
Déjà vu





Keylee tried the hardest to block the voice and stay asleep but now someone started to poke her gently in her side. Keylee grumbled and opened her eyes. 'I don't wanna wake up.'

Void chuckled. 'I know, but you have to. I need you to do something for me.'

'Hmm, why, and why so early?'

'Cause now you are still half asleep and not fully functioning.'

Keylee frowned. That sounded weird, that sounded off. But it was correct though. She was to tired to think about the real meaning of those words and just closed her eyes again. 'Hmm, yeah. More reason to let me sleep.'

Void didn't listen and pulled her up. 'Open your eyes, you're done sleeping.'

'No I'm not.' Keylee protested. Why was she feeling so dizzy? Something felt off, what had happened the last night?

'My head hurts.' As soon as she finished the sentence she heard someone repeat it in her head, only it was a little different...

'My head hurts fox boy.'

'I know Kitten.'

'I know, just do this okay, just do this for me?'

Keylee frowned. Something was off. She had done this before. No, she hadn't, not in this life at least. The sun shone bright in her eyes. She stood in a field filled with beautiful flowers. A few steps away stood Void. He smiled, he looked genuinely happy.

'Come on Fox boy? What's the trick behind this?'

'No trick Aya, just you and me.'

She smiled.

The memory faded and Keylee was brought back to reality. she hadn't even noticed the difference... Still half asleep she let Void guide her out into the forest until they reached a big tree trunk.

'A Nemeton? The tree is really huge. Are there more of these?'

'Yes, one of them is located in Beacon Hills, I haven't found the other ones yet but I came across it last week. I thought you'd like it.'

'Really? I thought you didn't care if I liked something?'.....

Keylee shook her head to get the fake picture out of her head. Man, this was confusing. 'It's a Nemeton, isn't it?' She asked. The one in her dream o vision, however you wanna call it... It was a full grown tree. This.... How could anyone possibly cut something down that used to be so magnificent?

'Give me your arm.'


'It will just be a small cut.'

'I swear, it will be healed before you can say "I knew it"

'What? Fo- ouch! Hey! I knew you-'

'See? Done.'

'Why did you do that?'

Keylee dozed of in the memory until she realized Void had taken her arm. 'Why do you need to-' She was stopped mid-sentence as Void had taken a knife out and made a small cut in her hand. She hissed in discomfort, now fully awake. 'Why?' She just mumbled.

Void took her hand out and held it above the Nemeton. A few drops of blood fell on it. Void repeated the ritual with himself

'Cause now I can help you.'

Void turned around. 'Aya, I'm a fox, perhaps a bad one but still a fox. I'm a very curious creature, just like you. In all my thousand years I have never met someone like you. I want to, no, I need to know more.'

'Don't worry Kitten, I'll be able to help you know. You just need to want it, you need to trust me.'

'You just cut me.'

'Deja vu?'

Keylee's head snapped up. 'How did you know?'

Void gestured for Keylee to come sit besides him and took her wounded hand to tend it. 'I just guessed. If I would repeat my actions from the last time we met, perhaps you would remember something. I told you it would come with the time.'

'I still don't understand why you would help me Void. I mean, don't get me wrong. I appreciate it, and you did help a lot but why? What's in it for you?'

He just shrugged. 'Nothing. I just, I feel this, this feeling with you. I want to help you. I need to help you.'

He smiled when he noticed her change in behavior. She felt more at ease.

'Keylee, I care for you. I told you before I cared for you as an important piece of a game-' he hesitated to make it look like he wasn't sure if to say it. -'I think you are important to me anyway, I can't hurt you without feeling bad, I can't stand it when I see you in pain. All I want to do is help you on those moments. These are new feelings to me. I've never had them before. At first I wanted to kill you for it but I knew I would never forgive myself. I don't care who or what you are, I-

Void suddenly turned around and moved his hand forward. He stared at the bullet in his hand. Keylee looked at it too. She widened her eyes. 'Did someone try to shoot us?'

'Not us, me.'

Void grabbed Keylee's wrist and pushed her besides him. 'Really Sheriff? Did you think a little bullet could stop me?'

Suddenly everyone stepped out from behind the tree's. Keylee looked extremely confused at all the angry faces. Sheriff Stilinski, Deaton, Scott, Stiles. There was some new boy who, she guessed, was Scott's beta and two knew girls she didn't recognize.

'It's not the bullet that will take you down...' The sheriff spoke.

'It's what's on the bullet.' Deaton finished.

Void got a confused look on his face and suddenly everyone could just see he figured it out. 'No.' If he could get any paler he probably would now. He stared at his shaking hand. 'Kanima venom, again?' He stumbled backwards and fell down. 'Oh, this is gonna be very interesting. What are you gonna do now Scotty? You can't kill me!'

Scott walked closer and stared down at Void. 'We'll figure it out.' Then he stared at Keylee.

'Keylee? Are you okay?' He slowly walked closer like he wasn't sure. Keylee nodded. Why was he acting like she was some sort of danger?

'S-Scott? What- how?'

Scott moved forward and quickly embraced his little sister in a hug. 'Oh my gosh, I'm so happy it's you. I'm so so sorry. I'm sorry I wasn't there. We were so worried about you. I'm so glad to have you back.'

Keylee sighted in relieve and smiled happily as she held her brother tight. She buried her nose in the crock of his neck. 'I missed you Scott. I'm sorry about Alli. If I would have been there-'

'No, it wasn't your fault. None of this was. It's his fault. God, I'm just happy we got you back before anyone died. We should go home, go to mom. You're safe now.'

'Yeah.' Keylee smiles through her happy tears. Yet she couldn't help but feel guilty. Void helped her. He didn't really harm her. Yes, she was very happy to hold her brother again but she couldn't help thinking what was gonna happen to Void. They wouldn't kill him would they?

Scott sensed something was off with Keylee but he brushed it off. Thinking she just had a tough few days. Stiles had enough of waiting and pulled Keylee out of his arms and into his own.

'I'm so happy you're alive. I'm sorry. I'm so so sorry Keylee.'

'Stiles, it's not your fault.'

'You don't know how many people died because of me.'

Stiles still felt guilty for everything he had done while he was possessed, even if it wasn't really him. Scott looked from his sister to his best friend and hugged them both.

Kira, who had also never met Keylee looked at Liam. They both found it a bit awkward and din't want to disturb the moment but couldn't help but look at Void. They had to do something about him right? The sheriff and Malia were clearly thinking the same. Deaton was the only one who looked in his own thoughts. He seemed concerned about something and kept staring at Void who was looking at Scott, Stiles and Keylee hugging each other.

'I hate to destroy this little moment but can we finally kill him?'

Void turned his head to Malia. 'No need to be so grumpy. I'm not going anywhere as you can see, let them enjoy this as long as they still can.'

'What is that supposed to mean?' Scott quickly turned to Void and looked a him like he expected him to explode or something.

'It means exactly like I said, enjoy it as long as you can.'

'Alan, could you please bring me the tape to make him shut up, cause if he won't I'm afraid I'll shoot him and that's a waist of my silver bullets.'

Dr. Deaton nodded at the sheriff and took the tape from his back. Void just laughed at it. Again. He found it very amusing how Malia wanted nothing more but kill him, the sheriff now kinda seemed to think the same. Scott wanted to get rid of him and get his sister safe, Stiles was afraid of him and hated him, Deaton looked like he had already figured out his plan but was too scared to believe it and in the middle of everything, he could feel Keylee was in inner conflict with herself. And oh, how Void loved the chaos he had created.

'I told you you can't beat me, you wont beat m-'

Deaton quickly taped his mouth. Void yelled in the tape and started laughing after that like he did the last time.

A black car came in view, when it was close enough, Derek stepped out. 'Did the plan work?' He asked immediately.

Scott nodded. 'Yep, he's defenseless. We just have to keep him like this and find a way to kill him. We should take him to your loft.'

Stiles suddenly boomed forward. 'Wow, guys? Are we just gonna ignore the warning he just gave us? Trust me, I know it wasn't fake. If he said there is something coming there is.'

'Relax Stiles, we got him, we tricked him. The tracker on the ritual book worked and he can't do anything. You're just being paranoid.'

'Am I Scott? Am I? Or do you just want to believe you got him? Cause he wouldn't be in this position if it wasn't part of a bigger plan.'

Unbeknownst to everyone, Stiles was right. But no one wanted to believe it. They just wanted to believe it was over, that they had won. So that's what they believed when they walked to Stiles' jeep. They put Void in Derek's car with Malia, Kira and Deaton. Kira and Stiles drove with the jeep and Scott didn't leave Keylee for a second. They ended up together at the backseat of, also, Stiles' jeep. Stiles sat a bit grumpy behind the wheel, annoyed that no one took his warning seriously. He was very happy to have Keylee back but if they didn't do something he was afraid it wouldn't last long.

Oh the irony of how many times he was right while no one believed him.

When the group entered the loft, Peter, Lydia and Melissa were already waiting. Lydia and Melissa rushed to Keylee and hugged her while Peter just rolled his eyes. Malia didn't even glace at them and immediately walked to Stiles.

'Okay, what's off?' She asked him bluntly.

'Hmm? Nothing. Why would something be off?'

'Because your smile is upside down. You always smile upside down when something is off. And you smell sad for someone who just got his friend back.'

'Yeah, it's just, they don't listen to me. Void is up to something but no one believes me.'

Malia though about it. 'If you believe it I do too. Would you feel better if I'd kiss you?'

They both smiled but stiles shook his head. 'Not now. We need to find a way to kill Void.'

They both turned towards Void who was now placed on a chair. He was tied at it with chains, the chains were also locked at a pillar, he was also tied up with ropes. Besides all that the kanima venom was still working.

Was everyone overreacting? Probably. Would any of it help? Probably not.

Melissa sat down on the couch besides her daughter and wrapped her arm around her. Keylee leaned against her shoulder and stared at Void. He looked down at nothing in particular. She felt bad, why did she feel bad? Didn't she had everything she wanted back? Her family, her friends, everyone safe... So why did she feel bad?

'I'm so glad you're okay honey, we were so worried about you.'

'I- I'm glad to be back mom.'

Void stared at Keylee until Dr. Deaton blocked his view. 'You're not getting her.' He told him. Void just raised his eyebrows and even with the tape on you could notice he smirked darkly. Deaton knew what he was trying to say.

"Too late."

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