
I will make you fall for me part 2

After an hour she came out from her room at 6:45 am she saw Chen is sleeping peacefully on the couch his face looking very beautiful and he is so handsome he have a clear and smooth face he is sleeping while hugging the pillow on the couch suzen think in her mind. 


Suzen in her mind : oh god how could someone be that much handsome he is literally very attractive but I just don't want to confess my love to him what if he think that I am also like the other girls who always run behind him and asking him to be her boyfriend. Oh suzen what are you thinking just stop this nonsense and let's wake him up. 


Suzen make her way towards the couch where Chen is sleeping peacefully she knelt and make her face closer to his face she is admiring his beautiful face but suddenly he open his eyes suzen is very shocked and thinking in his  mind  that now what he will think that suzen is staring at his face when he is sleeping they both stuck at that point and seeing in each other's eyes but suzen clear her throat and stand in front of him and said. 

Suzen : wake up its 6:52 am let's go to college. 

Suddenly chen's stomach make voice that can clearly heared by suzen so suzen ask him. 

Suzen : you don't eat your breakfast. 

Chen : yes because I was busy last night and after that i was worried about you so I forget to eat my breakfast. 

He lower his head. 

Suzen : ok then let's go to eat first and after that we will go university. 

Chen : ok but tell me one thing why are you staring at my face when I was sleeping Is you have crush on me like other girls. 

Suzen shake her head as no many times and said. 



Suzen : I am not like that girls who always run behind handsome boys just to be famous and show off that there boyfriends are very beautiful ok and one more thing I have never run behind a bus , a train and boys . 

Chen : but you don't said yet that you don't love me Or like me. 

Suzen : I am not interested in you ok remember this in your mind . 

Chen : so confidence huh. 

Suzen : yes I have confidence better then you.

Chen : ok ok then I will make you to fall for me 

soon deal. 

Suzen : or if you don't so what will you do huh. 

Chen : I will lose ok. 

Suzen : no you have to obey me for 1 month deal. 

Chen : ok or if you lose means you fall for me so you have to kiss me in front of my all fans deal. 


Suzen pause for a sec and said. 


Suzen : deal. 


Chen stood up and they shake hands as agree with there words. 


To be continue (*´︶`*)♡Thanks!