


[Hallow's point.]

"Chief Prince, glad you could make it, Sir!." For the time being, Hallow's point was sealed off from the general public due to the corpses discovered in the area. The entire section was sealed off as robotic police units kept the growing crowd at bay.

Chief Prince, who is also Dezhong's father, was the leading commander of Desper's police force. Under his leadership, Desper's police were able to keep over seventy percent of Desper's crime at bay and they'd only call Chief Prince in whenever there was a large threat.

"No worries. It's my job," He replied while observing the evidence around. "What do we have here? Anyone has any leads or faint idea what could have caused this?"

"Not yet sir. However, we do have a witness who claims to have seen what happened. Shall I bring him in?"

"Yes, of course." Prince replied. "Set up an interrogation tent. We won't have time to move the witness from here all the way to HQ."

"Yes Sir!!"

A few minutes passed and Chief Prince was seated opposite to a beggar dressed in a large overcoat with a scarf on his head, fingerless gloves, and bloodshot eyes which darted across the whole room. The beggar's body shook continuously and it looked like he was going through a slight drug withdrawal.

"P-please, ossifer." The beggar pleaded with his alcohol stanched breath. "Tell me your peoples won't seal this place off forever. This here's my only homes."

"No need to worry, sir." Prince replied while waving his arm for another officer to step in. Two units, one being human and the other being a machine, came in with sketchbooks and pencils in their hands. The human police man placed his sketch book on the table, took a sit and looked at the beggar and said, "Please describe what you saw in extreme detail. Do not leave anything out, okay?"

"S-sures." The beggar took in a deep breath and began to talk.

"So there I was, sitting in my little box home while enjoying a small meal a kind passer by left for me, right? As I was doing my b-business, I sees this boy like man shape thing running with a brown bag and a ski mask on. First, I thoughts it was a robber, but then I saw many more mens following this boy, so I followed too."

"I didn'ts want to get noticed so I made sure to keeps my distance f-from them. So this boy rans for his life while the other men said nasty words like, 'We just wanna talk' 'Fine boy, don't run' 'We have needs you can satisfy and what not. Me being the me me is, I followed behind but then, I sees this horrible figure that blocks the boy's p-path."

"And what did this figure look like?" Prince asked. "Can you please just explain what it looked like? Leave out the other stuff."

"S-sure, s-sure." The beggar continued. "Anyways, this thing just jumps out of the sky and then its lands like a super hero from a super hero super movie hero. I was so scarred so I began to run but then I see that the thing left the boy and chased the other mens. When I looked back at the safe distance I hid in safely, I see what the thing is."

"Which was?" Prince asked while slowly losing his patience.

"It….was a dog."

"You've got to be kidding me. Send him out. We'll ask for others in case they saw anything."

"Wait. There's more." The beggar replied. "It wasn't like your ordinary dog. This doggy was standing like a man, a really really really really big manly man." As soon as the beggar said those words, Chief Prince and the sketch artists started to pay more attention to him. "It had really big muscles and a wide chest. Its b-body was covered in black fur and it's eyes were glowing a b-blue color."

"I hid in a corner and watched this dog like thing claw the men with its powerful long powerful claws. It killed them all and then went f-for the boy."

"Did you see the boy's face?" The sketch artist asked.

"No, sorry ossifer. I didn't see his face." The beggar replied. "The dog used its powerful powerful hands and ripped the boy's heart out and then, it turned into shadows and entered the boy's body through his head holes and open chest."

"After that, the boy's body turned into the dog man and disappeared. You ossifers showed up a few minutes after it had all happened."

"CITIZEN!!" The robot sketch artist spoke. "Did the unknown entity possess looks similar to this?" Upon seeing the sketch, the beggar started to laugh.

"I didn't mean a literal dog. The dog looked more like a….like like….OOHH!! It looked like a werewolf from t-those Webnovels I hear the young fellows talking about."

"Werewolf huh?" Prince wondered as the sketch artists redrew the image again.

"Could this be the entity?" The robot sketch artists showed the new image immediately the beggar gasped in fear.

"THAT WAS IT. It looked just like that….maybe much bigger but yes. It did look something like that."

"Thank you for your service, citizen." Prince interrupted as he handed the beggar a plastic, transparent card. There are fifty credits on that thing. Go buy yourself something to eat and maybe some clothes so you can get a job."

"Bless you, ossifer." The beggar smiled as he hunched his way out of the tent.

"So, Chief. What do you think we could be facing?"

"I'm not so sure but, I highly doubt if this is a beast of any sort."

"But you heard the citizen's description and even saw the sketches. How do you not think it's a mutant?"

"I've done extensive research on canine beasts before and believe me when I tell you, there isn't one that comes close to looking like a werewolf. The ones slightly similar are just massive scaled wolves, but never has their been a case of a werewolf."

"That's where you're wrong." Two agents walked into the tent uninvited and asserted their authority like they owned the place. The agents were dressed in black uniforms that had the words MPF stitched on the backs and front of their uniforms.

The first agent was a tall male with striking bright orange hair that was neatly cut. He was about six feet tall and had the frame of an average slim man. His companion was a slightly shorter female with blonde hair, an attractive body and a beautiful face. These two agents, Stone and Grace, were elites soldiers from the Mutant Protection Force, a group of men and women who swore to protect and fight for all mutants that were persecuted or dare to disobey the law and since this was an unknown case with a potential Mutant as their killer, they were sent to investigate and take over the lead.

"Chief Prince," Agent Stone smirked with his ever cocky tone. "Glad to see you well and strong. I'm sure those arms fit you well?"

"Save the introductions, Stone," Chief Prince interrupted as his forces started to pack their things and move. "Desper's under my jurisdiction and it gives you and your kind no right to interfere."

"Our kind?" Stone argued. "That's not very nice to say in the least. We mutants are just as human as you are. Just because we're stronger, faster, smarter, and better than you, doesn't mean we aren't equals."

"Whatever. The stupid investigation's all yours. Just don't cross me and my boy's paths….otherwise you'll be calling for another war."

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