
Chapter 10: The Secret Boss!






[7:16 P.M]

Walking back into the [Undead] dungeon, I am immediately bombarded with the stench of death and decay.


[Items Received: [x6 Silver Chests] [x75 Bronze Chests]

'Looks like my summons were busy.' I muse before opening my inventory and opening the chests starting from bronze to silver.

[Bronze Chest x75] <Zombie>

Rewards: [x5 rotten tunics] [x2 rotten helmets] [x68 rotted flesh]

[Silver Chest x6] <Skinned Hound>

Reward: [x3 rotted wooden round shields] [x2 rusted daggers] [x1 rusted longswords]

Looking over what my summons earned me I can't help but wonder what I'm supposed to do with all this besides destroy it.

[You could always dismantle it]

'Dismantle it? What do you mean by dismantle it?' I asked, slowly becoming angry.

[Would you like to Dismantle Items?]

Dismantled Items: [x5 rotten tunics] [x2 rotten helmets] [x3 rotted wooden round shields] [x2 rusted daggers] [x1 rusted longswords]

Rewards: [x20 Leather] [x4 iron ingots]

[Yes or No]

'YES! OF COURSE!' I scream mentally.

[Items Received: [x20 Leather] [x4 iron ingots]

[Automatically placing in crafting inventory]




'Can I craft anything in it?' I asked after calming down a bit.

[No, Gamer will have to wait until they gain a crafting bench or something similar as a reward before they can craft items]

'Okay, that makes me feel slightly better.'

Shaking my head clear of my thoughts and getting back to why I am here in the first place. I stretch out my hand and call out "RISE!"

[Summon: Crimson Soldier] <Active> - Lvl. 21 (Advanced Beginner)

Summoned: [0/48]

The ground around me soon begins to be enveloped by 48 glowing crimson magic circles. As the magic circles finish forming 48 white and crimson soldiers slowly rise out of the ground before all turning towards me and kneeling.

"Your Majesty! I live to serve!" (x48)

Smirking, I give them my first set of orders.

"Spread out and search for the secret boss that is located within this dungeon!" I boom out.

"Yes, Your Majesty!"(x48) With that the 48 crimson soldiers join up into groups of 3 before going out in different directions in search of the secret boss.


'HOLY SHIT! I can't believe I just said that! That was amazing!' While I am mentally squealing and geeking out over the fact I said 'RISE!' similar to the likes of a certain Shadow Monarch. The boosted gear manifests on my arm and interrupts my thoughts.

(Partner, shut the fuck up!)

'Ddraig! What the hell?!'

(I thought we came here to get stronger, not squeal and fangirl over you summoning some simple weak ass soldiers)

'Since when the hell did you become so vulgar!'

(I'm in your head. REMEMBER!)

'HUH?! What the fuck is that supposed to mean!'


After sitting on the same tombstone for an hour just scrolling through my different tabs in the menu, I begin to grow bored. Getting up I stretch and get ready to go slay some zombies despite their low XP gain.

"Your Majesty!"

"Your Majesty!"

"Your Majesty!"

Turning to my left where my subordinates' voices came from, I see 3 dirtied crimson soldiers who are more crimson than white and crimson at this point.

"Yes?" I ask once they get close enough to where I don't have to yell to communicate with them.

"We've found it, your Majesty! The secret boss we found it!" One exclaims who I presume is the squad leader.

"Perfect! Lead the way soldiers!" I order them in excitement.

"Yes, your Majesty!"(x3)


Walking into an open gravel field my vision is clouded with white and crimson soldiers fighting with pasty white four-armed skeletal figures.

[Undead Lvl. 20 <Skeletal Abomination>]

[HP - 900/900]

[MP - 0/0]

'What? There has to be at least 30 of them?!' I think incredulously.

Shifting my view back over to my crimson soldiers, I observe the growth they've experienced in the short amount time that I've had them summoned.

[Summon: Crimson Soldier] <Active> - Lvl. 21 --> 24 (Advanced Beginner)

[HP - 1650]

[MP - 50]

[DEF - 325]

Summoned: [48/48]

'Hmmm... so it seems that per level they gain 50 [HP] but they don't gain [MP]. Their armor must be the reason for their defense stat, just like it is mine.'

"SOLDIERS! FORM A SPEAR WALL!" I scream to relay orders over the sounds of battle.

[Skill Gained!]

[Commander Aura] <Passive> - Lvl. 1 (Novice)

Info: Boost's combat morale of nearby subordinates by 5%. Allows user to issue battle commands with subordinates mentally, allowing for faster reactions and movements in battle. Higher levels improve combat morale percentage.


'Nice! Let's test this thing out then, shall we?' I mentally ask myself.

(I'm still here, Partner)

'Okay maybe not asking myself, but you get the point!'

'Soldiers! Form up and create a spear wall.'

'Yes, your Majesty!' I hear 48 voices call out mentally.

'Owwww... okay is there a way so I can limit the number of voices I hear coming in?'


'Thank you!'

After switching the incoming voices to 6 so that it's just enough to get a good layout of what is happening during the battle. I take out my [Ancient Chinese Sword] and sprint to the frontline.



[Undead Lvl. 20 <Skeletal Abomination>]

[HP - 0/900]

[MP - 0/0]

* -- You have earned 600XP from [Skeletal Abomination] -- *

Slashing and shattering the last [Skeletal Abomination] I look around and observe the number of soldiers we lost.

[Summon: Crimson Soldier] <Active> - Lvl. 24 --> 32 (Advanced Beginner)

Summoned: [29/48]

I stretch my hand out and am about to resummon the rest back, but before I can the ground begins to shake and giant bone spikes begin to shoot out of the ground, impaling my summons.

Summoned: [16/48]

As the bone spikes cease to continue rising out of the ground. A hole forms from in the gravel and a clawed bony hand reaches out and begins to pull itself up.

* --> Bloodlust Detected 20 meters straight ahead <-- *

After pulling itself up I use [Perverts Gaze] on it and I can't help but be scared, it wasn't that long ago that I nearly died to the Tier 1 dungeon boss and the fact that this thing is 12 feet tall doesn't help.

[Undead Lvl. 28 <Skeletal Golem>]

[HP - 2000/2000]

[MP - 400/400]

'How am I supposed to take on this thing, if I could barely beat that mut!'

(Easy Partner. For one you didn't have me at the start of the battle, and second you didn't have the same skills you do now. Trust yourself, Partner. You beat Kalawarner didn't you?!)

'Yeah- I did! I kicked Kalawarner's ass and now I'm going to kick this [Skeletal Golem]'s ass as well!'

(That's the spirit, Partner!)

The [Skeletal Golem] thrusts its right arm forward and summons a bubble of blood and bone in the palm of its hand. Dropping the bubble onto the ground causes it to *pop*. Out of the bubble came 5 [Skeletal Abominations].

'Great! This thing can summon shit too!'

Throwing my hand forward, I summoned back the rest of my crimson soldiers. I quickly integrate them back into the spear wall formation, ordering them to take care of the newly summoned [Skeletal Abomination]'s while I advance towards the boss.


With a slash of my sword an incoming abomination that had strayed from its horde has its skull shattered and body crumbling to dust.

* -- You have earned 600XP from [Skeletal Abomination] -- *

As the [Skeletal Golem] continues summoning more abominations it becomes tougher and tougher to get through to it.


'Soldiers on me!'

'Yes, your Majesty!' (x6)

18 of the 48 summons form a protective semi-circle with me at the front. Pushing through the continued onslaught, one of my soldiers drops next to me and disappears into red motes of light. Reaching down I grabbed his red two-pronged spear before it disappeared and examined it.

[Two-Pronged Crimson Spear] - {200 Attck DMG}

Durability: 98/100


Searching for the boss I soon find him standing at the back of the horde of 10 abomination's that we were forced to push through, I quickly lift my spear and pull a Leonidas on this bitch.

The spear flies through the air and impacts the [Skeletal Golem] center mass causing the blood bubble in its hands to disintegrate and it to stumble backwards.


[Skill Gained!]

[Spear Throwing] <Passive> -Lvl. 1 (Novice)

Info: The ability to throw spears with precision. Higher levels improve spear throwing capability.

[Undead Lvl. 28 <Skeletal Golem>]

[HP - 1800/2000]

[MP - 200/400]

Seeing this as an opportunity I rush ahead of my soldiers and towards the [Skeletal Golem].

Dodging and weaving underneath abominations that attempt to attack me only to be stopped by my summons. I am forced to jump over a giant bone spike that forms out of the ground at my feet.

I land and roll to the left dodging another spike, now finding myself only a few meters away from the boss.


As I get closer, I can see the golem's razor-sharp claws that are waiting to tear me limb from limb.

'Too bad that isn't going to happen' I remark.

(Don't get overconfident, Partner) Ddraig warns me.

Sliding underneath a swipe from its clawed hands and sliding underneath it. I spin around and slash the back side of its bony calf forcing the boss to drop onto one knee.

[Undead Lvl. 28 <Skeletal Golem>]

[HP - 1590/2000]

[MP - 100/400]


Jumping up towards its back to finish it off proved to be the wrong choice, as the boss spun around and grabbed me by the throat before slamming down into the gravel below. Knocking the wind out of me.

"GUH!" I gasp.

[Name: Issei Hyoudou]

[HP - 2,600/3,000]

[MP - 2,500/2,500]

[DEF - 420]

Feeling my sword still in my grasp I lift it and stab it into the offending arm that is pinning me to the ground and choking the life out of me. Causing the golem to go reeling back and taking my sword with it.

'Shit! My sword! What am I going to do without my sword!'


'Yeah, Ddraig'

(Stop whining and punch the damn thing)


Sprinting forward with all the power six boosts can give me I leap of the ground and send a right hook into the golem's face causing it to fall backwards and into the gravel.

Leaping onto the golem's chest I begin to repeatedly let loose punch after punch into the golem's chest with the boosted gear.







Stopping after what seems to be minutes of me just beating into it, I finally see clearly and look down at the golem's once armored chest. The armored chest is now debris of blood and bone. There is nothing left of the sturdy bone armor that was once there, but in the center of its chest there is a glowing bright red and purple orb, what I assume is its core.

[Golem Core:]

Info: A golem core used in the process of creating a golem. Acts as the heart and soul of the golem, without it the golem cannot function.


Feeling a shift in movement I turn my head and look to see the [Skeletal Golem] staring back at me through its lifeless mask. Ignoring its right arm that is slowing being lifted in an attempt to stop me I reach down, grab the Golem core, and pull.

* -- You have earned 2000XP from [Skeletal Golem] -- *

Stashing the [Golem Core] into my inventory, I received a notification.


*Quest Completed*

[A Secret?]

Objective: Return to the Tier 1 Dungeon and slay the Secret Boss.

Reward: 5000 XP [Fire Magic]

'Not only did I get a load of XP from killing 20 [Skeletal Abominations] and the boss, but I also got 5000 XP from the quest and [Fire Magic]!'

[Skill Gained!]

[Fire Magic] <Active> -Lvl. 1 (Novice)

Info: Ability to create and manipulate fire.


(This is certainly impressive, Partner)

'I know right!'

Lifting my head up at the sound of metal footsteps, I am greeted by the sight of all 48-summons kneeling in front of me.

I lift my hand up and unsummon them all. Resulting in all of them turning into red motes of light and flying into my chest.

'Now time to check the goods 'status'!'


Name: Issei Hyoudou

Level: 25 (1560/7000)

[HP- 5,000]

[MP - 3,500]

[DEF - 420]



[Boosted Gear] <Active> - Lvl. 6 --> 14 (Novice)


[Pervert's Gaze] <Active> - Lvl. 43 --> 50 (Competent)


[Class: Summoner] - Lvl. 16 --> 22 (Advanced Beginner)


[Summon: Crimson Soldier] <Active> - Lvl. 32 --> 36 (Advanced Beginner)


[Fire Magic] <Active> -Lvl. 1 (Novice)


[Spear Throwing] <Passive> -Lvl. 1 (Novice)


[Sense Bloodlust] <Passive> - Lvl. 35 --> 38 (Advanced Beginner)


[Swordsmanship] <Passive> - Lvl. 26 --> 34 (Advanced Beginner)


[Commander Aura] <Passive> - Lvl. 1 --> 11 (Novice)



[7:36 P.M]

Walking out of the portal and back into my room felt amazing especially after having to smell the stench of death and decay for an hour and 21 minutes.

Unequipping my armor and stripping my clothes off to go take a shower I glance at the time and wonder why it's been only 20 minutes since I entered when my [Mini-map] clock read otherwise.

'System, is there a time difference between the dungeon and the real world?'

[Yes, Gamer there is. Upon entering the dungeon time slows down to a fourth in the real world.]

'Is that why it was still night despite me being in the dungeon yesterday for 9 hours?!'


'That's amazing! It's like my own Hyperbolic time chamber!'

(What is that, Partner?)

'Oh, Ddraig do I have a story to tell you...'


Hey guys, last night I was able to do 2 chapters in a row, today I'm not. I had my grandpa at my house earlier today, and I woke up late. BUT! be excited for the next chapter since he will finally be meeting Asia! As always thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed the chapter!

G3neral_Kenobi4_creators' thoughts
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