
Happy Married Life

Beck and Vale were quite happy in their "new" married life. The bride entered the new house and it seemed she liked it. Beck walked her through the house and they finally reached their own room. They sat there and talked about the beautiful event that passed by and many things about those precious moments. Finally they went to sleep at about half past eight.

The next morning Vale woke up early. She went to the kitchen to make a coffee. Beck

got up and took his seat on the

sit-out chair. Vale gave him a cup of hot coffee and got a cup

for herself. She sat beside her guy in the same room. Beck took a look at the newspaper that was left there by the newspaper-boy. After going through the headlines he peeked through other front page news. He read the paper further . When Vale grew restless, he held out the newspapers to her.

Suddenly there was a knock on the door. It was Beck's Mom.

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