tuk . "

Tuk : Lets cook it .

Marine smiles .

Saqoa : Huh finally we get to eat something other than fruits .

Marine : But you should not forget those fruits have helped us expanding our powers . Those are such special fruits . I wonder how they came here . There are so much things we don't know .

Saqoa in a non caring voice : Yeah i know .

That night they ate the fish and slept happily looking at the stars .

Jis remembers his family.

Jis asks Tuk," What do you think is going in our normal place ? I kinda miss it .

Tuk : It hurts me everytime i remember about it .

How our parents are dealing with our absence.What Master Zoh is telling them is also unclear ? What my sister is doing ? So i don't think about it much. You shouldn't too.We will see what happens ?

Jis: Yeah I guess you re right.

Saqoa : Will you guys stop talking and go to sleep ?

Jis and Tuk in unison : Yes sir .

Saqoa : Don't forget tomorrow we are having a volleyball match .

Tuk : I wish we could take some of our friends we made on the island with us ..We could play six vs six if that were the case .

Saqoa : Its three vs three .

Tuk : Yeah its kinda boring .

Saqoa : No its not . Now go to sleep .

Saqoa thinking emotionally : I miss my parents too. I regret the act i did with Tuk . My sleep ,i feel like its gone forever . These guys are reallu simething else doing and levelling us at a young age . I shouldn't be jealous . I should try to sleep .

I don't want to but i can't control my feelings .It feels like iam being controlled by someone .

Jis : Good night all .

Tuk : Good night all .

Next morning they woke up . The sunlight hit their eyes .

They wake up and they see their hands tied .

A group of men wearing masks were near them.

Jis : What is happening ? Who are you ?

One man came near Jis and punched his face hard . Jis was hurt .

The man said ," Iam Wakunas and this is my group Fort Ninjas ."

Marine : We are here for becoming curse destroyers . Why have you tied us ?

Wakuna : You see child . This is the most peaceful region of the forest .We live in a specially guarded area and nobody comes here .

Only the authorities here or some powerful invader can enter without permission . We were watching you yesterday and we know that you are inexperienced but i can't take any risks .

So , now tell me how did you get here ?

Tuk : A person sent us .

Wakuna : Tell his name.

Mith : I heard something like Rovette .

Wakuna : Oh now i get it . There's no way you kids would end up on your own ( He starts laughing).

Our Queen powers this area . She is really powerful . Rovette made a deal with us to not allow any foreign entity to enter our territory though he occasionally sends some .

He is a trouble . You see this forest once was

Saqoa : What is going to happen with us ?

Wakuna : You will be really excited to know . ( He laughs ) He opens a portal and transfer them directly infront of the queen's throne .

The queen says , " We have some visitors here ."

Wakuna : Yes we caught them queen.

The queen : I knew already .

Everyone looked surprised .

Jis : What ?

The queen : Untie their hands . Rovette told me about them .

They are students . Their normal process of selection got cancelled . So, they will be completing their remaining under my supervision.

(Their hands are untied )

The queen : You fellows introduce yourseleves .

They introduce themselves .

The queen : Iam seeing three fruit chosen warriors . Interesting .

Jis Tuk and Mith smiles.

The queen : Every remaining participents are sent to some hidden kingdoms but you have beem sent to the most powerful one . Welcome to Vold kingdom .

You will stay here till your training is completed .

Huh .

The queen says to guard ," Show them their rooms . Don't worry time passes really slowly here ."

The guard said ok and took them to their rooms .

Jis : Wow these room is bigger than the one in SGN . After so much time i got to stay in a room .

Tuk in his room : (Shouting ) Yeah Yeah.Finally i will get some goos food .

Mith in room quietly watches the stone.

From the next they are put through very hard and rough and rigorous practices . The queen also mentored them . She helped them to meditate .

When someone lost convebtration queen would use magical whip on them . Tuk got the most beating .

They continue for twenty five years but they didnt age.

They learned new techniques and finally it was the last day of their training .

All of them made some friends as well .

Jis asks Tobe ( A strong guy who was his friend )

: We are going from here buy we don't quite understand this place .

Tobe : You are young. You will learn with experience .

Jis : What ?

Tobe : There are many mysteries here . I have feeling we will meet again and that time you may know it . Don't expect me to tell you .

Jis : How powerful.is the queen ?

Tobe : Too much .

Jis : I will like to find this mystery on my own someday .

Tobe smiles : Yeah you will .

A guard arrives and tells Jis ," The queen is calling you."

All six of them arrive at the queen's courtroom .

The queen : You have all passed and completed your training .

It was a good experience for me to train you and watch you develop. You are all extraordinary group of people .

I will remember you and hopefully we will meet again .

The time inside this forest and my kingdom passes very slowly so not much of time has passed since you arrived . So you don't have to worry about anything and keep on training .

We will need you . Something is not going right .

Tuk : Queen , Don't you feel time ?

The queen : Yes i do.

The queen opens two portals with her hands .

The queen : Mith Jis Tuk enter left one and Marine Saqoa and Bret you all enter right one .

They suddenly realised that they are going to be seperate.

They all became emotional . They remembered their happy moments together .

Saqoa was looking down with a sad face thinking something .

Tuk staryed crying .

Marine held Tuk and asked him not to cry but tears started falling from his eyes too .

Bret also started wiping .

Finally with a sad heart they all said good bye and entered the portal .

They promised that they will meet again.

The queen said after they were gone ," What an amazing group of people ? We need more people like them to fight the catastrophe .

Wakuna : Yes Miss .

- To be continued

- To be continued .

( Iam going for a long hiatus guys sorry.I will try to get back soon)

- to be continued

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