

The group of adventurers got out of the carriage, curious to see what had caused the sudden stop. As soon as their feet touched the gray snow that covered the ground, they could feel the cold and gloomy atmosphere of Mibothen. The snow fell incessantly, like little flakes of ash, creating a desolate landscape. In the middle of the road along which the carriage was traveling, there was a fallen tree. However, it was no ordinary tree. It was consumed by a kind of purple lichen, which spread through its branches and trunk like a sinister web.

Kaizen was the first to approach the fallen tree, with the others following close behind. The tree was immense, its branches twisted and blackened by the burn of the fire that had passed through. Strange purple lichen covered the tree, like a sinuous web of corruption.

"That... that doesn't seem right," muttered Alina, looking at the lichen with a suspicious expression.

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