
The Skeleton Wings

Gastone took a step back. He became nauseous and nearly fell when he lost his balance, but he was able to hold on to the railing.

"Don't tell me…." Gastone couldn't say the words he wanted to say. It was hard for him to accept it.

"Draco became the 13th pack's new leader, but I don't want you to refer to him as the Rogue King," Rosina stated and leaned forward with a proud smile.

"Hah!?" Gastone couldn't complain since Draco was still a royal member, and saying that he became a rogue would hurt his image to Rosina.

"Does that mean he won the battle?" Gastone asked in confusion. They always thought Pepe was still operating the 13th pack. 

But then, the 11th pack became silent from all the letters they sent.

Rosina shrugged with a teasing smile. She liked how Gastone was trying to put the pieces together.

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