
Battle in Atlantis(2)

The moment I laid eyes on Triton, I rushed towards him with all of my might and snatched him up. We both went hurdling through multiple towers.

The moment I could see again, I punched him in the face.

He grunted and punched me back. It moved me but I barely felt it at all. I reeled back again and punched him in his chin.

Triton's body went flying out of the depths of the sea and I chased after him. I broke through the sea surface and caught Triton by his leg. I then fell back into the ocean, with Triton still in my hands, and rushed straight for the sea floor. I spun Triton around and with all the force I could muster, slammed him straight into the sea floor.

The ground split open and the result was a crater that stretched for miles.

Triton coughed up a mouthful of blood, but still he got to his feet.

" Brother... Brother wai-" Triton tried speaking. But I wasn't having any of it. I rushed the man again and speared him. I carried him through the sea for miles. I reached up and grabbed Triton by his face and shoved him into the ground below, tearing up the sea floor with his head in the process.

Triton slammed his foot into my god and used the momentum to flip me. He used his own body to throw me over his head.

I hurtled through the sea and hit the ground.

Triton picked himself up and held up a hand.

" Brother, wait. Hear me out. I swear, I didn't know. I wouldn't..."

" You wouldn't have what brother? You wouldn't have killed my son? My wife?!" I snapped back at the man. " It's too late for apologies. There's only one thing I want now. I want my daughter back. Give her to me and I swear I'll leave right now."

" I'm... I'm sorry brother. I don't... i don't have her. Father took her from me after your fight. I swear.... I tried to get her back. But father is keeping her under his own watchful eye." Triton spoke.

" I see." I raised my hand and swung the white bubble at Triton. The ground below us tore up and Triton was blasted away with the full might of an earthquake.

I chased after the man as he flew and punched him multiple times in the gut. Each strike breaking one of his bones, forcing him to spit up more blood. " You took everything from me. Now, I'm gonna do the same to you." I told the man. I then hit him as hard as I could in his face, knocking out some of his teeth.

I could see the city of Atlantis below us, so I grabbed Triton by his foot and slammed him down into one of the towers, sending him crashing through the ceiling all the way down to the bottom floor.

I descended down the holes as hundreds of fish like men and women all ran away in terror.

Triton was heaving and bloody.

I wasn't gonna hold back. Not now.

I looked down at the man. I grabbed him by his hair and lifted him up off the floor. I aimed to punch him in his stomach, but I suddenly felt a strong force wrap around me and lift me up.

" Get your hands off my brother!" Kymopoleia, the water goddess screamed in my face.

I reached up and tore myself from the woman's grasp. She looked shocked by how effortlessly I broke free.

I raised my hand and summoned my trident. It came to me in a matter of moments. I raised my Trident towards the woman and sparks started to ignite off of each of its three blades.

Kymopoleia raised her arms to try and block my attack, but the force of the lightning with which I struck her with completely crippled her guard.

" AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" Kymopoleia screamed out in pain before collapsing to the sea floor. Smoke still coming off of her body from the heat of the blast.

" I have no quarrel with you woman." I told the trembling woman. I left her to return to Triton who was currently trying to pick himself up off the ground.

Blood was leaking from his head, mouth, ears... Basically everywhere.

" Look at me." I told the man. Triton had his eyes closed tight from the pain. " I SAID LOOK AT ME!" I slammed my foot down on Triton's chest.

Triton's eyes shot open, and he yelled out.

" I expected so much more from this. I was hoping you would put up some kind of fight. To give me a proper test for my new strength. But it looks like I was wrong." I said to him. He tried desperately to free himself from under me. To no avail. Having finally had enough of this farce, I raised my trident over head to finally strike down the man who had caused me so much grief. However, before I could deliver the killing blow, some woman jumped in front of me Trident. Her face twisted in anger and tears pouring down her face.

I was going to simply run my Trident through the both of them, but I stopped when I saw the bulge of her stomach. When I did, I jerked my hand still, stopping just short of her face. Yet she glared back at me defiantly and unmoving.

I was going to tell her to move when she suddenly spoke.

" You're him, right? His brother?" She asked. " I know what he's done. I know what you have lost. But please... Please believe me when I tell you he didn't know. I swear to his father he didn't know. If he had known his dad was lying to him, I know Triton wouldn't have hurt your family. I know it. And I know you probably never will forgive him. But the one you should kill isn't my husband. It's his father. He's the one who sent you both on this path. He's the one who wronged the both of you. He's the one who wanted them dead. Not Triton. Poseidon is a greedy, horrible god of the sea. He doesn't care about anyone or anything unless they can be of use to him. And you know it! But Triton isn't like that. He cares about his people. He loves them and respects them and protects them and they in turn love him and respect him. He is treasured throughout the seas, by all manner of creatures. Fish, fishmen and humans. All of them. Please, I am begging you. If you cannot find it in your heart to spare Triton for being an unwilling ally, then please Spare him so that his child doesn't have to know what it is like to grow up without knowing the love of his father. Please don't take my husband!" The woman begged and pleaded for Tritons life. Crying as she told me his story.

I looked over to Triton's body and saw him mumbling.

" Forgive me brother... Don't hurt... Her." I could hear triton begging for forgiveness. he even cried from his swollen eyes.

I looked back and forth between the two. I wanted so badly to kill him, I really did, and I was gonna. I raised my trident again to strike. When I suddenly felt something soft grab my shoulder. Something familiar. Something calming. However, when I looked over, I saw... Hippolyta shaking her head.

In shock I reached out to try and grab her. Thinking maybe if I could. She would be brought back. But when I did manage to reach her, she vanished.

She didn't speak. All she did was smile softly and shake her head.

The sounds of the woman crying brought me back to reality. Her heavy sobs and Tritons bleeding body painted a picture all too familiar.

I looked down at the beaten man, and then around to the city I leveled in my assault, and I felt something. It wasn't pride. Or victory. I felt shame. I beat the man who hurt my family, and I was ashamed. Why?

I know why. Because in the end when I had the power. I did exactly what my father does. I asserted my dominance over someone, knowing they had no hope of fighting back.

I looked back at the two laying below me and saw the woman holding triton in her arms, trying to sooth his pain.

" What is your name woman?" I asked.

She looked up at me through beat red eyes and tears and shuddered.

" Namorita." She spoke.

" Then, I must thank you. I thank you for stopping me." I told the woman. " Triton, you hurt me, you took everything from me. But it wasn't your fault. Namorita is right about that. You were played. A fool. You were a victim just like I was, only you were a victim for so much longer. I cannot and will not ever forgive you for taking them from me. But I can spare you. We maybe brothers by blood, but that's it. You should count yourself lucky. If Namorita had not been with you. Had you not found such an amazing wife, I most certainly would have killed you today. Know this brother, things in this sea are about to change. our father's tyrannical rule of the oceans is about to come to an end. And I will be the new god of the seas. So Says Poseidon!" I swam away from the destroyed city, leaving Namorita to tend to Triton's wounds.

I had bigger fish to fry.

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