
Chapter 6

She was basically risking her lively hood on this but she had a feeling she would get a satisfactory answer with the footage.

"Access granted."

The nurse looked at the footage and the more she looked the angrier she became.

In the footage she could see an angry drunk Dr. Wayat sloppily trying to get into the room and succeeding after a minute, then she saw him tapping on the glass panels of the pods and even going so far as to of punched One of them.

That was enough proof to help the nurse from any backlash or punishment she could have received if she was wrong and it really was just a glitch in the system.

But what she saw next almost gave her a heart attack, he started kicking one of the pods so crazily you would think the thing slept with his wife. Thankfully all the pods were bulletproof so the kids were safe.

But then she saw Dr. Wayat grab a Pitrredish in another room and grabbed a needle. He then preceded to insert whatever was in that pitredish and mix it with a chemical solution of some kind.

He then injected it into the feeding tube. But the nurse couldn't watch anymore and instead screenshotted the symbol on the pitredish. She looked at it and thought it looked rather familiar. She tried thinking as hard as she could but it just wasn't coming to her.

But it was at that moment that her eyes widened in true horror. If that symbol means what it means then one clue would be solved as to why the AI said it was an unknown substance. And if this child is the child of that woman then many bad things could happen.

She immediately went to Leon's Information but it was again classified." Ai, Commence protocol 23754 Dash 01.1. Again and yes I know the consequences just do it quickly."

" Access granted."

What the nurse didn't know was that one of the people in charge of the AI had received two notifications of protocol 23754 Dash 01.1. Being deployed twice. Which shocked the person to no small degree, he immediately went to inform the president but remembered she was in a meeting right now.

When the nurse looked at the information on Leon's file she really hoped she was wrong even if she could get fired but sadly her thoughts had come true.

Name:Leon Eragon

Gender: Male

Birthday: December 25

Weight: 8 pounds, 13 ounces

Bloodtype: AB-Negative

Features: Golden Eyes/Black Hair

Mother: Beatrix Eragon

" Be..b...Beatrix Eragon is actually his mother, I...I need to inform the president immediately." The nurse quickly packed her things put on her coat and saved the files on her Smartwatch. So she could show the president immediately.


" So starting next year Alex will be in charge of all the proceedings in the Hospitals around the country while Akira will be in charge of staff and being informed by all the team leaders if there is anything of the matter. Does anyone have anything to add because if not then this meeting can be said to be over?"

The person who spoke was a woman with a deadly amount of sex appeal. Wither it be Her emerald green eyes or her sexy beauty mark that sits just below her eye or her well-shaped E cup brests that jiggled and swayed with her movements.

She was a piece of art and no one could deny it. For example, all the male team leaders throughout the meeting took many glances at her bodacious assets. While the female leaders and executives couldn't help but roll their eyes. They would have called the males out on there looking if not for it being unprofessional. Pluss of the president herself didn't say anything then they wouldn't either. Even if they so wanted to.

That's when one of the executives from the cardiology department stood up.

" Mrs president before we end the meeting I would like to nominate a new team leader for the cardiology department. As you well know Dr. Barlow will be Retiring this month so I thought why not elect a new team leader and let the older generation rest and give one of the young new doctors a chance."

" Is there anyone, in particular, you would like to nominate for that position?" The president didn't think it was a bad idea to get a fresh face as team leader. In any case, it won't be her problem once she leaves and hands everything over to Alex her Vice.

" There is, his name is Seemore Wayat. He's an excellent Cardiology Doctor and he's very reliable. I think he would fit perfectly for the new team leader."

" Mhh, very well if he feels like he is up for the task then so be it. But he will be on trial for 4 months. If Alex doesn't think he's suitable for team leader you will fill that position."

" Thank you Mrs president. That is all."

" If that is the case. Then I conclude...."

(Kock, knock)

A sudden knock at the door stopped everyone from standing up. They were confused as everyone knew that The president hated getting disturbed while she was in a meeting so whoever was interrupting it better of had a good reason. Even if the meeting was basically over.

"Come in"

The president said inviting the person to enter. And the person did with a heavy breath. You could see the visible sweat on the female secretary's forehead. Looking at her disheveled state the president couldn't help but frown. All the people in the meeting were confused but the secretary didn't really care and walked swiftly to the president before whispering in her ear. And the longer the woman whispered the more the president's face contorted.

" Is everything you saying true." She asked knowing that if it was well she could think about the repercussions later.

" Yes, the nurse on duty even brought the files for you to see." The secretary taped her wrist with the president and the information was immediately transferred. When the president saw what Dr. Wayat had done she could only really do one thing, and that was to take a deep breath in and then out.

" All of you leave now." There was no curtsey in her words. Nor did she care that they may have sounded harsh, once she ordered something you either followed or you feel her wrath and fury.

"Except you, you stay." She said looking at the executive that had spoken up earlier. Now he was shitting his pants while all the other people in the meeting quickly left. But in their minds, they were laughing at him wondering what he had done to piss the president off.


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