
Zeus' Will!

Mount Olympus.

Third person.

" Can you feel it, Hera?" Zeus asked the woman who was lying down in her bed.

Hera looked up from her parchment to see what it was, that Zeus was speaking of.

" What is it, Zeus?" Hera asked the man.

" There's a storm approaching. A powerful storm full of wrath and anger, yet calm and controlled. And it's heading right for Mount Olympus." Zeus explained to the woman.

" What are you going to do?" Hera asked. Intrigued by her husband's sudden interest in the storm.

Zeus grinned, his smile stretching from ear to ear, his eyes lit up in a blaze of lightning and his laughter filled the room.

" Why I think we should put on a show." Zeus told the woman. " HERMES!!!!" Zeus shouted for his personal messenger.

With the swiftness of the wind, Hermes sped into Zeus and Hera's bedroom, his little helmet still spinning.

" You called, Zeus?" Hermes asked.

" Yes, I want you to tell all of the gods to gather in the arena." Zeus told the man as he walked towards his closet.

" Uhm, what's going on sir? Is there anything specifically you want me to inform them of?" Hermes asked.

" Yes." Zeus told the man with a smile. " Tell them there will be a battle of gods. And make sure Poseidon brings that girl." Upon Zeus' Declaration, Hermes face paled. His throat dropped down into his stomach. A battle of gods wasn't uncommon. But the Olympian gods just finished a war with the Persians. And now there is another battle coming. And Hermes wasn't ready for it. But nonetheless, Hermes carried out Zeus' orders.

All across Olympus the gods began murmuring.

Are's Lair.

" A battle between gods? Did Zeus say who?" Ares asked Hermes as the man polished his axe.

" No, he just told me to send the message." Hermes replied.

" Alright. I guess I got no choice. If the big man himself is telling us to get together then we gotta get together. But of course, I am looking forward to this. Being the god of war and all." Ares spoke. He got to his feet and gathered his weapons while Hermes moved on to finish his delivery.

Athena's Lair.

" A battle of gods. I think I know who. Very well, you may go now, Hermes. I will inform Hestia of what is happening." Athena told the man.

" But." Hermes went to refute the women, but upon seeing Athena's glare, Hermes decided not to speak.

Artemis' Lair.

" Okay, Me and my daughters will be there. You may leave now Hermes. I'm sure you're quite busy." Artemis told the man. She grabbed her bow and whistled for her daughters, the hunters of Artemis.


" Persephone. I'm heading to Olympus for a while, can you handle things here by yourself/" hades asked the woman.

Persephone, who was playing with Cerberus, suddenly turned towards the man and threw Cerberus' bone right at him.

Hades caught the bone and was set upon immediately by his guard dog. Cerberus tackled Hades to the ground and started licking him fiercely.

" HAhahaha! Okay, down boy. Down." Hades told the giant three headed dog. He grabbed Cerberus' bone and tossed it to the side, drawing Cerberus' attention away from him and elsewhere.

Hades then got his feet and brushed himself off.

" Was that really necessary, dear?" Hades asked the woman.

" No, but it was funny." Persephone jested. She walked up to Hades and kissed him on his lips before pulling away. " Oh, dog breath." Persephone complained.

Hades puckered up and started kissing Persephone all over.

" Ugrrrh!' Persephone grunted as she struggled to break Hades hold over her.

" HAhahaha! that's what you get." Hades joked. " Enjoy yourself while I'm gone dear. I hope you don't still smell like dog when I get back."

" UGRRRRH! I love you too!" Persephone shouted angrily as she stomped away, most likely to clean the smell of dog off of her body.

Hades smirked and opened a portal and then stepped through.

Poseidon's Lair.

" And you're sure this is what Zeus wanted?" Poseidon asked as he watched his new toy.

" Yes, Poseidon. He wants you to come to the arena and bring the girl. He wants to put on a show for all of the gods." Hermes told the man.

" But why bring the girl? What could he possibly want with her? What does he stand to gain?" Poseidon asked.

" I am not sure. Perhaps she will be a prize?" Hermes suggested.

" No, she is mine to do with. I will raise her to be obedient and take her as my bride." Poseidon exclaimed. " And if it's a fight Zeus wants it's a fight he will get."

Hermes nodded and quickly left Poseidon's chambers, leaving Poseidon to himself.

Poseidon huffed as he got to his feet. He grabbed his robes and his Trident and began getting ready.

He then picked the small girl up and placed her in a cage.

Poseidon made his way out of his lair and too Mount Olympus' main gladiator arena. When he arrived, he saw that every single god of Greece had shown up and that he was the last to arrive.

" Poseidon, how long has it been? You seem well brother." Hades spoke to the man.

" What are you doing here, Hades? Have you come to give me what I am owed?" Poseidon asked aggressively.

" Oh, my dear brother. I believe that by the end of this day you will indeed be given what you are owed." Hestia, who had come to the arena with Athena, apollo and Hercules, told the man as she approached him.

Poseidon turned to Hestia and glared at her. He raised his hand and the ground started shaking.

In response to his sudden aggressiveness Hades, Hercules, Apollo, and Athena all stood in front of the man and began flexing their power. Hades summoned a pillar of fire, as did Apollo. Athena drew her sword, and her shield and Hercules grabbed his mace.

Poseidon disregarded his niece and his nephews, and instead glared at his elder brother. He knew in his heart that, while he could face Hades alone and possibly win, Hades was still stronger than him and would more than likely win any fight they had.

" It isn't nice to threaten our sister, Poseidon. Perhaps you should calm down a little." Hades told the man.

" Yes, Poseidon. It isn't time to fight just yet." Zeus told the man. After having seen enough the king of the gods decided too finally step in.

Upon Zeus arrival, the gods immediately calmed down.

" Zeus what is the meaning of this?" Poseidon asked.

" Oh, Poseidon! I just thought that maybe all of the gods would want to see this amazing storm that is coming together. We could laugh and have fun and watch the battle!" Zeus exclaimed.

" GRRR! Enough with the cryptic messages. What battle Zeus?!" Poseidon shouted. He was tired of Zeus' games.

The ground started shaking and thunder and lightning clapped around the arena. Poseidon and the rest of the gods all turned their attention to the entrance to the arena.

The little sleeping girl, Diana, awoke to the sound and cried out. " Daddy!!!"

" HRMMMMMM!!!" Poseidon growled as he walked into the arena, the veins in his throbbing in anger.

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