
Determination to break through _1

Although Wang Qiang had made up his mind to join the four righteousness gang, he was very clear about the Wang family's strength. Although no one would care if he and his mother left the Wang family, Wang Qiang did not want to cause any trouble for the four righteousness gang. Zhao Hai treated him with the courtesy of a state scholar, so of course, he had to repay him with the same courtesy. Therefore, Wang Qiang did not respond. He continued to go to work every day and endure Liu Hong's punishment. He was waiting. He was going to wait for a month.

Although Wang Qiang didn't believe that Zhao Hai could make his mother become a teleportation realm cultivator in a month, he still had a glimmer of hope. Even if he couldn't see his mother become a teleportation realm cultivator, he would be content to see his mother's health improve.

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