
Chapter 52

Chapter 52:

The next day was our time to meet Captain Steve and introduce the Defenders. The four people chose to meet at the more secluded part of the city so no security cameras will have their records.

When the team saw Captain America with Natasha and Sam, they exchange their greetings and doesn't need me to introduce themselves as they already know each other's information.

Captain and the others received the report from Natasha and they are also famous in the whole world as the Avengers.

The four people directly agreed to Captain Steve invitation and are ready to leave at any time. The four will meet later to take their baggage to them as they will deploy to any country to train and join taking missions.

I on the other hand will stay a little longer to meet Ancient One as she has something to say to me.

Lyla chose to go with Captain and the others as she also need to be active on the job and not as lazy as I am.

She loved her current life as it is fulfilling and exciting adventures she experienced during her times with us.

The team left on the evening to directly go to Northern Europe to take the new members for a task suitable for them. It is dealing with enhanced people that turn to terrorise people with their power thinking they are different and others should obey them for their uniqueness.

This isn't the first time and certainly not the last something like this will happen as we encountered people that has superiority complex due to their inflated ego by gaining superhuman abilities.

Some people chose to be vigilante but some are force to choose taking things from other people without working hard. The convenience of being different than normal people can also be the reason their life will be unfortunate.

Controlling this abilities is not as easy as it sounds like. Some people lost control and caused damage to the surroundings and their loved ones.

Some get influenced and become tools for the used of other people, ' They are probably brainwashed like me and Jessica' I thought.

Thankfully my brainwashing got cleared because of my overloaded state. My weaknesses is still clear and my advantage can't help me with beating cosmic creatures like Eternals.

I know that if we're not ready, Thanos will succeed in snapping his finger and delete half of the living creatures in the Universe.

I get headache thinking how to stop Thanos from succeeding because Thanos is a Mad Titan who conquer planets and kill half of their populations.

I'm afraid that even if we prevent Thanos from snapping his fingers, he will still have a few infinity stones with him. And he will choose to attack the people and kill half of the population by sending his spacearmy.

The more I think about it, the more I think maybe Thanos was right, only by snapping his fingers and deleting half of the population and saved this world.

I thought about it, choosing between erasing half of the population by snapping his fingers or getting into a war with Thanos who have been a mad conqueror throughout the galaxy and risk killing more than half of the population, destruction of property and leaving the planet vulnerable from other space pirates.

Without Asgard and Odin's protection and Ancient One leaving this dimension, the planet is no longer safe, maybe the Eternals will interfere but the Celestials will prevent them from interfering like what happened when frost giants attacked Midgard and world wars happening that have potential to destroy the world by pushing a button to fire nuclear weapons.

The only choice was going for his head or getting ready for the worst to happen and recover fast like what Thanos is expecting to a world.

What he want was to protect the universe and also offer the half of universe's population to lady death. ' What a simp'

Protect the universe from resources depletion just like what happened to his home planet. His intention was hopeful but his approach is forceful, ' He can't be called Mad Titan if he's not'

Asking for Eternals help is not on the top of the list. No matter how ready the heroes is, Thanos with infinity gauntlet even with only one stone is a huge threat that nearly wipe the Asgardian with only five people attacking.

The power stone is on Nova corps, and the reality stone is on collector. One is the police of the galaxy and the other was one of the oldest being in the universe, a grandmaster.

Both of that cannot stop Thanos' rampage and still lost the stones. I don't even know why do I have to be the one sent here, I'm not the hero type, I don't even care about most people, I don't even care if there is war, if millions of people die, I will get a little sad but that's it.

But I will choose to avenge those millions who died. A heroic figure doesn't fit me as I am just who I am.

My mind has been programmed to be selfish, greedy and lazy human, this is an incarnation of a real human.

I don't want to be a God, but a human who is also not as weak as a normal human. Being sent here is not a mistake, being here is not supposed to be doubted. I am who I am no matter which world.

I am not a hero, nor a villain but I am who I am and I will do what I want to do. Stopping Thanos is not my responsibility but fighting Thanos until my last strength betrayed me, I will not have regret fighting even though it will lead to failure.

This universe has already created a different reality with my interference. I am not on anyones protection and this Universe still has some powerful people hidden and waiting to be discover.

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