
The Arrival

Upon arriving at Midnight Pack, Felissa and Vanda were greeted by the pack members with flowers and a little celebration with food placed on a long table. 

"Welcome! Luna Felissa Nucci!" they greeted in unison before throwing another bunch of petals in Felissa's direction.

Felissa was shocked since she expected them to despise her as the new Luna. 

On the other side, Vanda was enjoying the moment. She spread her arms and circled around the rain of petals in her way.

"Ah! This is a warm welcome!" Vanda explained with twinkles in her eyes.

"I guess it is," Felissa muttered awkwardly. She wasn't used to the nice gesture from her pack members, but she didn't want to let them down as well. She greeted them one by one with a big smile on her face before settling over the table with lots of food.

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