

After we finished, I ordered six of my clones to scatter and hide in the Forest.

I did this as a failsafe in case I die, aldough I already have one clone hiding in the forest, six is better than one.

Now I only have thirty clone in the village.


Just as I got out of the portal

I could hear a cracking sound as if a glass were slowly being broken.


As I looked around I saw a black crack in the distant sky, it was slowly expanding.

And from the crack came  monster's, some were big some were small while some can fly.

Some of them that can't fly fell to their death while some survived the fall.







Just as I m looking at the monster coming out of the crack, three fighter gets sped towards the crack and released missiles towards it.


But it didn't help, instead an angry roar came from the crack and bigger monster's

started to pour out like it was free money.



"Brrrrttt- Boooom!"

Some flying monster started attacking the fighter gets and one of them were destroyed while the other two were still fighting, I saw a plane in the distance dropping people in parachute.

I hurriedly took my binoculars and saw that it was not soldiers like in my old world but were hunters.

Some of them that were directly attacked mid-air by the flying monster directly died while some quickly cut their parachute when they were close to the ground.

Some that were not close to the ground started firing their long range ability until they were close to the ground.

Those that have no long-ranged attack could only grit their teeth while firing their guns.

Although guns were not effective against those flying monster's you can still delay them by firing at their eyes and wings.

Even though there's still a lot that died before they touch the ground, there were even some that had their parachute ripped by the flying monster and fell to their deaths, even if they did not die from the fall they would still be injured and will become snack of the monster's that were on the ground.

Of course not all of the monsters were attacking them, a lot of them were scattering in all directions including my direction.

"Fire at will" I said as me and my clones started firing our guns to the monsters that were coming our way

To my surprise some monster were dropping after concentrated fire from us, it looked like our guns were stronger than normal.

Even though our guns were stronger than normal were still outnumbered and the fact that we need to concentrate our firing on one target to kill it doesn't help.



Two of my clones were picked up by four flying monster and they immediately pulled the pin of their granades.

"Retreat to the portal" I ordered, it was foolish of me to try to face a horde of monster with just thirty of us.

Fortunately I have room for mistakes. Just as I and my clones were retreating I felt a familiar sensation on my chest as I look down I saw a sharp object piercing through my chest.

Then I turned my head behind me and I saw a giant hornet.

Then the giant hornet opened it's mouth and tried to eat me, unfortunately for it, I was not alone. Four of my clone took hold of it's wing from behind and started stabbing it.

Then one of my clone pulled the stinger off of me while our other clones covered us and then they dragged me towards the portal.

--inside the portal--

Just as me and my clones got inside some monster manage to follow us as well.

"Concentrate fire on the entrance of the portal, if there's a big monster or there's too many monster getting in, throw multiple granades at the same time."

I said as on of my clones put me against a large builder facing the portal, he then heeded my order and started firing.

I'm not sitting idle by as well after all I can't feel pain so I took my rifle and also started firing at the portal.

The portal wasn't that big in the first place so with our concentrated fire any monster that poked their head out of the portal died after a few seconds.

Even if they did not die they will still be pushed back and be forced to retreat.

--one day later--

"Phew" I sigh in a depressed mood as I looked at the entrance of the portal.

There were piles and piles of bodies of monster's in front of it.

Now there's only fourteen left in my thirty clones, I died once from a long range attack of a porcupine like monster that self-distructed, I even summoned an additional two clone in late stages of the beast tide.

And the six clones I sent outside yesterday four of them were dead, only two manage to hide in a safe place.

The reason why the casualties were so high even though we were in an advantageous terrain was precisely because of the mountains of mountains of bodies in the entrance of the portal.

At first it was going well for us, and then problems started appearing when the bodies of dead monster blocked our vision.

Some monster even used the dead bodies of other monster as a shield just to get close to us.

While some used them as a cover and some even played dead when we were moving the bodies that were blocking our vision and line of fire.

From the vision of my clones outside, the outside of the portal was even worse.

It directly became a battlefield between humans and monster's, and from the vision I saw, it looked like humans lost this time.

In fact all of the six clones I sent outside managed to find a place to hide, it's just that they were either cought in the crossfire or their hiding place collapsed due to the fight, in the end only two remained.

"Clean up and get ready to go outside"

[Author here, pls don't forget to vote with power stone. It's gives me more motivation to update knowing that there are people reading this, thank you.]

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