

(AN: No one has complained about this but I figure I should put this out there. Yozora's personality, mainly her abandonment issues/trauma is in large part due to the original mc of Haganai leaving her. In this fic that has never happened and therefore a lot of her personality has changed. Please keep this in mind not just for her, but for the various characters that will appear and have had their childhood affected by Kosuke.)

Friday, April 5th

Yozora woke up the next day still on top of Kosuke. Immediate satisfaction overtook her as she realized that what had happened was not just a dream.

The combined warmth of the blanket and Kosuke made her want to stay in bed for the rest of her life. She nuzzled herself back into Kosuke's chest. It was an attempt at staying where she was for just a little while longer before the inevitable separation took place.

Kosuke who has awoken a few minutes before she looked to the left at the digital clock. He had purposely woken up earlier as it would take a bit longer to get ready for school.

Still, 10 minutes could be spared to spoil his newly questionably unstable onahole girlfriend. With his right hand, he patted the girl's head while with his left he adjusted the blanket that had moved a bit in their sleep.

Yozora audibly purred at the increase in comfort as she raised her head to look into her lover's eyes. For a few seconds, the two held eye contact before slowly it devolved into a sensual kiss.

"Good morning Suka-ugh." Yozora with her arms wrapped around his neck spoke, it was at this time that she was finally made aware of her extremely soar lower half.

"Morning, try not to move a lot," Kosuke spoke soothingly as he gently moved the girl to his side.

"Nn, if Suka says so." Yozora while a bit upset at the decrease in warmth still kept herself clung to Kosuke.

"I definitely can't go to school today." She continued as even without moving she felt her legs aching.

"I'll call a driver over in a bit, just call the school and your mom and tell them you are just a bit sick," Kosuke spoke as he sat up a bit and reached past Yozora to grab the water bottle on the nightstand.

Inevitably the cover slightly fell off of him giving Yozora a good view of his morning wood.

"Mhm, will do. Until then though, I'll help this guy settle down a bit." Yozora as if she hadn't been paying attention immediately reached out and grabbed his member.

As Kosuke chugged down the water he watched as Yozora dazedly jerked him off with her right hand. Just as the girl was about to switch to some oral fun Kosuke grabbed her by the chin and instead used her lips for his own.

While they kissed Yozora continued running her hand down his shaft as Kosuke himself played with her erect nipples.

Soon enough though Kosuke's phone rang. Reluctantly Kosuke backed away from the kiss as he searched the sheets for the ringing phone.

When he found it he looked at the caller before smiling and answering. In this short time, he had kinda missed his lovable maid.

"Hey, how was the sleepover?" Kosuke asked as he sat back on the bed frame.

Yozora in the little time it took for him to answer the phone had already sneaked under the bedsheets as she crawled in between his legs.

"That's good. Are the other girl's still sleeping?" Kosuke questioned as Yozora already began to take him into her mouth.

"Oh, you're already on your way back?" The conversation continued as Kosuke moved the phone from his right hand to his left.

With his hand now unoccupied, he used it to guide the girl's head up and down his shaft.

"Alright, I will be back soon. Also, Yozora will be staying over while we're at school. Let's just say last night's activities got a little out of hand." Kosuke spoke as he smirked at Yozora whose head had poked out of the cover a bit. Her cheeks were slightly red as she heard his words but she continued her work on his dick.

"Alright bye, see ya soon." After a bit, the two said their byes before the call ended. At the same time, Kosuke made Yozora increase her speed as pretty soon he busted into her mouth.

Yozora who had at least a tiny bit of experience from yesterday swallowed a bit before opening her mouth and sticking out her tongue to show the remaining substance still in her mouth.

She then closed it again as the next time it opened it was completely clean.

"Hehe, that's one fantasy knocked off the list." Yozora giggled as licked her lips.

"Pervert." Kosuke slapped the girl on the ass as he rolled his eyes.

"Nnn, only for you, daddy~." Yozora moaned as she began to clean up the excess cum on his dick.




After a few minutes of unruly activity, Kosuke called one of his drivers as he dressed himself and a needy Yozora.

He then had to support the girl whose legs simply didn't function as they should've as they went downstairs and into the car.

The drive was quick and within moments they arrived at Kosuke's house. The man who had driven them stepped out of the car and opened the door for the two as Kosuke stepped out while supporting Yozora.

Sora, who had already been waiting outside before the car arrived rushed over. "Master, shall I take her?" Sora spoke as she nodded at the man who had driven them, signaling that he could depart.

"Nah, I got her." Kosuke easily swung the girl so her legs ended curled around his right arm and her head lay rested in his left. A perfect princess carry, the likes of which made Yozora blush.

'His gentle side is nice too." She couldn't help but think as she smiled.

That smile turned to shock however as the next second Kosuke was kissing Sora.

"W-what! You guys are in that type of relationship?" Yozora nearly screamed as she shockingly asked. Thankfully the sound of the car driving off muffled it a bit so passersby didn't pay much attention, well besides the usual who recognized Kosuke.

Sora who heard Yozora, when the kiss was finished turned to her and spoke. "I am master's maid. It is only right I tend to all his needs and desires." Her face was one of diligence as if she just explained everything.

"I don't think maids typically do that." Yozora dumbfoundedly said as her voice lowered a bit.

"I am a very diligent maid," Sora spoke again her voice resolute.


"I am a very very diligent maid." Before Yozora could speak any further, Sora cut her off.


Yozora after realizing she wasn't going to get anything else out of Sora sighed and slumped deeper into Kosuke's arms.

"I can understand your thoughts, Zora-sama. However, please do keep in mind that I am just master's maid. That will not change for as long as I live even if master chooses to share his affection with me." Sora reassuringly spoke sensing the fall in her expression.

Yozora who heard those words was in shock for a bit but soon her slight frown turned into a full one.

"Soraaaaaa." Yozora nearly jumped out of Kosuke's arms as she latched onto the girl's neck and shook her.

"What's with that? I would never be upset with you. Also, what's with the honorific? I'm just Zora." Yozora desperately asked as she stared at the only girl she absolutely wouldn't mind sharing Kosuke with.

"Thank you for the kind words, my lady. However, as a lover of my master, it is only right I refer to you as such." Sora even while being shaken back and forth kept her stoic face.

"Noooo. I don't care if I am his lover. I want you to always call me Zora. Ok?" Yozora desperately tried to get her point across. Sora was one of her best friends, she did not want that to change by putting herself above her.

"Very well, Zora." A slight smile appeared on Sora's lips as she nodded her head.

"AND YOU!" Yozora turned back around and angrily glared at Kosuke. "Why is she 'just your maid' huh? Do you only see her as a servant?"

Kosuke sighed at her words but before he could speak Sora yet again started first.

"If master was to speak I am sure he would say he sees me as much more. When it comes to the reason though, all blame can be placed on me. Being master's maid to me is what gives my life meaning. Serving him in whatever way he wishes is what brings me the most happiness. Even if I wasn't to be paid for it, I would not hesitate to choose this job. Even without being his lover technically, I am still able to receive his affection. So please, do not try to change that." Sora went on a mini rant as slowly her face turned feverish.

"O-oh." Yozora who was bombarded by those words could only dazedly respond.

Kosuke who was still holding Yozora could only chuckle helplessly. He long ago may have tried to change part of their relationship if he hadn't known her for so long.

In the beginning, Sora acted the part of a typical maid, albeit in training. Slowly, however, she started seeming a bit more lively.

Instead of the emotionless tone, she had with everyone else, there was more adoration. She started to actively seek Kosuke out and when he gave an order her face would visibly brighten a bit.

Even personal tasks like washing himself and the like were voluntarily taken up by her.

Years later when Kosuke entered puberty upon seeing his growth and as well as being affected by her own she wasn't shy to openly flaunt herself to him. Though she never did openly ask for anything further and instead just tried to tempt him.

Eventually, that faithful day occurred until soon enough it became another one of her duties even if Kosuke never said anything about it.

There was a time when Kosuke was concerned that he was forcing her and so to test it he stopped being as intimate.

Coincidentally, this was also during her period and well things did not at all end well.

It was the first time he had ever seen her cry and the last. It was also the first time he had seen her look so desperate asking things like 'have you grown bored of me?!' and 'do you hate me?'.

After he finally got her to calm down by making up for everything he hadn't given her, she made it a point to not leave his side for the entire rest of the week.

Kosuke from that experience learned that he was completely wrong in his worries. It was frankly the complete opposite, something that if he didn't let the post but clarity take over, he would have recognized.

It should be obvious but from that point, Kosuke never did anything like that again. Even if he was never able to completely see through her, he didn't pry further into it.




"This place really is huge." An excited Yozora for the second time marveled at the sheer size of the apartment.

"Like it?" Kosuke who was still holding her in his arms asked as he used his feet to take off his shoes.

"Mhm, y'know... There is more than enough room for another person to live here." Yozora spoke with a smile while raising her eyebrows up and down, making an obvious implication.

In response, Kosuke gave her a firm pluck on the forehead. "Nice try. If I let you live here you'd start lazing around. You already live close by."

"Ugh, buzz kill." Yozora held her head while pouting.

While the two were arguing Kosuke had already removed both their shoes and made their way into the living room.

Sora who had gone off before them at the same time came back from the bathroom clad in nothing but a bra and panties.

Seeing the girl Kosuke nodded before lightly throwing Yozora on the couch.

"Sora, why are you dressed like that?!" Yozora who was still a bit unfamiliar with the relationship between Kosuke and Sora was slightly surprised by the girl's boldness.

"I apologize, however, we don't have a lot of time," Sora spoke while going over to a nearby rack and pulling out a blanket with a wire attached.

"I'm going to massage you to help with the soreness," Sora spoke before she worked on unzipping Yozora's pants.

"What! Y-you don't need to." Yozora freaked out a bit but before she could stop her Sora already had gotten her pants halfway down her legs.

Unfortunately for Yozora, yesterday she in her pursuit to be as sexy as possible went completely commando. This left her clean-shaven vagina completely in view.

Sora who met face-first with the sight remained still for a second. "Bold." That one word from her made Yozora slam her head down into the couch as she grabbed a pillow and buried her face in it.

She felt that Sora who she had always seen as pure and innocent was slowly fading.

Kosuke meanwhile had already made his way to the bathroom as he began to change for their early morning workout.

By the time he arrived back in the living room, Sora had already finished the massage although Yozora was still without pants.

Yozora who saw that Kosuke noticed her indecent appearance turned her head face to a different direction while using a pillow to hide her private. Her face was even redder than it had been before. Even after their first time, she was bound to be a bit embarrassed by showing herself to him.

"You can wear some of my clothes, we seem to be the same size. Although, before that, u should take a hot bath, it will help with the soreness." Sora spoke as she was already midway to the bathroom once again.

Kosuke having a minute or two to spare say down on the same couch as Yozora as he lifted the girl's head onto his lap.

"What happened to my innocent Sora." Yozora while looking up pouted as she playfully punched lightly at his cheek.

"Stuck in your delusion." Kosuke rolled his eyes and began playing with the girl's head.

To that Yozora tried to kick her feet in mock anger but alas she stopped mid-action, her legs simply in too much pain to continue.

"Ugh, look what you did to me. I can't even walk by myself." Yozora complained.

"I almost feel bad for you," Kosuke spoke remembering yesterday's activities.

"Really?! Then you will stay home and take care of me." Yozora raised her head a bit as she excitedly spoke.

"I said almost," Kosuke spoke, rolling his eyes.


"Anyway, you said you found a place to work part-time?" Kosuke changed the topic and watched as Yozora's pout turned into a slight smile.

"Yeah. Remember that waitress from the restaurant we went to on the first day? Turns out she works at a hell of a lot of places. One of them she told me about was a bookstore nearby."

Kosuke's eyebrows raised as he heard her words.

"To think you who hates normies to such a degree would actually make friends with such a bubbly girl," Kosuke spoke his voice sounding beyond shocked.

"Hey, we're not friends! We just have a lot of classes together and she just won't leave me alone." Yozora tried to defend herself although Kosuke could easily tell she wasn't as displeased as she tried to sound.

"Sure, whatever you say," Kosuke spoke with a playful tone although the grin never left his face.

"Stop smirking, I'm being serious!" Yozora kept trying to defend herself but Kosuke didn't pay attention as Sora had yet again walked back into the room, fully dressed in workout attire.

"The bath is ready."

Kosuke hearing his maid's words reached over and took the pillow Yozora was using to hide and put it back on the couch.

Yozora at yet again suddenly being exposed yelped as she used her hands to cover herself.

"What? You didn't seem to mind me seeing you when you practically ripped your clothes off yesterday." Kosuke spoke as he yet again picked the girl back up into a princess carry.

Yozora at the sudden mention of yesterday's events decided hiding her extremely red face would be a better use of her hands as she didn't utter a word.




"Stay in here until we're done, it won't take long," Kosuke spoke as he lowered a now completely naked Yozora into the hot water below.

Sora had stripped her completely and had given her a thorough wash almost like a mother to a child.

Yozora who had given up on trying to hide her indecency and embarrassment at the same time just nodded as she made a slight face of discomfort.

"Why is it so hot?"

"It'll help open your blood vessels and make you heal faster. I doubt you wanna spend all weekend being unable to walk." Kosuke spoke as he kissed the girl on the forehead before he and Sora began walking out.

"We'll be back in a bit." Those were his last words before the sliding door closed and Yozora was left alone.


The black-haired girl leaned back into the bathtub as she tried to get used to the extremely hot water.

"That doesn't sound too bad." She muttered to herself thinking about Kosuke taking care of her the entire weekend.




Kosuke and Sora spent only around 30 minutes in the gym before jogging around the block a bit. When they did finally return they only had around an hour before school started which wasn't that bad.

Going into the bathroom they saw Yozora leaning deep into the tub with all but her neck and head exposed. The water was still steaming showing that even after 30 minutes it had not yet become lukewarm.

"You look relaxed," Kosuke spoke as Sora went off somewhere.

Startled by the sudden voice, Yozora was snapped out of her daydreaming and turned her head to Kosuke who stood beside her.

"You're back." Yozora acknowledged.

"Mhm, I'm glad you didn't fall asleep." Kosuke smiled before lifting his shirt up.

"I'm not that stupid. W-what are you doing?" Yozora spoke as her eyes were drawn to his toned abdomen.

"Quick shower, school starts soon and we don't have long. Hang in there for a bit longer." Kosuke spoke as soon enough the rest of his clothes followed.

Yozora's face turned red but she didn't turn her gaze away. Perhaps it was due to growing up with him but she had a bit of resistance to his naturally insane good looks but the body she had rarely seen was different. If someone was to say the word perfection she would be forced to think of this very moment every time.

This bathroom being more modern came complete with a pretty big shower next to the bath.

As Kosuke waited for Sora to get back, he while not at all ashamed of his nakedness bent down and kissed the red-faced girl on the forehead.

Next, he reached over and pulled one of her legs out of the water before lightly feeling around the thigh.

"How does it feel?" He questioned the girl who couldn't help but smile at his attentiveness.

"A lot better, I should be able to walk although it will hurt a bit," Yozora spoke while using her other leg to lightly kick up some water to splash Kosuke.

Kosuke feeling the water drip down his face and hair lightly smiled at the giggling girl.

"That's good. Make sure you heal up fast so I can do it all over again." Kosuke spoke teasingly as his hand held the side of her cheek.

"I'd like that. But...maybe next time don't paralyze me from the waist down?" Yozora softly spoke with a happy smile.

"No promises." Kosuke joked before the two's distance closed and their lips locked for a soft sensual kiss.

The kiss only lasted for a few more seconds before Sora finally came back in and the two went into the shower.




With the shower surrounded by see-through glass, Kosuke and Sora were not at all obscured from Yozora's vision, not like they cared much.

Yozora who was getting tired of being embarrassed made no show of retorting and instead just watched openly.

As she watched the figure of Sora gently scrubbing along Kosuke's body with a cloth she couldn't help but remember the reason she was in this position in the first place.

Kosuke was making a harem and as a result, she had freaked out and tried to conquer him.

At the moment, however, she couldn't help but to not feel any of the anger she felt before. Instead, she was calm and... Happy? She didn't know for certain her emotions but she did know that if it was Sora, she honestly didn't mind the hands beside her own touching all over him.

She loved Sora and was glad her friend was getting the love she deserved. She didn't know for certain if that feeling would be able to transfer over to the other girls he would have.

'At least two things are certain.' Yozora thought as her attention turned to the thing dangling between Kosuke's legs. 'No matter what, I belong to Suka.' 'And two, I am not enough to subdue that monster.'

Yozora spent 15 minutes peacefully staring at the two wash each other before they both came out. Kosuke made it a point to tease the girl for staring as he helped her out of the tub.

True to her words Yozora could stand by herself as she dried herself off. When the three were finished drying Kosuke and Sora wore bathrobes while Sora was wrapped in a towel.

Spoiling the girl a bit more Kosuke carried her to the bedroom where they all began to get dressed.

Sora gave Yozora some clothes of her own that she fit well in.

Afterward, they each enjoyed a bowl of cereal before Kosuke and Sora needed to leave.

While Sora was giving Yozora some instructions to stay off her feet as well as to wear the heated blanket, Kosuke went to answer the usual knocks on the door that came at this time.

Mai who had come to meet with them walked behind Kosuke who was going to pick up his bag from beside the couch.

Upon seeing Yozora on the couch confusion overtook her but before she could even ask Yozora spoke up.

"Hey Mai, due to some 'reasons' I can barely walk so well I'm staying here for today." Yozora basically summed up the entire situation causing Mai to look at her strangely although she nodded in confirmation.

Kosuke not wanting to bring back the sad look Mai wore before avoided showing any indication that the two had gotten together, something Yozora as well avoided.




The usual group minus Yozora walked down the sidewalk as they made their way to school.

With the club fair coming up later today, their main conversation was as such.

That was until Mai seemed to not be able to hold back her curiosity as she spoke.

"Yozora seemed pretty pissed yesterday, yet you somehow got her in your apartment, what a playboy." Her words came off teasingly but the underlying question of 'what actually happened last night' was present.

Kosuke who knew that he wouldn't actually be able to keep his new relationships from Mai, sighed as he turned to the girl.

If there was one thing he learned from yesterday's events it was that he needed to be more straightforward with his intentions.

As scummy as it seemed if he wasn't the one on the offensive and just remained passive as girls fell for him left and right problems would build up.

He had made the mistake with Yozora of not telling her about his harem plan long before. That in turn gave her hopes and dreams that simply would never come true.

It was cruel, all of it was. There was no happy and painless way for him to do what he wanted to.

Luckily for him, Aki and Sena's friendship had not at all cracked after Kosuke first mention his affection for both. If it had cracked, and the two started to hate each other, the idea of having both as lovers would be completely out the window.

As for Yozora, he was just lucky that her love for him made it impossible for her to do anything that would make him upset. He was still unsure how in the future she would interact with the other two.

Point is, as smart as Kosuke was he was still prone to act on his emotions. As logical as that may seem from a romantic point of view it simply wouldn't work out.

Him acting on his desire to not break any of the girl's hearts while also creating a harem is what had got him to where he was, in both the good and bad sense.

In the future, this would need to be corrected. The best way to do that was to deal with the mess he had created. That meant working on his current relationships as well as improving the relationships between the girls.

(Back to present.)

"Do you want the truth?" Kosuke asked as he moved a bit closer.

"Do I want to know?" Mai with a painful smile asked back.

Kosuke in response stayed silent for a bit as they walked a bit more before he abruptly stopped.

Sora had similarly stopped at the exact same time as she went off to the side and waited.

Mai who still wore that same helpless smile stopped a bit later as she turned around and moved to the side so as to not obstruct passers-by.

"Are you free tomorrow night?" Kosuke asked seriously.

"Yeah?" Mai confusedly answered.

"Great, I know you said you trust my judgment but I'm going to bring you there anyway, to SL I mean," Kosuke spoke decisively.

(AN: SL is the agency Kosuke has connections with and is going to introduce Mai to. It stands for Star Light.)

"Afterward we can go to a nice restaurant, my treat." Kosuke continued.

"So a date?" Mai asked, her expression changing from the sad smile it was before.

"Are you sure those two will be ok with that?" Mai asked unsurely.

"They are well aware of what they were getting into when they became my lovers, plus I'm sure they knew this would happen eventually," Kosuke responded as he made a mental note to bring it up later.

"I swear if you're doing this out of pity-."

"No, I'm not. I'm simply doing what I should have long ago. I think it's about time this stalemate is finally resolved. Don't you?" Kosuke interrupted Mai's words before she could get any ideas.

"That's pretty unfair of you to say, considering you're the one who caused it." Mai crossed her arms as she spoke with a low tone.

"I know I'm terrible but you should take some responsibility too. You were just as hesitant." Kosuke raised an eyebrow at the girl trying to play the victim.

"Whatever... Tomorrow night then?" Mai with a bit of glee spoke. Her previous fake smile had turned into the real thing albeit slightly.

"It's a date," Kosuke spoke while closing the remaining distance and bringing the girl into a tight hug.

For a few seconds Mai remained there a deep smile etched on her face as she felt that things were finally starting to look up.

Unfortunately, the bit of sweat that started to appear on her hand made her conscious enough to back away from the hug.

"We're already cutting it close if we stay here we're going to be late," Mai spoke before starting to walk again.

Kosuke seeing how fast she tried to run off turned to Sora as the two chuckled a bit before catching up to her.




Thanks to Mai's fast walking speed the group managed to arrive earlier than expected. That still gave them only 5 minutes before school started.

"Yo, Harem God-sama." Surprisingly, Sena or Aki weren't the first to approach but rather a brown-haired brown-eyed boy who wore the typical school uniform.

"Sakuta. What's up?" Kosuke raised a hand in greeting at the boy. Sakuta Azusagawa was the boy's name. He shared quite a few classes with Kosuke and they had gotten to know each other from that.

"Nothing much, just hoping to get a divine blessing from my Lord. The blessing of the harem God." Sakuta teased as he looked around at the two girls beside Kosuke as well as the other two who were quickly approaching.

"Oh? I didn't know you were the type." Kosuke raised an eyebrow before something soft pressed against his back.

"Anybody who was forced to watch this every day would be jealous." Sakuta rolled his eyes as he watched Kosuke turn around to hug the blonde beauty behind him, followed by the blue-haired girl that came next.

"What can I say? I'm just too loved." Kosuke didn't even turn around to respond as he looked directly into Aki's eyes and gave her a peck on the lips before doing the same with Sena.

"To think the same Adagaki-san, that brutally rejected all those boys would smile like that when in your arms." Sakuta chuckled as he tried not to show his jealousy.

In response, Aki who was behind Kosuke wrapped her hands around his waist before peaking her head out beside his waist and sticking her tongue out.

"Someone's jealous." Kosuke chuckled as he patted the blue hair girl's head.

"Whatever, school's starting. We should get to class." Sakuta admitted before walking in the direction of the school building.

"So?" As soon as he left Sena spoke out as she held onto his arm.

"So what?" Kosuke asked although he did understand what she meant.

"So, what happened with that girl Yozora?" Sena asked impatiently.

Kosuke hearing that turned to Mai to which the girl just sighed before speaking as well.

"Yeah, tell us what happened."

Surprisingly she didn't show a sad expression and instead just waited to hear what she already knew.

And so Kosuke summarized what happened all the while they made their way to the auditorium.

"That- That's too far Kosuke." Aki was the first to speak as she shuddered a bit.

Normally one would expect her to be talking about the fact that he had sex with a girl he wasn't even in a proper relationship with but Kosuke could tell that was not it.

"That's what you're concerned about?" Kosuke deadpanned.

"This is serious Kosuke, you paralyzed a girl with your dick." Sena followed up in a whisper.

The statement made Aki blush a bit but she nodded in agreement.

"Geez, and I wanted you to go all out on me. Now... I'm having second thoughts." Sena whispered as she stared at his crotch in horror.

"Come on, it isn't that bad." Kosuke groaned as he turned to Mai, hoping she would in some way take his side.

Instead, however, she just turned her head trying not to make eye contact.

"Sora." Kosuke tried to find solace in his lovable maid.

In response, Sora nodded happily as if to say leave everything to me. "Master is very passionate, his love has left me unconscious numerous times." Sora nodded happily.

That seemed to be the final straw as all the girls beside Sora looked at him as if he was a monster.

Kosuke with a lifeless expression took his seat in the auditorium followed by the other girls.




"Alright, remember. After school is the club fair make sure you show up. Clubs look good to colleges." Shizuka Hiratsuka spoke as she erased the chalk off the board.

The students taking that as a sign of dismal stood up and began to exit the room.

"Have you decided on a club Miyamura-kun?" A girl with bob-length purple hair spoke from behind. On the side, she had a single braid with a black hair clip. She stood at a height of 155 cm (5'1) and wore the typical school uniform.

This girl was Ayano Fujimoto.

"Not yet, I'm waiting to see how these seniors will tempt me," Kosuke spoke although he could tell the girl was only half paying attention.

Instead, she was for some reason standing directly behind him and extremely close at that. The tip of her shoes were practically touching the back of his.

And almost as if she wasn't even trying to hide it Kosuke heard an audible *sniff* as the girl breathed in his scent.

"That's nice." She seemingly responded although it was clear she was not at all responding to Kosuke.

"Sure, and what about you?" Kosuke asked as he rolled his eyes at the girl who kept sniffing him.

Ayano had what you would call olfactophilia, which was just a smell kink. During the initial icebreaker, she had seemingly taken an extreme liking to his odor and acquainted herself with him. Ever since that day on the way out of homeroom she would follow behind him.

"Nnn, I also don't know." Ayano lazily answered before she reluctantly moved from behind him.

"Well, I will see you later Miyamura-kun." She waved before turning right and walking down the hallway.

Kosuke just waved. He knew when she said later she meant later today during or right after PE. During those times he would sweat a bit and she would somehow always end up nearby with a towel to help wipe his sweat even if she wasn't in the same gym class.

Not surprisingly that towel would also disappear along with her.




Upon entering his 2nd-period class Kosuke was immediately waved to by a bubbly girl who sat in the back row.

With a smile, he also waved to the girl, Shōko, before walking over to his usual seat in the back.

While they discussed possible club choices a bit it wasn't long before the rest of the students piled in. Along with this were his usual seatmates and Sora who had gone to the bathroom at the end of homeroom.

"Your gaze is particularly cold today, Shinomiya-san." Kosuke noticed as the black-haired girl took a seat nearby.

"I apologize if it seems so, it's just that I have little tolerance for womanizers." She with more of a cold tone than usual spoke.

"Ah Kaguya, such a narrow-minded view of love." Before Kosuke could even retort Chika spoke up her voice sounding like she was talking to a helpless child.

"When a girl is so hopelessly in love that she would willingly allow her lover to date other woman, and when a man has so much love to give that he needs other girls to share it with, it is not right to call the man a womanizer," Chika spoke as if she was all-knowing.

"It may not be a typical relationship but it isn't right for us to criticize it. It is equally as beautiful as any other form of love, and frankly, I congratulate you Kosuke for having the strength to make it happen." Live detective Chika finished as she looked at Kosuke with respect.

Kosuke in response nodded his head with his arms crossed, while off to the side Shōko who had read Chika's lips from start to finish clapped in amazement.

Kaguya just rolled her eyes not wanting to argue any longer.

Her father had multiple wives outside of her late mother. Even if they were technically her stepmothers they never made a single attempt at bonding with her nor did they even show an ounce of care for her. As a consequence, the idea of polygamy in her mind had been linked with loveless bonds.

"Alright class, settle down." The teacher spoke as she began making her way to the board to begin her lesson. She of course stumbled on empty air and fell to the ground before her two self-proclaimed helpers came to pick her up.




In the last 30 minutes of class Kosuke left the classroom for a bit and made his way to the bathroom.

Coincidentally, at the same time, another person with orange hair and blue eyes walked in. Despite the abnormal feminine beauty of the person, the overall get-up would immediately make one assume the person was a guy.

Well to anyone else that is but unfortunately under Kosuke's eye all deceit was meaningless.

"The girl's bathroom is the one next to this." Kosuke bluntly spoke to the cross-dresser.

"W-what are you talking about dude?" The crosser was startled and acted oblivious.

"I'll give it to you, you're acting is good and your voice is nothing to scoff at, but none of that changes the fact that you're a girl." Kosuke pointed out while staring the nervous girl down.

"S-so. I've been found out." The girl lowered her gaze as she began walking a bit further into the bathroom. Along the way, she opened the stall making sure that their conversation was not at all heard by anyone.

"The fact that no one else has noticed is honestly surprising," Kosuke remarked paying attention to how she moved.

It was faint but there were traces of some type of discipline. That and the fact she was walking with almost unbearable steps confirmed the fact that she was skilled.

It was odd for a normal high school girl to have that much training which really left only a few options.

One of them was the chance that she was a spy or sent here for infiltration. It wasn't unplausible, with the prestige of the school, children of politicians, or the kids of wealthy families were not uncommon.

Another option was that she was like Sora and simply served as a servant to one of the students here. Her having to pretend to be a male may somehow go along with it. A lot of rich people have weird tastes, it wouldn't be strange if one was interested in having their servant cosplay.

With various thoughts racing through his head Kosuke pulled out his phone and after a bit of tapping landed on a page with the girl's face on it.

"Subaru Konoe. So you're a butler of that Suzutsuki girl huh? That's the principal's daughter." His words were met with silence before all of a sudden a first came flying toward his stomach.

Unperturbed Kosuke effortlessly grabbed the fist out of the air with his free hand.

"Not bad, though I recommend stopping now. If not you might end up a little hurt." Kosuke grinned before letting the girl's fist go and watching her jump back.

"To think you could actually stop my fist... It doesn't matter, now that you know my secret I must make sure you are dealt with." The girl, Subaru spoke as she yet again dashed forward and yet again threw a punch with the intent to knock him out cold.

Seeing that she wasn't going to back down Kosuke rotated his body and as the fist flew right by his body used his foot to sweep her legs.

As gravity overtook her she crashed back to the ground directly on her back. She was quick to recover but before she could even stand Kosuke gripped her by the neck and with his other hand hit two particular points on her thighs and knees.

When he was done he let her go to which she yet again tried to stand but was dumbfounded to find her legs were not responding to her.

"What have you done to me?" She growled as she tried in vain to stand.

"Something that will keep you from attacking me for a bit," Kosuke spoke as he stood over the girl.

In the brief exchange, it seemed the wrap that was binding her chest had come loose and her breast were becoming clear.

"Now I recommend you fix back up your disguise, I think me and your master need to chat," Kosuke spoke pointing to her chest.

"Pervert!" Subaru yelled before turning herself around and desperately working on fixing the binding.




Walking down the hallway Kosuke held Subaru in his arms as he made his way to the nurse's office. Surprisingly the girl had stayed quiet the entire time while lost in thought.

Upon reaching the nurse's office Kosuke knocked on the door to the room and a few moments later a soft "come in" was heard from the inside.

"Hey sensei," Kosuke spoke to the white-haired busty woman who sat at the computer chair. When she turned to face him her face turned a bit red. She had been responsible for the physical exam a couple of days ago.

At that time she was made to see most of Kosuke's bare body. She was closer to what she'd like to admit, from outright pouncing on him. It was something that made her normally stoic face turn beat red every time she saw him, something that wasn't an exception even now.

"G-Good morning Miyamura-kun. What happened to Konoe-san?" The blushing white-haired woman stood up and walked closer to the two, examining and looking for possible injuries.

"It is nothing serious sensei he just had a little fall down the stairs and it hurts a bit to walk. I have already confirmed that nothing is broken or torn. So for now can you please call over Suzutsuki I think it's imperative she is aware of her butler's condition." Kosuke spoke calmly.

"What are you talking about? Konoe is what he saying true." The white-haired woman or Chizuru Tachibana was dumbfounded at how she was seemingly being ordered around by a student.

"I'm fine Tachibana sensei, everything he said is true," Subaru spoke trying to also get her master here as fast as possible.

"Even so, I can't just trust you on this, before I call anyone I need to examine you." Tachibana shook her head staying true to her role as a nurse.

"Chizuru," Kosuke called out a bit commandingly.

"Wha." Chizuru who was being completely thrown off the entire visit snapped to attention at suddenly having her first name called.

"Everything is fine Chizuru, please just go and call for Suzutsuki. Can you do that for me?" When Kosuke wished to, getting someone to do what he wanted was a fairly easy task, even if that person was as composed as Chizuru normally would be.

In a normal situation if a student was to say anything close to what Kosuke just had she might just slap them with an ice pack, but something about the atmosphere simply didn't even let her think of it.

She felt like his gaze was piercing her soul yet his calm words soothed her. It was telling her to simply follow whatever he told her to without question, something she found herself doing when she with a heavy blush nodded slowly.

Still, in a daze, she made her way to the door before walking out toward the classrooms.

Kosuke seeing that the two were alone walked over to one of the beds and tossed the girl on it. Despite the rough treatment, Subaru didn't show contempt instead her eyes were practically sparkling.

"How did you do that!?" She excitedly asked. A technique like that would make her effectiveness as a butler quadruple.

"It's simple, just watch," Kosuke spoke teasingly before all of a sudden his gaze turned soft and he looked directly into the girl's eyes.

"Subaru. Don't you feel bad for trying to hurt me earlier?" Kosuke with the same tone he spoke to Chizuru with asked. Instead of commanding, however, it was softer.

"I-I'm sorry." Subaru who was already caught up in the mood started to all of a sudden feel terrible for her past actions as she muttered an apology.

"It's fine. I'll accept your apology, you just need to do one little thing for me. Can you do that Subaru?" Toward the latter part of his words, Kosuke moved his hand so it cupped the side of her face. His head also lowered a bit letting his hot breath blow against her ears.

Subaru in response while blushing nodded slowly as she felt the warmth coming from his hands and breath. No thought entered her head besides the need to accept whatever he asked of her.

"Show me your true self Subaru, not the man you try to pretend you are." Kosuke moved his hand so that it brushed against her hair.

In response Subaru as if drunk nodded again. Her gaze never left Kosuke as her hands slowly reached for the top of her button-down and undid it.

Suddenly though the atmosphere all but vanished as Kosuke's expression became that of a teasing smile.

Snapping out of her daze Subaru shot up and used her arms to back away a bit. "AMAZING." She couldn't help but shout.

"Hehe, isn't it?" Kosuke chuckled.

"You're still a pervert." Subaru scowled remembering how she nearly just stripped naked for the man in front of her.

As the conversation died down however Kosuke could hear the girl audibly gulp as her gaze never left the door.

Pretty soon the door finally opened back up as Chizuru walked back in followed by a black-haired girl who wore her hair in twin tails. She was of medium stature and held eyes that were a similar red to that of Sora's.

"Mistress..." Subaru spoke though her voice trailed off when she saw the black-haired girl look her way with a smile.

Chizuru on the other hand was looking at Kosuke who gestured for her to exit the room, to which she followed.

"So my butler's identity has been figured out huh?" The black-haired girl or Kanade Suzutsuki, sighed in exasperation when she saw the door close behind the nurse. What was going on was fairly obvious.

"Yes, mistress, I am not sure how but this man was somehow able to see through my facade. Afterward in a panic, I attempted to knock him unconscious however it seems I am severely unmatched." Subaru with her head lowered admitted all that had happened.

"To expose such a helpless maiden you're quite crude," Kanade spoke teasingly although there was a trace of irritation.

"The blame lies on your butler. I frankly don't care about the fact that she is disguised as a man. I only pointed her out because of the strangeness of the situation. I'm sure a lot of people would pay big money to have me removed, how could I be sure she wasn't set here to do just that." Kosuke smirked as he watched Subaru's face go through rapid changes in emotion, all some variation of depression.

"By the time I was able to identify her she started attacking me at which case it was simple self-defense." Kosuke shrugged his shoulders as he lazily sat down on the bed of the paralyzed girl.

"Subaru, is this true?" Kanade with a frown asked the nearly crying girl.

"Y-yes. I panicked." Subaru felt as if her status as a butler was slipping through her hands.


"We will discuss this later, but for now we must keep this matter private." Kanade sighed as she walked over to the bed taking off her shoes along the way.

"Subaru is the only daughter of a family that has served my own family for generations. As it so happens every new generation the boy would be the one to take on the duties of their predecessors. This time, however, she was the only offspring and there is no boy to play the role of my butler." Kanade perhaps in an attempt to earn pity began telling the story of Subaru.

"Still, Subaru begged my father for the right to serve as my butler, and after numerous tries, she was eventually awarded the right. However, there was a requirement; she would have to go the entirety of high school without anyone figuring out she is a girl." Kanade concluded the story while watching over the down-stricken Subaru.

"So, because I found her out that right is going to be revoked?" Kosuke finished her thought although his face remained indifferent.

"Exactly. Unfortunately, I seem to have grown quite attached to her over the years and I'd rather not betray her no matter how easy it would be to do so." Kanade's words made Subaru glimmer in delight.

"Well, I have no particular interest in your affairs so if you are worried that I will inform your father then don't be." Kosuke gave a clear way out.

"As much as I'd like to believe in those words, I simply can't." Kanade shook her head as if helpless.

"I need something a bit more. Binding. How about a formal document that states that if you snitch you will replace Subaru as my butler and serve under me for the rest of your life?" Kanade with little regard for personal space crawled on the bed until she was able to use her hand to slowly run her fingers down his arm.

"I think you may need to relearn the meaning of a deal. I gain absolutely nothing from that exchange, in fact, I lose everything." Kosuke dumbfoundedly retorted.

"How so? It should be considered an honor for you to serve someone so noble and beautiful as I, no?" Kanade smiled as she ran her fingers past his arm and reached his chest, she continued slowly caressing him.

"Someone thinks highly of herself." Kosuke rolled his eyes.

Kanade seeing him remain unperturbed even after her touching gained a slight pout as she spoke, "You're no fun."

"There are still other ways, though I doubt you will enjoy them." Kanade with a slightly faster movement ran her hands down from his chest to his pants and stopped over the bulge near his crotch.

"For example maybe you would be more inclined to listen if I was to castrate you." Kanade with a sadistic grin tried to grip his stick through his pants but in the end, couldn't.

"You and me both know there isn't anything you could do to me." Kosuke rolled his eyes as he slapped her hand away.

"Mistress." Subaru tried to act but when she saw that Kanade wasn't really hurt she settled back down.

"Owww. Boooo, you really are so boring. Fine, fine." Kanade pouted as she rolled over on her side until she was right beside Subaru.

Her next movements were fairly surprising as she hugged the paralyzed girl and wrapped her arms around her neck.

"Mistress, I have asked you countless times now that please don't do this." Subaru with a blush complained as she tried to wiggle free.

"You're so cute when you're unable to move Subaru. It makes me just want to tease you to death." Kanade nuzzled herself against the poor girl's cheeks.

"Please mistress, at least not in front of that pervert," Subaru begged.

"Tch, no one's giving me what I want today." Kanade while parting from her butler sat up and folded her arms.


"In all seriousness Miyamura-kun, how would you feel about becoming my fiance?" The black-haired girl with a smirk said something quite shocking.

"That's random, to say the least. Explain." Kosuke raised an eyebrow at her sudden proposal.

"Before the school year even started, father told me to get along with you. It seems he wants a connection with you. I'm sure you aren't surprised considering your age and achievements." Kanade spoke while kicking her feet around.

"By 'connection' I assume you mean an arranged marriage?" Kosuke crossed his arms.

"Precisely. So what do you think? I am beautiful no?" Kanade smiled as she flaunted herself.

"And you? What are your thoughts on this?" Kosuke completely ignored her provocative movement.

"Father has always put business before anything else, I have long since learned to accept that it is inevitable that I one day will be married off for the sake of the family." Kanade shrugged.

"He even overlooked the part about me having a harem? I'm sure that piece of news reached his ears." Kosuke with a small bit of pity asked.

"It has reached, in fact as soon as he heard about it he called me into his office. He wants me to seduce you and get you to do something scandalous, after that he would try to force you into taking responsibility." Kanade as if indifferent kept rolling around until eventually, her head bumped his leg.

"Sounds rough, you sure you should be telling me this?" Kosuke with a small amount of pity asked.

"You seem like the perspective type, any advance I made would be seen through eventually. It's better that I'm upfront rather than sneaky. I'm sure your opinion of me would've plummeted if I didn't." Kanade admitted with a shrug of her shoulders.

"You still have yet to tell me your actual feelings regarding your predicament." Kosuke bent his knee making it sink into the girl's side.

"I obviously don't like it. However, I'm not just going to take it lying down. When that time does come I'm going to make sure I'm the one in control, and slowly I'm going to accumulate wealth while having a loyal dog tending to my every whim." Kanade admitted with a sadistic smirk.

"You realize you're ruining your chances right?" Kosuke with a dumbfounded expression asked. He knew himself well and masochist was not one of his traits.

"Oh, how do you know you're not an M? Have you ever tried it?" Kanade sat up a bit as she used Kosuke's legs as support and licked her lips.

"You don't need to try something to know you don't like it. How about you, how do you know you're not an M?" Kosuke reflected the question while bringing his face closer to hers.

"Fair point" Kanade nodded with the sadistic smile still ever-present on her lips. Using her two hands that supported her on Kosuke's thigh, she seductively positioned herself on top of Kosuke's lap and sat down.

Her ample ass pushed down directly on his clothed member something she made sure to point out when she started gently rocking her hips.

Her hands didn't remain passive as she reached her arm out around his neck.

"How about it then? I'll admit if it's you, I wouldn't mind getting engaged right now. Hot, smart, strong, and tall? Hell, I don't think I could ask for anything better in a man. Though, that won't stop me from dominating you." Kanade who was now facing him while grinding her hips against his member spoke while blowing her hot breath into his ear.

"Tempting." Kosuke shook his head at the girl's boldness before grabbing her by her waist and pushing her back onto the bed.

"Unfortunately, I'm not too interested in marriage at the moment, especially an arranged one," Kosuke said standing and fixing his clothes.


"Your loss," Kanade grumbled although secretly she was extremely disappointed.

"Who said I was losing," Kosuke smirked while looking down at the two girls who still remained on the bed. The orange-haired girl had fallen asleep some time ago from the rough treatment she received earlier.

"I'm quite interested in you Kanade. And if I decided I want you, not even your father will be able to do anything to stop me." Kosuke's smirk remained ever-present as he went over to the side of the bed where Subaru lay.

"No honorifics? You're quite confident, aren't you? Kosuke. Not that I dislike it." The black-haired girl's smile only increased as she watched Kosuke move around the room.

"Oh? And here I was thinking weak-willed people would be your type." Kosuke amusedly chuckled as he grabbed onto the legs of the orange-haired girl.

"Where's the fun in dominating someone that easily. I like a little challenge." Kanade smirked and nodded.

At the same time, Kosuke hit different parts of the sleeping girl's legs sending a sharp pain up her leg and causing her to wake up.

"Ahhhhh." She muffled her scream with her hand as she shot up off the bed and stood in a defensive position.

"Well, as much as I'd like to talk about your weird taste next period is starting. I recommend you get back to class." Kosuke spoke while waving goodbye and leaving the room.

"Ahh, I can walk again! Mistress, he is correct we should go back before the next period starts." Subaru finally noticed her legs had been fixed as well as the clock on the wall.

Instead of responding Kanade's eyes remained on the door, Kosuke had departed from.

The interaction she just had was pleasing to her. That was as far as her feelings toward it went, is what she'd like to think however that wasn't the case.

As could be seen if one was to take off her black lace underwear, she was incredibly turned on. Initially, her main focus was seduction. As much as she didn't like it, she still couldn't disobey her father. She wasn't experienced in any way, hell she hadn't ever even masturbated before, yet maybe due to her nerves, she was able to carry out her goal.

Somewhere along the way though, things began to change. Kosuke was attractive, incredibly so. It was enough that even she found herself slightly fan Girling when watching movies or shows he was in.

However, that wasn't enough for her to get lost in whatever feeling she was currently feeling. When she had crawled on his lap and felt bulge brush past her clothed clit it took everything she had to not let out a moan.

His muscle, his voice, his smell, his confidence. Everything about him just soothed something inside her to a level where it was simply unexplainable.

In the end, she was left where she was now. Panties were wet, her heart racing, and most of all the feeling of loss she felt when the one who caused her to feel the way she did, leave.

"Is this love?" Kanade couldn't help but mutter as her gaze never left the door.

(AN: Slight AU to her character. Also, this fic will operate under the rule that all sadists are masochists. Except for Kosuke of course.)




Kosuke returned to class to get his bag before making his way to his next class, physical education.

"Partner up, we're working on our passing today." A woman with black hair tied into a half ponytail and brown eyes, spoke out to a crowd of students all dressed in a variety of sportswear. She herself was no different as she wore a red and white tracksuit with a green undershirt. Throughout most of the year, she could be seen with a tan.

This was Hikari Hazakura. She was Kosuke's physical education teacher.

As soon as the words partner up were the sound of at least 30 feet hitting the ground altogether played out.

In unison, practically the entire class made a mad dash toward their desired partner, Kosuke. Unfortunately for them, one seemed to be more trained than the rest and arrived first.

"Haha." A mildly attractive teen with black hair and black eyes sticks his chest out as he wears a sinister smirk.

"Tch, why don't you just go die!" One of the girls off to the side shouted in anger.

"Yeah, what she said!"

"What right do you have to always hog Miyamura-sama huh?!"

A barrage of insults and complaints from both the female and male students aimed at the smirking teen.

"Miyamura-kun! Today is the day I shall outshine you." The teen as if not even taking notice of the complaining students openly challenged Kosuke.

"Nice to see you too, Makabe-kun." Kosuke unenthusiastically acknowledged the teen.

Masamune Makabe, that was his full name. Kosuke recognized him as the original mc of Masamune-kun no revenge. In this world, even without Aki, he found plenty of motivation with the kids in his neighborhood bullying him.

The day Kosuke had first met him Masamune had instantly taken note of him and made it a point to try and outclass him in all physical activities.

Running, weight lifting, grip strength, etc. He had tried his absolute hardest in all fields and in the end, was left with nothing but damaged pride.

Over the years with his body improving and appearance improving he had started to become a bit of a narcissist. It wasn't to the level where he openly flaunted himself in front of people, but he most certainly did have a handheld mirror in his bag. He also was not shy to compliments and instead relished in the praise of those that admired him.

Still, when he had suffered those losses to Kosuke he felt like his perfect image was being destroyed and as such was trying his hardest to gain some sort of validation from the one who had beaten him so easily.




The first activity were simple bounce passes. The two stood a few meters apart and got the ball to their partner with just one bounce.

The moment the whistle was blown however Masamune put all his power into throwing the ball to the ground. Instead of throwing it to the center, the ball bounced only a couple of inches away from Kosuke's shoes before bouncing up with extreme speed and force.

Had it been anyone else the ball might have slipped right through their hand and hit them right in the face. However, Kosuke simply grabbed the ball out of the air completely stopping its movement.

'I don't mind a little friendly competition.' Kosuke smiled before with a bit of strength through the ball in a similar way to Masamune. Masamune put his hands up a bit too late and the ball completely bypassed his hands and dug straight into the poor teen's stomach.

The boy fell to his knees as a grunt of pain left him. He didn't stay like that though as seconds later with the same smile he had previously he stood back up. "As expected, Miyamura-kun. You're tough. I'd expect nothing less from my rival."

"You're a bit of a nutjob aren't ya." Kosuke humorously asked.

Instead of responding, however, Masamune just threw the ball back with the same force as before.




By the time class was over Masamune was laying face-up on the waxed gym floor. His breath was erratic and his clothes were absolutely drenched in sweat.

Most noticeable of all was the frown he wore on his face. He had like previously suffered an overwhelming defeat at the hands of Kosuke.

"I shall have my revenge." He screamed before forcing himself up and running toward the locker room.

At the same time, the door to the gym was opened a familiar girl with a purple bob cut walked in with a towel in hand.

"Nn, very good," Ayano spoke as she walked up to Kosuke and immediately began wiping away at his sweat with the towel before wrapping it up and leaving the room.

'I don't know if I should be weirded or derive humor from this.' Kosuke internally contemplated as he thought back on the strange occurrence.

Sora who stood near him just nodded her head as if in complete understanding of the girl's actions.

Seeing through her Kosuke while making sure no one was paying attention gave the girl a quick slap on her butt causing her to jolt up a bit.


"Naughty maid."




School continued as usual with Kosuke and co hanging out on the rooftop. When the day ended however they all made their way to the back of the main building where the club fair was occurring.

Throughout the neat and clean area, various people stood holding flyers or various incentives like chocolate.

Year ones from left and right were being snatched by their seniors and barraged with various speeches and the like.

Others were fairly calm and just sat and waited for whoever decided to come up to their table.

Kosuke and his group had made it a point to visit every single table mainly because of the fact that as soon as they arrived everyone's eyes had shifted to them with hunger.

Even a few of the year ones were secretly following them around trying to see what club they would choose so they could do the same.

"Hey are you guys interested in calligraphy, even if you are not the club's a great place to hang around."

An attractive girl with long flowing brown hair hazel eyes and an extremely well-developed figure speaks to the group while giving them a bunch of flyers.

"This sounds a lot more relaxing," Sena spoke reading the flyer.

"Agreed, having a place to just hang out after school sounds nice. Plus, calligraphy is a nice skill to have." Mai followed up.

"We'll think about it," Kosuke concluded turning to face the girl he was sure he had seen before.

"Great! If I'm being honest the club doesn't have many members so you even considering it helps a lot. If you ever want further details you can talk to me and I'll relay them to the seniors, my name is Sayuki Tokihara and I'm in class 2-A, I'm sure Sakurajima-san here can find me if needed." The now-named Sayuki smiled happily.

"Indeed, if we do I'll make sure to talk to you," Mai spoke before the rest of the group nodded and continued on their tour.

To put it nicely some of the clubs were interesting, to say the least. There were of course various sports clubs as well as various clubs for specific miscellaneous activities. Yet there were also specific clubs that's sole purpose was as fan groups.

Specifically the S4 (Shooting Star Subaru-Sama) and the newly created KSSC (Kosuke-Sama Supremacy Club). Kosuke had become a bit used to how crazy fans could get and didn't think much of it. He didn't even mention the fact that his fan club clearly had more members.

As for the rest of the group, their emotions were a mix of pride and unease.




When the group had finally gone through all the tables around an hour and a half had passed. There was no decision made about what club they would join but another option had opened up; to create their own club.

Just as well toward the end, it started to rain a bit like it said it would earlier. Even with the entire group bringing umbrellas Kosuke brought them back to the entrance.

Kosuke then called for one of his drivers and chatted while he waited. Around the same time, the driver arrived a beautiful black-haired girl with blue eyes also made an appearance close to them.

Her expression was downfallen as she looked at the heavy rain pour before looking to the rack where spare umbrellas were kept. Lo and behold it was completely empty. She also just so happened to forget her umbrella and only on top of that her phone died leaving her now to request a driver.

"Hey Yukinoshita-san, what did you forget your umbrella?" Sena who shared quite a few classes with the girl waved over.

"Kashiwazaki-san? It appears so." The girl's voice was the opposite of welcoming as she began to take off her jacket, planning to use it to cover herself as she walked.

"You want a ride? We do live in the same place." Kosuke offered nonchalantly.

"You need not concern yourself with me, Miyamura-kun." With the same tone, she outright denied him.

"I don't see any point in rejecting the offer, it's not like I'm going out of my way." Kosuke sighed at the girl's unnecessarily cold attitude.

"It's more of a safety problem, something about getting in the same car with you and your harem makes me feel unsafe."

Yukino's words caused the rest of the girls to roll their eyes.

"You certainly are cold aren't you? It was a simple offer there is no need to be rude about it." Mai chuckled a bit. In a way, she could see some of herself in the girl.

"I apologize if it came off that way, I meant no disrespect." Yukon made an effort to soften her tone before giving a small bow.

"It's not a problem. However, I will offer one last time, school has just started. It would be unwise to catch a cold now." Kosuke for the final time offered her before he and the other girls pulled out their umbrellas and started to walk to the car that the driver was standing next to.

All except Sora and Mai who stood still near the still-contemplating girl.

Yukino looked at the famed movie star who just stared at her indifferently.

"I believe I said I don't need help." Yukino with her cold exterior returning narrowed her eyes.

"We both know your gonna end up in that car stop with the prideful act," Mai spoke before Sora with her umbrella unfolded pushed the girl forward.

Yukino who was seen through just wordlessly walked forward under the umbrella. Kosuke was right, after all, she could not afford an absence, especially this early on. She did not need to give her mother a reason whatsoever to intervene in her school life.

"Glad you could join us. Don't worry we won't start an orgy in the middle of the ride." Sena who was sitting at the far right stuck her tongue out at the girl who just scoffed.

"Stop being mean Sena." Aki who was already laying in Kosuke's lap chided the girl.

During the car ride while the group talked Yukino did nothing but secretly observe.

She wasn't entirely sure of what her opinion of Kosuke was before except thinking he was a womanizer. However, throughout the ride, she was able to tell that at the very least the love he held for each girl was immense.

Slowly that uncomfortable feeling she had when she first entered lessened and she even found herself answering a few questions.

When they arrived at Sena and Aki's apartment the two and the maid departed saying their goodbyes to the group.

Afterward, while Kosuke silently played with his maid's hair and sat back in the chair relaxing, Mai and Yukino had somehow started talking.

Perhaps talking wasn't the right word as it was more so Mai speaking and Yukino responding.

Evident by the folded arms that pushed against her nonexistent breast she was still a bit uncomfortable with her current situation and was trying to block everyone else off.

Still, Mai seemed to disregard that as she while not too prying talked to the girl. Mai herself didn't seem too agitated but more so shy.

Eventually, while that continued the same car came to a stop before a man in a black suit opened the door and stepped to the side.

Kosuke acknowledged him as the man bowed and made space for the group to exit.

The rain was persisting but thankfully there was a hood over the entrance to the apartment and they only got a few drops on them before they were safe.

"Miyamura-kun, thank you for the ride." Yukino bowed while holding out to him a stack of bills.

"What do I look like? And Uber?" Kosuke incredulously asked as he waved his hand in the air in disinterest.

"I'm aware this doesn't mean much to you but it would be disrespectful to not repay you," Yukino spoke trying to force him to take the money.

"More like, you don't want to feel like you owe him anything and plan to cut off any sort of budding relationship from happening." Mai chuckled knowingly.

(AN: Relationships are not always romantic, they can be friends, etc.)

For a few seconds, the two stared at each other with intensity. That was until Yukino sighed.

"I admit, that was my aim. But, what of it? It's quite brutish to force someone into something they don't want." Yukino countered.

"Fair point, unfortunately, that doesn't apply to you." Mai narrowed her eyes as if to completely see through her.

"What? So you all of a sudden can see through me?" Yukino rolled her eyes, her arms remained crossed as her discomfort slowly increased.

"No. But, I can see enough to know." Mai stepped a foot closer as if a predator zooming in on its prey.

Yukino in reaction gulped down as she took a step back. It was rare for her to be intimidated and even rarer for her to feel this cornered.

"Alright, alright stop. Keep in mind where we are at, let's end this for now and go inside." Kosuke playing the role of the mediator stopped the escalating argument.

He hadn't known the girl for long but he knew enough that she was the type to turn venomous if cornered. He didn't wanna see a fight break out between the two.

He had just as easily as Mai seen through the girl's defenses. Also, like Mai, he didn't know Yukino enough that he could just start breaking down all her walls and uncovering her insecurities. Yet Mai still chose to do it anyway.

Well, it was clear to see the similarities the two had. Maybe that was the reason, Mai chose to invade the girl's boundaries.

"Yes, you are right. Again, Miyamura-kun thank you for the ride, I will find a different way to repay you." Yukino yet again bowed before speedily walking toward the elevator and getting in it.

Soon after the remaining group followed in silence and didn't speak again until they were in the other elevator.

"Hey, why'd you stop-ouch." Mai tried to complain but before she could finish her cheeks were grabbed and pulled on by Kosuke.

"Don't just invade people's boundaries like that. Even if she does need help that wasn't the right way of going about it."

"Shorry." Mai slurred her words as tears made their way to her eyes.




Kosuke and Sora dropped Mai off at her apartment before returning to their own.

"Honey, I'm home." Kosuke teasingly spoke aloud as he called for his beautiful lover.

Instead of a response though he was met with silence. Looking around he could see the couch was empty in the same state it was in before being invaded by Yozora.

The kitchen though had a faint trace of tomato signaling that she had probably beaten up some food. After taking their shoes and coat off they made their way to the bedroom where they could tell she currently was by the open door.

Inside they saw the figure of a long-haired cuddling with a singular pillow. Her nose was firmly buried in the sheet as the girl enjoyed the faint traces of his presence.

Kosuke seeing the extremely cute scene wasted no time in stripping to his underwear and t-shirt before sneaking his way into the sheets.

Sora who saw the mischievous look on her master's face only slightly smiled as soon he picked u the clothes on the floor and put them away.

As Kosuke replaced himself with the pillow he made sure to move just enough to wake the girl.

His plan proved successful as by the time he had completely adjusted himself the girl's eyes blinked openly slowly.

Her eyes opened wide for a second before when she finally recognized who it was they dimmed.

"Honey. I'm home." He repeated his previous words in the girl's ears.

Hearing those words a smile made its way to her lips as she wrapped her arms around him.

"Welcome back, dear." She played the part of a dutiful housewife as the two locked lips and she wrapped her legs around him.

When the two finally parted they kept the same closeness.

"How are your legs?" Kosuke asked feeling her legs tighten around his waist.

"Almost perfect. The pain is still there but it's really faint." Yozora nodded tightening her legs even further.

"Good, you can go back to school," Kosuke spoke as he felt her legs loosen.

"Ugh, now that I think about it I don't think I'll be able to walk." She tried to feign pain but only received a pinch on her thigh making her pain real.

"I doubt your parents would respond well to you missing school so much." Kosuke chuckled.

"Your right, they were already suspicious when I told them I was feeling sick. Thankfully they didn't question me too much." Yozora sighed.

"Hmm, so what do you want for dinner?" Kosuke nodded before asking.

"You decided." Yozora excitedly spoke awaiting that oh-so-marvelous meal.




When dinner was finished the three prepared for their bath. Instead of going straight in, however, Kosuke went in by himself as Yozora pulled Sora to the side to talk.

Moments later the discussion of their talk was revealed when Sora brazenly walked in completely naked. Without missing a beat she began washing Kosuke as she usually did, this time though she was giving instructions to the shy Yozora who stood behind her.

To say the least, the usual bath time was extended by a bit and Kosuke left fairly satisfied.

Yozora ended up staying over one more night and would leave the next day.


(AN: You guys asked for longer chapters... This is what I would consider long. Let me know your thoughts. If you enjoyed please drop power stones it helps get the story out there.) (13,000 words)

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