
Emperor of Niflheim

At that moment, with all that paranormal energy swirling around him and Kaizen's threat, the entity had no choice but to give in.

"Do not do this! I beg you, Psyker! There is a way to solve this! I'll tell you! I promise I'll tell you where Týr is!"

Kaizen slowed down a little from all the PM he was exhaling. "I'm listening."

"Muspelheim! Týr is here, in the most extreme depths of Muspelheim, where the flame of life and death meet," the entity confessed.

"That doesn't help at all. I want to know exactly where he is," said Kaizen.

"Go east and you'll find a deep, deep lake! It's like a wound in this world, the bottom of which is impossible to see from its surface. Despite this, trust me, at the bottom of this gorge there is a tomb and it is there that Týr lives in exile, a place that not even the gods could find him if they wanted to."

Kaizen quickly memorized the words and details spoken by the entity.

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