
Brief Knowledge

"Yup". Both Ophelia and Hayden retorted.

"But it all just depends on how well she uses it".

Hayden added with a cheeky smile which received an eye roll from Ophelia.

"Vision Is that an element ?" Hunter asked curiously.

"Well, I do not know how to put it, but it's more like you been able to see into the future but only through visions or dreams at the beginning stage. Most visions would occur due to emotional attachment the user has to its friends or family members. So if one of us was to die, Amelia woul most likely have a dream or see a vision about it before it happens". Ophelia replied him.

"So it's basically you been able to see the future ?" Hunter asked again.

"Yes, but for now no. Only if she develops the power and harness it can she be able to do so. So instead of her been called the future seeker, her power is been labeled as vision". She said.

"Sorry I'm asking many questions, but what element is that ?"

Hayden chuckled slightly which got both of their attention on him. Quickly he tried to say something before Ophelia asked him what was funny or if he should share the joke and not be stingy with his laughter.

"It's not am element. We call it the blessing from the gods ". Hayden replied with a smirk, quickly he added more.

"And yeah, no one knows how it happens. But most times if not all the times, humans who wield such power either starts working with the church or some secrets organisation or even in the kings courthouse or they are never heard of ".

With that last sentence, their faces darkened, this didn't go unnoticed by Hunter who decided not to ask any questions pertaining to that line.

She faced Hunter and continued her explanation.

"Besides you are the one who's the genius of the family. Now there are some people who are born with weird affinities. Some are even said to be 'OP', that's over powered. Their affinity is not to an element alone but also the world energy. Such as Life, Death, time, void, space, Illusion, gravity, and psychic".

"And I'm psychic ?" Hunter caught on quickly.

Both Ophelia and Hayden stared at him curiously.

"It seems you still remember somethings " Hayden broke the silence, still Ophelia said nothing.

"Yes, you are and a baby one. Though you would still be beaten by either I or Hayden and a draw with Amelia or a narrow win for her".


They both looked stunned.

"So what was my fighting class. I suppose there's one right ". Hunter asked quickly, not caring about their bewildered faces. It's one thing to posses the body of a cripple, and another to realize that a cripple possessed a good power and then was actually lazy since he wasn't going to take an easy route in getting stronger.

"Well, sorry to burst your bubbles brother, but you always refrained from physical sparring. But you always won the mental ones". Ophelia said sweetly. Bet she was wondering if he had experienced a shift in personality, and thus blaming himself for his past decisions.

'Then how would I be able to draw with Amelia' Hunter thought to himself.

"Thanks sis, but I prefer to kick some ass than play mind games" Hunter said in a sincere tone.

"Now that's my twin!" Hayden shouted with glee as he moved towards Hunter and held his right hand and dragged him up.

'Doesn't mean I don't like messing up the mind of my prey' He thought as his lips arched upwards.

'Feeding on the fear of your prey before consuming its whole is always a good appetiser before the main meal'. Nearly and he would have been laughing to himself. He looked up to see Hayden with gleaming eyes, staring at him.

"Now let's spar brother while the women watch!" He said in a dark gruffly voice that reminded Hunter of the Vikings show in his previous life.

Putting some distance between me as he walked away and that was when he knew he fucked up.

"Oops, sorry brother". He said sheepishly as Hunter fell ass first to the ground. With a frown on his face, he showed him the middle finger which made both siblings to laugh out loud while he held the wheels armrest and dragged himself up until he was seated. They tried to volunteer to help but he adamantly refused. A stain has been put on his masculine pride since he's was reincarnated and now this. Fuck whoever gave him this condition, he was pretty sure it was the devil cause that guy must have thought of recreating Job scenario by using Job as a template and him as the guinea pig, and my ever fun loving Lord accepted it. He thought tearfully.

"Alright Hunter, I would be sparring with Hayden now. You could stay and watch or you could go do something else, or whatever you like" Ophelia suggested with a sweet smile.

"Sure. Thanks, but I would stay". Hunter replied.

She nodded at him as she turned her attention back to Hayden who was busy stretching his arms and legs joints and pulling his neck to the left and right, looking to die by a mistake snap.

"Root for me brother, as I deal with this proud p..".

Hayden was met with a cold stare as she looked straight into his eyes.

"..Queen" He softly completed. He coughed out loud and straightened himself. Quickly he entered into a battle stance as Ophelia just stood casually, not bothering on attacking him. Hunter knowing what was about to go down quickly wheeled away to a corner far from any harm but close enough to see the fight. In his previous life during high-school, a guy with a ball, football or basketball tells you to come get the ball from him, that's when you shouldn't go. Unless you got a thick skin when walking down the hall way after school or you have no reputation to lose.

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