

Sandra and Indigo snuck out through Indigo's back door to avoid Indigo's mum from seeing them going to the party. They gently walked past Mrs Carmen and Helen unnoticed by both women.

"How did we do it, my dear friend?" Sandra asked Indigo, surprised, as she raised her hands to give him a high-five.

Indigo received her high-five and said to her with a cheerful smile,

"I don't know Sandy, I don't know."

With her hands on her waist, Sandra asked Indigo how they were going to attend the party because it was dark and cold outside. Plus, Indigo could not drive his mother's car because she would know that they eventually decided to attend the party. So Sandra decided that they go to her garage and take the bicycles that were parked in it.

They tried their best to be quiet as possible while opening the garage. When they successfully opened the garage, Indigo was stunned to meet two rusty bicycles lying on the floor.

"Don't tell me you expect us to ride this?" Indigo said wearing a rather offensive look on his face.

"It's our only option In. We ride or walk. I'm going with ride." Sandra replied, trying to focus on the bright side.

"Nah man, I can't." He said. He was about to leave when Sandra yelled in a lowered tone,

"You can't?! What do you mean you can't?!" She said with rage in her eyes.

"Sandy, that's a rusty old bike. We can't show up at a fucking party in a rusty old bike?" Indigo said trying to convince Sandra. He usually dulled around when he talks, he didn't like to raise his voice whenever he talked.

"Then how are we gonna get to the party?" Sandra asked nonchalantly.

"We'll figure it out," Indigo said as he sighed.

Shortly, they saw a car drive by slowly. It was a pimped car, without a roof, so Indigo assumed that they were heading for the party. The person driving the car stopped when he saw Indigo waking a red cloth that he picked from Sandra's garage.

Indigo and Sandra walked towards the car, it was filled with inebriated teens, who were dressed inappropriately and indecently. Sandra and Indigo had a good look at themselves, it did not take them long to realize that they were underdressed.

"Are you guys headed for the party?" Indigo asked with a cracked voice.

One of the girls in the car was infatuated with Indigo. She loved the way he talked, she had gum in her mouth when she said,

"You're fucking pretty. What's your name?"

Indigo told her his name as she stared at him lustfully. The boy driving the car told them that they were heading for the party and that if they needed a ride they could hop in.

They entered the car, it was so awkward for them. They tried to avoid conversation with anyone in the car. Indigo was seated next to the girl that was infatuated with him.

"There is nothing you can say to convince me that God didn't spend an extra day creating you, honey." She whispered in his ears as she bit them.

Indigo wasn't comfortable around her. She tried making advances on him severally. Indigo was getting irritated,

"What do you want?" He said to her, trying to control his anger.

"Oh my goodness, daddy, I love your voice when you're mad." She said as she kissed him abruptly.

"Fuck!" Indigo said as he pulled himself away from her.

All Hailey could do was laugh, she was so high. Sandra watched Indigo's misery as she bore hers. A guy was seating close to her, she could feel his penis getting hard because of how close she was to him.

God, when would this nightmare end? Sandra thought to herself.

They finally arrived at the party. It was everything an introvert hates. It was loud and lots of people were present. Indigo and Sandra promised to stay with each other throughout the night.

"We're gonna spend the night together, alright?" Indigo said to Sandra. He was taller than her so he bent down a little to tell her the plan.

"Noted," Sandra nodded in affirmation.

"We'll take our own tent," Indigo was cut short by Sandra.

"Tent? Are we spending the night out here?" Sandra asked in amazement.

"Yeah, of course. It's an all-night party." Indigo said as he grabbed Sandra's hands and led the way.

As they walked through the crowd, they tried avoiding contact with everyone. They successfully found a quiet spot to stay for the night until they felt like sleeping. They sat on a log of wood discussing,

"So, is this how we're gonna spend our night? Sitting on a log of wood, with our legs crossed, talking?" Sandra asked Indigo.

"Yup, just me, you, and the quiet serene night," Indigo said with joviality and a serene mentality.

It was nearly midnight, and the night sky was picturesque. A black to navy gradient was the backdrop for a full moon; the night sky so clear you could almost see every crater. The moon, a glowing yellowy white, loomed large, surrounded by an ethereal glow. They both looked up to the sky and watched the stars. They saw a shooting star,

"A shooting star, let's make a wish." Sandra quickly said to Indigo. She closed her eyes as she whispered,

"What did you say?" Indigo asked curiously. Sandra turned to Indigo and said,

"I wished for a happy life here, with my best friend Indigo and for my family."

She was almost tearing up when Indigo tried to cheer her up,

"Hey, hey, don't cry. We'll forever be best friends. I'm here for you Sandy." He said as he hugged her.

"Nothing would ever separate us, I promise," Indigo assured Sandra as he gave her a light kiss on her forehead.

The party was still on, the music was edging closer to Sandra and Indigo's quiet spot. It irritated Indigo so much because he was trying to remain concentrated, mentally. He did not feed throughout the summer break because he was training himself not to kill innocent humans for his selfish desire for their blood. That was why he usually went out for coffee.

His heart was beating faster than normal, he was boiling with rage. Sandra could feel his heartbeat because she was laying on his chest.

"In, is anything wrong?" She asked worriedly.

Indigo realized that if he did not maintain his cool, he would risk Sandra knowing what he was. So he lied,

"I'm fine, I'm fine don't worry about me." He urged her to go back to resting, which she did.

Indigo attempted his best to resist the urge to feed on Sandra's succulent neck. His eyes became crimson red, as a black-ish vein surrounded below his eye area, and his fangs began to lengthen as he heaved.

Sandra couldn't concentrate because of the noise Indigo made. She stood up abruptly and looked and Indigo but he turned his face away immediately, attempting to hide his vampirism from her.

She demanded that Indigo turned his face towards her but he refused. He waited for the horrendous veins surrounding his eye area, his crimson red eyes and his fangs to disappear slowly. Sandra was growing impatient so she grabbed him by the jaw and saw his face. It was back to normal! Indigo praised God in his mind.

"In, what is wrong with you. Do you have PTSD?" Sandra asked worriedly.

"Nothing's wrong with me. I'm fine." He said with a sullen gloom.

"I don't believe you In, what's wrong?" Sandra persisted.

Indigo was agitated by Sandra's persistence to know what was wrong with him. So he flared up and disappeared into the gloom of the forest. Sandra was left alone in the part of the forest where they stayed.

"So much for 'we're gonna spend the night together.' " Sandra said trying to imitate Indigo.

She left where they stayed and wandered off into the forest. It was a gloomy night, but she somehow managed to manoeuvre her way through the thick forest. She had gone too far because she heard faint voices coming from a distance.

She decided to trace the noise when she brought out a torch from her fanny pack. When she was getting close to the noise she tremulously yelled,

"Is anyone there?!"

She kept on walking and pointing her torch light at every corner rapidly until she pointed it at three people. Seeing those people suddenly jolted her out of complacency.

"Fuck!" She said with her hands on her chest.

The three boys stared at her wondering what she was doing out alone far away from the party.

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