
Angel's Touch 2

At the workshop, we are all happy to meet Ms. Hawkins with her assistant Martin. They both graduated in the drama school I mentioned earlier and been there for several years teaching drama and acting studies.

I never liked being in front of people because I'm more of an introvert and love my privacy. Becca seems persistent and eager to bring me out of shell, my comfort zone but she is unaware that I have secrets too. And that I am not just a simple, invisible or an ordinary girl that the popular bullies in school always say to me and friends. I am smart and not a nerd, I am confident and not arrogant and I value my alone time than talk to people especially those who just waste time in hunting, dating or screwing boys or even girls. I can't say that I'm gay or lesbian but I just love who I want to love and that's just it, no tags or distinctions.

Mark and his legions have been busy protecting and trying their best to help each person in the world. They save as much as people they can when earthquakes, tsunamis, tornadoes, typhoons, volcano eruptions and pandemics happen. Even the meteors that fall from the skies from the outside world and galaxies. Every day angels battle against dark spirits and sicknesses that plague the environment, the climate, the bodies of people, their brains, hearts and souls.

(inkstone)Evil can lie within the recesses of a person's heart and mind. The devil or dark spirits manipulate or tempt you to do bad or ugly things on yourself or to others. Devils just like angels can only use their powers to persuade or stop you but not do the right or bad thing for your sake. You're the sole person to help an elderly woman to walk the pedestrian or share food or drink to a hungry child. You're responsible for your own actions and the devil can make you do things that you already thought, willed, wanted or desired to do in the first place such as harassing or bullying a classmate and much worse raping a woman or stealing a store or a bank.

We always blame the devil and evil for the corruption, hate, discrimination and injustice in the world but the people who are doing these tend to do bad because they wanted to do it and commit it in the first place. Conscience is no longer working for him or her. If a person is full of hate, anger, jealousy, evil and is corrupted inside such as the mind, heart and soul. Then, the person will remain evil and be succumbed to doing bad things to others because that's what he or she wanted. No one can stop a person who wants to do evil neither you can't stop a person if he or she wants to stay bad. But every individual has goodness in some point because we are all created in the image and likeness of God, so we are borne good, holy and beautiful.

But what if…

Noriel contacted Mark and saw in his apprentice's eyes that there is a shooting incident happening in some schools in the U.S. One fourth of the battalion went to the central part, the other fourth to north and others to the south. The angels saved, touched and persuaded people, young, teen agers and adults to stop raping, gambling, stealing, forging, killing and deceiving others.

Mark went to the most recent shooting that is happening in a school where high school students hid on bathrooms, classrooms when a disturbed young shooter holding a rifle is firing it to whoever he sees in the hallway. One of Mark's trainee angels mentioned that this school have been in deep depressed state because there are students who sell drugs to any student that would buy them for parties, drinking sprees, concerts or school activities. In other schools issues like bullying, rape and extortion also happens. This school that Mark is keeping under surveillance is in deep trouble.

My God….ohhhhhhhh! Ahhhhh…huhuhu!, one kid shouted when the shooter fired one shot, then another and another.

Stop, please...no!, other students ran and others hid on where ever they can hide but the shooter kept his pace and shot them one by one, Then, he put out his armalite and began to shoot in repetitive motion.

Why are you doing this? Please…..let me go. Stop!....., but the shooter didn't listen but instead without emotion shot the girl then the boy with his brother, who ran to the bathroom to save himself along with two girls hiding there, too.

Mark touched the boy who ran to hide at the bathroom where He chose to stay and protect them. Mark tried to touch and change the shooter's heart or mind, but the young man's heart is full of anger and revenge. Mark saw that he got bullied before but not really in that school and not really the kids he shot earlier. The shooter wanted to make someone pay by not only taking drugs before doing this crazy stunt but also wanting to get famous for he was a sad ten ager, lost and alone to bear the hurt and shame all by himself.

It's the police, drop your weapon, now!!!....Stop, right there. No…Stop. Don't shoot. Young man!...., one of the police officers shouted when they arrived in front of the school where Noriel sought to make them see where they need to go to stop the shooter from taking more innocent lives. Noriel wanted to block and catch the bullets that the young shooter fired so that girls and boys could live but the primary rule that Mark told him before…"Never mess with nature and let nature move its own course". He knows that Mark is making the rule sound funny but the truth is, angels can't change the past, present or future. We see everything and help people to make their lives better and their situations better than the worst. Yet, we can never ever change whatever is to happen or going to happen, good or bad.

Mark is now touching the police's heart, letting him know that the young shooter is disturbed. The police tried his best to stop the young man but the shooter kept his distance and moved to shoot the police. The officer didn't have the choice but fired at the young shooter once, twice and again since he still continued firing his armalite.

Mark is saddened and kept his distance. He went to try to save the young shooter but it's to late, he is not breathing anymore. Noriel and his legion looked for the other students who got shot and those who are scared, crying and traumatized about the incident. One girl named Vada seems strong willed than the others but she escaped along with her new found friends Quinton and Mia. Mark and Norial sought to care for these teens and tried their best to help them get through the trauma using their parents, siblings and friends.

Mark tried to make these teens and the other children's experience worth their while and be able to find good in the situation, but some couldn't and needed to live their lives hiding their fears and going to their school with metal or gun detectors before coming inside the front doors and being educated about what to do and not do when shootings or shooters happen in the school premises.

It is crazy and hard but Mark made the teens who is still suffering from trauma and fear of being unsafe and unprotected in a place where they needed to be. He tried his best to make them feel safe. He caressed their hearts and souls to rest, relax and find love in all this. But Mark, Noriel and the rest of the angel battalion not only saved, helped and inspired millions of kids, teenagers, young adults and adults, they also made and make them realize that anger, hate, drugs, alcohol aren't the answer to their problems, miseries and insecurities but having friends, family and support systems to help them get through everything they're going through now.

"God is always near and he hears you…come to Him. Talk to Him. He is waiting for you, he is listening now. Come my Child…", Mark said to Vada and touched her heart, she cried and hugged her dad when they went to a road trip, to seek peace and answers to what she is really feeling and going through now. Her dad told her that what she went through is not easy and no one should ever go through this ever again.

Mark advised Noriel to resume help, securing the places needed to be protected and save those who can be saved and salvaged even if it is unnecessary for each person, young or old, rich or poor, average or popular, is valuable to God. Nobody escapes the love or God and no one can also escape punishment from doing bad and choosing to be bad in this life or the next.

Hello, keep on rreading my work. I love you

Vicky_Manalo_5384creators' thoughts
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