
new acquired knowledge, fast fight... and here I go.

[2 hours later]

[Andrius POV]

'This magical aura is impressive' - I thought as I continued down the tunnel that leads to where the mid-range monsters are.

It's been 2 hours since we started going down and the aura is getting heavier and heavier, not to the point that I can't move or make me feel tired every time I walk... but, an indescribable fear is made more and more present since I'm going down.

It's like the time we met kanna but worse... much worse, the monster's mana is felt more in the environment.

But... why do I say that it is impressive... well, with my magical senses I can see the magical aura that is in the whole tunnel and now what I am seeing is... elemental energy, blue particles of energy and according to What I can determine are elemental particles of water to be specific... how interesting.

'She's a mid-range monster... barely weak and can control her magical aura... Mmmm, and I think I know this magical energy' - Tsubasa spoke while looking around the tunnel... if that's weak... what will I be

'What is the magical aura?' - ask... I mean, I know what it is but I don't know how it acts in this world, it's better to ask.

Kanna didn't pay as much attention to it as I did…it must be because she knows from her memories but still she's listening…it's not like she could hear anything else.

'Mmmm... well, I was waiting for you to become a mid-range monster to tell you but taking advantage of this, then I'll tell you what the magical aura is' - Tsubasa spoke... seriously, why did he have to wait instead of telling me before.

'Let's see, the [magic aura] is what differentiates a low rank monster from a medium rank one, the [magic aura] works for different things' '-he said before starting the long explanation.

'One of the functions of the magical aura is that with good control of it you can amplify your physical abilities such as strength, defense and speed. it also helps to heal faster using it but it will not return lost parts of your body '-he explained the first function while I nodded that is already very useful.

'You can create an invisible force field that can be used as a defense mechanism to absorb the impact of both physical and magical attacks. With good control this barrier will be passive and cover the entire body, passively protecting you from attacks that would normally be lethal, whether physical or magical, until you run out of mana or of course a stronger attack that can bypass your defense' - he said while looking at me as if to say "Don't think it will make you invincible", I nodded while waiting for him to continue.

'It can give you enhanced senses/extra-sensory perception...allows you to detect danger, which is like a feeling of being watched without knowing someone was there. Expert magic aura users can enhance this ability, allowing them to detect approaching enemies from a distance and even fight completely blind. High-level magic aura sense users can amplify their senses to the point of passively sensing the location and strength of monsters in the area, and even identifying the specific affinities of monsters miles away... but that's very hard to do' - very useful third function, same as my enhanced and magical senses but still very helpful.

'Controlling the magical aura can help protect you from both extreme heat and cold. The limits of heat that Aura can protect you from include, heat from fire and being engulfed in flames, direct heat from steam, and being completely submerged in lava. The limits of the cold that Aura is able to protect you from include, sub-zero temperatures, allowing them to be encased in ice without being cold, walking through a blizzard. as with combat damage, constant exposure to extreme temperatures will eventually deplete one's Magic Aura... this is how monsters survive the cold of the snow zone or hot desert' - useful function, to me for being a divine beast that represents ice and wind I don't feel so much the extreme cold that exists in this area but it still affects me a little for being too weak... but, it will be useful against monsters with fire affinities or that have what to do with the heat.

'You can use it to create powerful shock waves of energy, with good control you can use it with your element(s)' - he said while seeming to remember something... what this cat must have done to seem happy all of a sudden... well, for now it doesn't matter I want to keep hearing what the magic aura can do here in the domain.

'You can use the magical aura to cause different effects on your opponents, effects like weakening them until they pass out or if they are very weak or you have a very good control you can kill them directly just using your magical aura' - he spoke still smiling as he seemed to remember happy moments... I can say that in those happy moments someone must have suffered some trauma.

'You can use it to induce fear in your opponent, depending on who they are or how strong they are, it can cause a negative effect that makes their fighting abilities decrease, with a high level you can cause them to hallucinate or even go insane ... something like what you do but in a greater range, since you don't necessarily need to be in front of it to do it... but, the farther away the less effect it has' - after leaving his world he said while trembling a little when saying the part of the hallucinations... that will have happened to him so that from being happy he will go on to tremble.

'Another is that you can make your opponent lose control of himself, make the aura reinforce negative emotions like anger, bloodlust, etc. and it induces anger and total loss of emotional control... but, with that you have to be careful because what happened with the giant could happen, he had gone into crazy mode and he came back stronger' - he told me giving me a look remember... I nodded I'll remember what I hate the most are the berserkers... even though, not the ones that make it easier for me to kill them for not thinking.

'The aura that can transform into material objects but you need to be high rank and have fine control over it to do so. As it can be used to create weapons, armor and, in some cases, even living creatures (said by the dragon god himself)... at this time they use it to create clothes just like the ones created by kanna' - he said while placing his Paw on Kanna's clothes... I didn't know that I could create cloth using the magic aura... could it be something here from the domain?... could it be. (It is)

'What... kana can you use the aura?' - I asked surprised since it wasn't something of the mid-range monsters?.

'No...this comes with the transformation spell, my mana isn't enough to be able to release it outside and create a magical aura'-kanna shook her head as he explained the reason.

'Ah... I knew I was forgetting something, to use [magical aura] you need a lot of magical energy/mana since it has to be released outside the body and it's not like a spell since the mana is released first in the form pure to be able to create it' - he explained why a low rank monster couldn't do it... so I only need the amount, since I can use pure mana without elements... I need to experiment hehehe.

'Going on what the aura can do... when you're at high rank, the aura can cause natural (or supernatural) disasters on a gigantic scale. Examples would be, the kings, the king regulus when he releases his aura can cause electrical storms that can destroy everything and if he is in the forest he can start fires that destroy it because of lightning, then he is impure and his sand storms are not so bad for the environment while it's in the desert area but if it's in another area, that would be a sand-filled mess. Ah tai only activates his aura when someone challenges him to a fight but we all know how he will end up... frozen by the big snowstorm that will fall on him when ah tai releases his aura. Malfurion may be the one who uses his aura the least, he can make plants grow very fast which helps him fight but he doesn't do it all the time since he thinks plants have their growth time and if it makes them grow faster ...they will die faster' - gave a great explanation about the disasters that a monster with a very large aura can cause.

'Ohhh... I already want to learn how to use it'-I said as he kept walking... wait, since when did we get here?

I was so focused on what the magical aura is, that I didn't realize that we had come out of the tunnel and arrived in a very spacious place here, there is rock and ice, pillars that support the ceiling, it is a large room so to speak of about 15 meters high... very big if I do say so myself, I can't see the end of it as there is mist in the middle of it.

'...'-Looking around since possibly the monster is around here I can't feel it with my magical senses and his aura is everywhere...but, I think it must be at the end of this place.


'What was that?' - I asked as I placed myself on guard... I think I heard the sound that a snake makes but the sound was so faint that I barely heard it with my enhanced senses.

'Mmmm... yes, it's him, OROBASHI COME OUT FROM WHERE YOU HIDE, IT'S ME... TSUBASA' - while I was on guard, tsubasa who had been silent after finishing talking about the aura, seems to have recognized the monster why do I call it?


'tsubasa... i thought you were dead... what are you doing here... you're supposed to hate the cold' - suddenly a voice began to sound in my head, it seems that he was sleeping because his voice sounds tired and between cut off... while he was half asleep he started asking tsubasa questions... it seems they know each other because he knows that tsubasa doesn't like the cold.

'AH... HOW DO YOU THINK I'M GOING TO DIE AND I'M NOT HERE BY PLEASURE... I AM ACCOMPANYING THEM... BUT, THE QUESTION IS... WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE, THEY SENT YOU ON A MISSION... BECAUSE DO YOU ALSO HATE THE COLD ALMOST AS MUCH AS I DO?' -tsubasa spoke offended by the question while he began to answer and then she began to ask the questions.


'I have... an important... mission down here... but, it's hard for me to go down... it's very cold because of the route I have to go... then I started to feel sleepy so I decided give me a little nap' - he began to respond as he spoke regrettable about how cold it is... but, I don't see him as regrettable after listening to how he speaks when he said he was sleeping.

'mmmm... you still haven't learned to use your aura to protect yourself from the cold and how can you sleep when you're on a mission?... well it doesn't matter, tell me we can accompany you, we're looking for some of our group's companions who fell there down... wouldn't you mind?' -Tsubasa spoke while she asked nothing since Orobashi hasn't come out of hiding from him.


'I don't think it's possible... depending on the mission I have to do... it's that I have to face a mid-range monster' - he answered while I imagine a snake shaking its head... since I don't is that I can talk when I don't know him... I'll wait for Tsubasa to meet him... wait, he just said.

'A MONSTER HAD A MEDIUM RANK HERE IN THE OUTER ZONE... how did they let him stay here? -tsubasa shouted what she was thinking while she quieted down a bit and asked... I'm getting nervous... I hope the girls are fine.


'yess... according to my king, the great king allowed the monster to stay here as long as he didn't leave this place or he will start a slaughter... but, apparently something happened to the monster and he started a slaughter and they want me to investigate what happened to her... and if necessary they gave me permission to kill her' - already beginning to speak more awake, he replied to tsubasa while I wonder who his king will be... I assume it must be malfurion since he, like tsubasa, hates the cold then shouldn't be from this area... wait, that's not important, there is a dangerous monster down there where the girls are... please, tsubasa convince him quickly.

'Who is the monster that the great king himself would allow him to stay here?' - I ask surprised to learn that the same great king was the one who gave the permission... Tsubasa that doesn't matter now... unfortunately I can't get involved... who in their right mind would get into the conversation of a rank monster medium that can kill you very easily... at least not me.

'She is a spirit of nature, that is why my king and the great king want me to investigate first the reason why she is doing it... since it has been a long time since a spirit was born here' - he said while we were all surprised that there was a spirit in this domain... well there must be but he said it's been a while since one was born... so it must be rare that there is one.

'...But, what are you doing here, aren't they supposed to have sent a monster from this area... why did they send you?' - Tsubasa asked confused... I'm confused too... for everything.


'(Sigh) That's what I asked... but, the monsters in this area, in the inner area had an internal fight and the great king punished them by not being able to heal using magic and they can only wait to recover on their own, so there is no who can enter here apart from lord rank monsters... but they are too big to enter here... and unfortunately I am the only monster that was not busy and the only one that can enter this far... but , now there is something that is making the last tunnel very cold and it is preventing me from passing' - he began to tell why... and what information I just heard... the monsters punished as children by the great king... well seriously... what must be up ahead that is preventing a mid-range monster from entering.

'my friend here can help...he is a monster with an affinity to ice and is very resistant to cold...what's up, do you want me to help you find out why he is so cold there?' - Tsubasa spoke while I got into the conversation and for the first time I felt that the snake was looking at me... a very ugly feeling since the pressure suddenly increased.


'are you... sure... you can hardly stand my aura... i don't think i can help much' - he spoke while belittling me a bit... i don't blame him, his aura still according to tsubasa not so strong but for me a low rank monster is still too much.

In that and before Tsubasa started to speak I heard footsteps coming here from the same place we came from, they are two to be exact... and they have a greater magical energy than kanna's and mine... they seem to be monster that are about to become a mid-range monster.

"I told you this is it"-while he was thinking about the power level of the monsters that are coming, I heard one speak.

"If it seems like the wolf must be close… but, you haven't felt the mid-range monster's presence, is it alright for us to go down?" - I heard the other speak a little scared at the end.

"don't worry... he's probably just here doing a mission and he's forbidden to attack low rank monsters like us" - assured the first one... I felt like obarashi will be annoyed by what the monster said.

"Okay... oh, we found them" - the other agreed before entering the room and noticing us and smiling.

'...' - both kanna, tsubasa, orobashi and I are looking at the ice giants without words... I don't know if they are either too brave or too stupid to know that there is a mid-range monster here and not put it in his eyes.

"HAHAHAHA ... we finally found you wolf, we've been through a lot trying to find you"-laughed one of the ice giants as he ignored orobashi who was hidden in the mist.

"HAHAHAHAHAHA... yes, our ymir leader is looking for you so he can torture and avenge his bor son... so please come with us so we don't have to fight... but of course we prefer that you resist so we can hit you a bit before taking you hehehehe" - the other ice giant started laughing while he was talking to me... but, honestly, I wasn't very interested in what he said... I'm more worried about the girls, to be aware of two idiots.


'at a perfect time giant arrive... your wolf, andrius... why don't you have a fight with them and if you win you can come help... if you can't win... well, you can go' - orobashi He started talking to me... if it wasn't louder and honestly I need to get downstairs fast to go get the girls I wouldn't even be here to have to listen to him.

"HA... what are you talking about, snake, not because you are a mid-range monster you can come to order us, the only one who can order us is our ymir leader" - one of the giants spoke while I couldn't help but be surprised by how brave and idiot that is this giant.

"Yes, you can't do anything here, so don't come to talk big" - the other giant joined him and started talking to orobashi as if they were of the same rank... really do these giants even have a brain?.

'...'-we are all speechless at the giants' words...and now I can swear I'm feeling obarashi's anger...his aura is rising along with the pressure.


'yeah... I see, why all the monsters in the inner zone had problems with their tribe... it's full of idiots... but, it's okay I understand why they think like that... but' - obarashi began to speaking slowly while with my magical senses I felt how it was getting closer, it stopped just before coming out of the fog while insulting the ice giants.


'I... I can, kill them if I want, I have permission to kill anyone I think is interfering with my mission and now you are doing it... so either you do as I tell you... or they die' - as he spoke, his bloodlust began to be felt, a very great bloodlust fell over the entire room... and then he came out of the fog while he opened his mouth and those very sharp teeth were shown... I think you can eat the ice giant whole if you want.



"huff, huff, we-we'll do... we'll do what you say si-sir huff huff" - the giant who seems more intelligent spoke between cuts while he was on his knees because of the pressure that fell on them.

"huff huff, ex-excuse me sir"-the other also nodded as he apologized.


'fine, fine... i like it that way, then andrius go and have your fight with them'-he nodded satisfied and then ordered me.

'Well... kanna, tsubasa please move away' - I said as they nodded and I started walking towards a place with more space to fight.

"HAHAHAHA, you shouldn't have accepted... well brother wait here I'll take care of it '-the dumbest giant began to laugh as if he hadn't been on his knees just now apologizing... seriously his face is very thick.

'no, it doesn't matter, you can both come' - I said as I began to transform into my werewolf form... I want to finish this quickly.

'...' - everyone was speechless because of what I said, kanna and tsubasa knew that I could face one of them since they are as strong as bor but they didn't know if I could with both of them, orobashi didn't care much but still was shocked, the two frost giants were shocked before changing into a very angry face.

"HA... YOU THINK YOU'RE A HUGE WOLF, NOT BECAUSE YOU KILLED BOR MEAN YOU CAN FIGHT US TWO AT THE SAME TIME" - the ice giant started to shout annoyed... but I didn't hear him, he was starting to use the breathing technique while also activating the [Body Reinforcement] spell.

"GRRRrrrrr" 'You didn't listen to me... come both at the same time, I want to finish this quickly I have more important things to do' - I growled while activating [intimidate] and I spoke to them annoyed that they are the ones who stand in my way to go help the girls.

'...' - they were silent for a moment because the aura around me had changed... it hasn't reached mid-range monster level yet but I can still scare any low-rank monster as long as I have the physical enhancement of the breathing and body reinforcement.

"Okay... okay, come on brother, show us who you're messing with" - spoke the giant who seemed more intelligent.

"Well... we'll show you who the AB brothers are" - said the dumbest... I don't even want to know what it means.

They began to walk in front of me while in their hands some masses of ice were created that look more compressed than Bor's.


'Well... you can start in... 3'-obarashi began to speak as he counted down to start the fight.

'2' - both me and the frost giants got into position to fight, I was starting to manipulate the wind with my magic... I need speed.

'1... start' - he finished counting and without giving the giants time I shot out at a speed that they couldn't react to protect themselves.

jumping towards the biggest and dumbest giant, he tries to protect himself but with telekinesis I stop his movements for a few seconds enough to reach, grab him by the head and using the momentum, I exert force to turn around while holding him and launching him towards Wall.


while the giant that collided with the wall is stunned and the other surprised by what I did, I without wasting the opportunity hit the ground with my fist and then raise my arm with force.

"Guh cough cough..." - the giant coughed up blood after three ice spikes came out of the ground and pierced him in the heart and both lungs.

"BROTHER... YOUR ANIMAL, I WILL GET VENGEANCE ON MY BROTHER... AAAHHHHHH!!" -the other giant coming out of the chock yelled at his already dead brother before turning towards me and with fury written on his face he tried to attack me, his eyes turned bright red while his body grew a few centimeters... he went into berserker mode...bad idea.

As he had fallen almost close to the place where he was, he lifted his arm with his lump of ice and tried to crush me, already lost in anger he didn't think about the opportunity he gave me.

moving fast towards him while using telekinesis to stop his movements for a few milliseconds giving me the chance to reach out and wrap my arms around his stomach...which I barely managed as my arms didn't quite reach a grip...but, they fulfilled their mission.

"GGRRRRrrrrr" - clenching his teeth as he drew strength from where I don't have, he lifted the giant a few centimeters off the ground and started to run forward, the giant tries to hit me with his maso on the back but before he can do it, we had already arrived to a pillar that supports the roof.


The very resistant pillar only created a cobweb on it from the collision with the giant's body, without giving him time to breathe from me I open my mouth as I start to create a very concentrated ball of mana using almost 60% of my reserves, making it like naruto 4 tails, I eat it... well I lock it inside my mouth while I try to compress it as much as I can.

Stopping the giant's movement with telekinesis, I let go of it and jump a bit placing my feet on its stomach before taking a big leap backwards as I turn around facing the giant... I open my mouth and shoot the ball of mana at it compressed towards him at high speed.


Hitting him in the chest and passing through him and the pillar, he continued to fly to the wall of the room and hitting the wall explodes, causing an explosion that destroyed much of that area along with some pillars and burned the giant to death.

'I think... it happens to me' - I said as I saw the destruction and checked the ceiling to see if there is any sign that it tries to collapse... but, thank all the gods, I don't see any fissure that extends... uf what a save.

'...' - While I was checking that there wasn't a collapse, Tsubasa, Kanna and Orobashi were seeing me as a creature from another world... well I am in part... but please stop seeing me like that.


'Cough... can you, can you help, please go and check what is causing that cold on the road' - orobashi coming out of the daze, cough trying to return to his old attitude began to speak, a little different from how he spoke to me, almost the same way he talks to tsubasa... what a change... well, I better go fast.

'So... I'll be back soon' - I said as I started to detransform and deactivate everything and then I started running towards the fog.

'Well... let's see what we find around here' - I told myself to jump and get lost in the fog.

[third person point of view]

After Andrius left to check the cause of the cold, Tsubasa, Kanna and Orobashi silently watched what Andrius did for a moment.

'Your... friend is very strong... isn't he?' - after andrius left, orobashi I can't help but comment on andrius's strength... that he remembers, he could barely destroy a few meters on the surface when he was in that range... not to mention here in the subsoil where the rocks are compressed to withstand the weight and attacks of low-ranking monsters.

'Yeah... I knew he was strong... but, I didn't know he could fight like that... so, all this time he's been holding back?' -Tsubasa spoke while he saw how the first ice giant turned out and I can't help but think that Andrius was stronger than he seemed.

"OOOHHHHH!!... andrius looked great" - literal kanna her eyes shone after seeing andrius's true strength... even though, a part of her can't help but feel bitter that andrius didn't fight seriously the first time they met... making a mental note to remind herself to ask andrius to fight her seriously.

'Tell me orobashi, why haven't you learned how to use your magical aura yet?' - Tsubasa asked changing the subject.


'Ah... tsubasa... I-I, I don't have anyone to teach me... after I became a mid-rank monster, I became a bit proud and ended up making a lot of monsters angry... and now they want to teach me how to control the magical aura, until now I have only been training her" - Orobashi replied a little scared to Tsubasa... but, he still sounded sad and sorry for what he did and now he is paying the consequences... It was one of the reasons why he was sent on this mission... it's more of a punishment that he has to fulfill... but, Tsubasa doesn't have to know that.

'(He sighed) okay... come, I'll teach you a little how to train her while andrius arrives'-tsubasa sighs as she started to walk away from the fog... it was very cold.

Tsubasa knows orobashi very well and knows that he tends to be very proud and arrogant when he can... but, despite that he is very good whenever he can help weak monsters that need help, this is one reason why even treats it.


'Thanks tsubasa... you are the best'-spoke orobashi happily after listening to tsubasa... since, not every day the greatest genius at the moment tells you that he will teach you.

"..."-kanna followed them while he waited for andrius to return.

[andrius point of view]

Well...a bad idea to start running like that and jump into the mist...just a few meters in between I end up hitting a rock I didn't see...my magical senses aren't working here.

It's the same as the fog in the fog area in the forest area... it's made with mana... besides it's very cold, even it's affecting me' - I thought as I felt like with every step I take more and more piece of ice forms on my body making me uncomfortable because of places where they come out.

[10 minutes later]

'...' - I didn't even have the strength to think... my whole body is full of ice and I can hardly move... every time I destroy the ice to move, it freezes again and the culprit is all over my body in front of me generating a large amount of super cold and freezing fog around it.

And you may wonder who it is... well, in front of me is a large chunk of ice essence... according to my [observation] it's a mid-range essence... that's why it's freezing me to death.

'Fuuuu~... come on, I know I can, a quick movement and a thought and everything will be over' - I thought encouraging myself for what I'm going to do... I'll take the essence with my telekinesis and attract it towards me since I don't I can move and then quickly put it in my inventory... but, I'm feeling like I'm freezing more and more and I'm 6 meters away... I went a long way if I say so myself.

'Ok... here, let's go' - I thought as I quickly used telekinesis and attracted the essence towards me... I'm feeling how the ice is growing faster... and... stored... ufff, well, until here I arrived.

Andrius then began to freeze completely until he was like a block of ice... all while tsubasa, kanna and orobashi were waiting for him.


well... Hi, I'm just here writing this to explain a few things quickly.

first, about the magic aura, i thought i would add this to create the line that divides the power of a low rank monster from a mid rank one...since, andrius can currently take on a mid rank monster(E ) very easily because of what I need to make the monsters more powerful... But, even though this is not as planned and explained as I wrote in the chapter, I had already planned to do it before, I have been placing it several times in previous chapters, the most recent ymir's and the previous one (I think)... so, I hope you liked that explanation of the use of the magical aura in the domain.

I took some of its functions from the aura of 'RWBY' and another from the pages that explained the abilities that using aura brought... there is a function that I do not name, for now for my novel/ff it will remain unknown... but , it's a very good thing for andrius... well, that's if he was interested in that right now.

second thing, about orobashi, honestly I don't know what his affinity is or personality/attitude/behavior he had, so I did it mostly oc just use the photo and name, even if I create the personality according to the little I read on the wiki I don't know if it went well... even though it didn't say much on the wiki either... but well, I sincerely hope you don't mind that.

third thing, the way andrius killed the ice giants... well, it's just to give an approximate of andrius's true strength, even though it will be rare for him to fight that fast... since he likes it He likes the fights to last a long time to train and improve as he progresses... but, if necessary, he will finish everything that stands in his way quickly, as he did with the giants for interposing between him and alba, wutong and silvi. even though the anger he felt for how orobashi treated him was also lowering a little... but, of course, since he can't attack him, he's not that crazy, the giants were good punching bags.

i think that was it... well this chapter is long because i want to finish this adventure fast and i didn't want to split the chapter in two... the next chapter will be about the aws group and buck in the volcano... i wonder what will happen. (I seriously wonder since I still don't know what to write in that chapter)

well I hope you liked the chapter... until next time.

well... 5k words without the explanation at the end, even though most of the words went to Tsubasa explaining the uses of the magical aura... but, well, so far, what have you been thinking about the novel/ff?... are you liking it?

MiguelCreativecreators' thoughts
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