
The F^cker

Draco opened the bottle of wine while going down. He groaned from the taste. It was sweet and strong.

"At least that's a good wine," Draco stated after taking a sip. He went down to the dungeon hours after he had visited earlier. He carried the wine with him and the torch on the other side.

Draco flicked his eyes as he opened a mind-link toward his Delta and Gamma to come with him. He went inside and glanced at Natale, who was resting.

"And you're back, miss me?" Cleto taunted with a grin. He massaged his burnt hand to increase blood circulation and lessen the pain.

"Yes, I miss you dearly," Draco replied before showing Cleto the wine. "This taste good, by the way," he stated before drinking straight from the bottle.

Cleto's eyes furrowed as he growled lowly. It was his precious wine that he had stored for years and never tasted it, but Draco had already drunk a portion.

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