
The Peace Over Revenge

Lucia smiled happily while looking at Gastone cooking in the kitchen, making breakfast for the both of them. She felt shy after the deed but was thankful Gastone didn't react negatively. 

"Hmm," Lucia hummed while licking her lips. She recalled how it tasted and the warmth it gave to her throat. However, Gastone's size was too big for her petite frame, which made her throat and jaw ache. 

"You should take a medicine after eating," Gastone stated while putting the plates on the table. He noticed the slight winched Lucia reacted every time she tried to speak. 

"O-okay," Lucia nodded awkwardly. She lowered her head as Gastone put an egg, bacon, and cheese bread on her plate. 

Gastone smiled softly. "That's good. Let's eat before I take you home," he said, drinking his tea. 

Lucia froze. Her smile slowly dropped into a thin line as she was thrown back into the real world, where her problems awaited her. 

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