
Black Dragons!

The soldiers slept through nicely through the night, getting a time to rest for tomorrow they march towards the southwest borders to hopefully assist Sir Gawain.

The morning came quickly and the soldiers plus Excalibur quickly rosed themselves and prepared for the journey.

" All right, everyone. Get up. Those of you who are coming with me prepare to head to the south. The rest of you get back home and heal yourselves. Then when you're ready prepare to move out once more. Just because you get a reprieve doesn't mean this fight is over. We've still got a long campaign in front of us." Poseidon explained to his men.

" And as for you guys, you still have a choice. You can come with me, or you can go after Morgan. What will it be?" Poseidon asked.

" We're with you." Betsy replied.

" She doesn't speak for me." Apocalypse spoke.

" What are you doing, Apocalypse?" Betsy asked.

" Simple, if you are all so set on saving these humans. Then it would be easier for us to split up. Just tell me where the others are, and I'll go there. The sooner we get through with this pointless campaign the sooner we can deal with the real threat." Apocalypse explained.

" Okay, that sounds smart. Sir Kay is directly east from our current position. I'm sure someone who has been around as long as you have can figure that out. Once, you've secured Sir Kay's position head north-west. There you'll meet Lancelot's division. If we can get to Sir Gawain fast enough, we'll meet back up on Lancelot's position." Poseidon explained to the man.

" Very well. I shall take my part." Apocalypse spoke.

" One more thing. If any of my men die and I find out it was your fault, or you could have saved them... I'll kill you myself. Are we clear?" Poseidon asked.

" Please, you may be a God, but I've faced gods before and won." Apocalypse spoke.

" None of those Gods were me, though. Were they?" Poseidon asked.

" You'd be surprised, boy. You still have so much to learn." Apocalypse spoke. He looked at Poseidon and grinned.

" I look forward to it." Poseidon replied back with a smirk of his own.

" We'll see about that." Apocalypse spoke. He then started off into the east on his own, leaving behind his team and the knights.

" I'm sorry about Apocalypse. He's still working on this whole team thing." Betsy spoke.

" You don't need to worry about it. I've dealt with men who thought they were bigger than they were before. But I thank you anyways miss Braddock." Poseidon spoke.

" Call me Betsy. It's what my friends call me." Betsy said to the man.

Poseidon nodded and smirked.

" I didn't know we were friend. But okay. Thank you, Betsy. We better get moving quickly." Poseidon spoke.

" You concerned ya boy not gonna make it?" Gambit asked.

" No. Gawain is strong. Far stronger than most. His soul burns as hot as the sun itself. And so does his passion. He won't fall so easily. But he won't be able to fight forever. So, let's get a move." Poseidon explained to the group. He then started walking ahead, with Excalibur, while the rest of the nights followed behind.

The journey was a long one, a few hours of walking. Their destination was far, thankfully sea was closer to the southern borders than London, which is why Poseidon decided to head there first.

A day later.

" Yaaaah! Is that the best you can do!?" Gawain shouted. He swung his sword in a vertical line and sent out a blast of fire right towards the undead monsters in front of him. He had been fighting for days straight, his troops were beginning to weaken and were on their last knees. But still they fought bravely.

" To victory or to death! We will fight in the name of Justice!" Gawain shouted. " FOR BRITAIN!"


The knigths prepared for their enemies.

{War Horn!}

Gawain and the knights hear the sound of the Britain's war horns and look to where they are coming from.

They looked over the grassland and saw the banner of one knight of the round table.

" HAHA! LOOK ALIVE MEN!" Gawain shouted.

He was excited.

And rightfully so.


Poseidon shouts to the top of his lungs.

Poseidon leaps into battle with his greatsword, swinging in the air and slams it down on the ground so hard it cracks apart.

" Gawain!" Poseidon shouts.

" Captain! It's good to see you! And I see you brought help." Gawain nods to Excalibur.

" Yeah. You still good to fight?" Poseidon asked.

" Of course." Gawain replies/

" Then let's put an end to this." Poseidon rushes forwards with Gawain right behind him.

The two men run side by side and join swords.

" Are you ready?"

" Yeah, let's do it!"

Gawain and Poseidon's blades start to glow red hot from Gawain's heat.

" Twin Blade double cross!" The two men slam their sword into the ground and two massive pillars of fire erupt from the ground.

" WHOOOA! THEY ROASTED THEM!" Jubilee exclaimed.

" Dat's ridiculous." Rogue mutters.

" This is the power of the original Knights. Do they really need our help?" Betsy wondered.

" Stop Gawking back there!" Poseidon shouted to the group. " This fight isn't over yet." Poseidon exclaimed.

He twirled his blade around and pointed it towards the large army of ghouls and fools in front of him.

The knights, that were once on the verge of defeat, were now taking control over the battlefield thanks to the timely arrival of the captain Vali, and his team of Black Dragons.

The combined might of the two teams quickly overcame the seemingly endless horde in front of them. And from a distance, Morgan, felt a very human chill run up her spine.

" Dear Aunt, is this what you meant by total victory?" Mordred asked the woman. " Our forces at the sea were wiped out and Sir Tristan lives. Sir Gawain's sun Guard along with the black dragons have crushed our forces at the southern border. And now Sir Kay and his Archers are heading north. Lancelot and his black knights have effectively crushed our army in the north alone. Meaning a large portion of the force you summoned has lost half of its numbers." Mordred spoke.

Morgan's anger flared up and she fired a blast of green magical energy at Mordred.

Mordred raised his sword to block the attack but was knocked into the wall hard.

" You think I don't know this, Nephew? I am Morgan, the true sorceress supreme. I have everything under control. If you are so worried about MY forces, why don't you go out there and actually do something, instead of sitting in here and letting me do all the work." Morgan snapped.

" Calm yourself, Aunty. I meant no disrespect." Mordred spoke.

" Trust me, if I felt disrespected.... You'll know. Leave me! I need to prepare. I haven't fully integrated the starlight. And I must focus." Morgan spoke.

" Of course, Aunty." Mordred replied. He got to his feet and bowed to Morgan before departing from her chambers. " Rude, bitch. I swear you'll pay for that. When I'm king you'll all pay. I swear it if my name isn't Mordred."

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