
Don't be ridiculous.

"Perseus! What in the world is happening right now!!?"

On top of being in a bad mood because of the nosey guests, Atropos was hit with another unpleasant surprise.

When the alarm rang she teleported outside, and the moment her eyes fell on the spatial rift she cursed her luck. The Ritual should've been halted when Artemis and the others arrived. They still had a few hours before its effect went back to its maximum output, however the Primordial was already attempting to invade their plain of existence, arriving much earlier than anticipated.

[Milady, there is nothing to worry about.] Said Perseus, his face appearing on a small floating screen. [I've already anticipated that this would happen. The second phase of the Ritual is ready. All that's left is to wait for the right moment.]

"You already anticipated this?" She asked, a little perplexed.

[Milady, do you remember my report from two days ago?]

"... I see. I now understand…"

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