
Who are you?

"Well then. Let's hear it." Sam said as he sat down.

In front of him was a clear glass wall and on the other side was the prisoner they came to visit; the dark-skinned woman named Antia. Much like what they did with Wolf a while ago, the woman had every part of her tied to a large chair leaving no room for movement.

"Hey now, I know we are enemies, but isn't it basic manners to show gratitude to those who save your life?"

The dark-skinned woman stared at him for a while but said nothing.

Considering that she's capable of teleportation the restraints might be meaningless. The cell she's in has been isolated from the outside, but just in case she tries anything the mines in the restraints and those planted into her skin would instantly trigger blowing her to bits before she could put on a barrier.

"Ah! Please pardon my rudeness. To think I would forget to introduce myself. My name is Sam Sanderson. You could say I'm the one in charge."

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